Holy furnace

Chapter 602 Beheading

No one is willing to be imprisoned in a spiritual weapon forever and be enslaved by others, not even ferocious beasts. The meaning of life lies in freedom and autonomy. Now, Li Haoxuan has sensed strong resentment and hatred from this martial arts golden sword. Hostility, this is enough to show how unwilling the soul of the fierce beast sealed in it is!And it is this kind of resentment and unwillingness that makes it impossible for the Golden Sword of Martial Arts to surpass the spirit weapon level. No matter how good its material is, it will always only be a spirit weapon!

Li Haoxuan could feel the will of the spirit within the Martial Dao Golden Sword, although now the other party's will no longer belongs to him, so Li Haoxuan said that I will help you to escape, that is to really help him to escape!

Boom!Li Haoxuan took a step towards the Martial Dao Golden Sword, and suddenly, thousands of auspicious auras emerged from the ground. They were the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that Li Haoxuan had mobilized before, and all of them rushed out from the ground at this time for Li Haoxuan to use.

The Founding Patriarch of the Chunyang Sword Sect is far less weak than he thought, at least the other party has a pair of extremely powerful eyes, otherwise it would be difficult to find this paradise!Li Haoxuan really saw the mountains and rivers here when the four characters on the cliff behind the Chunyang Sword Sect were shining brightly!Below the Chunyang Sword Sect is a huge spiritual vein, which even has the embryonic form of a dragon vein. If it takes another thousand years, it may become a real dragon vein!

The so-called dragon veins are the purest spiritual veins that gather spiritual energy within tens of thousands of miles. Once they appear, they will become a real holy place for practice!It's just that the current spirit veins have been sealed with a powerful formation, and only a small amount of spiritual energy has overflowed, not fully revealed!And the eyes of this big formation are the four big characters on the cliff at the back of the mountain!

Li Haoxuan believes that this should be the real backhand left by the founder of the Chunyang Sword Sect. If this kind of spiritual vein is discovered prematurely, the Chunyang Sword Sect will definitely become the target of public criticism, and even be ruthlessly obliterated!And if it is sealed, and the seal is gradually released after the spiritual veins evolve into dragon veins in the future, the entire Chunyang Sword Sect will usher in a truly glorious and prosperous age!

If there are dragon veins to support cultivation, there will be tens of thousands of bigu-level monks in the Chunyang Sword Sect, not to mention tens of thousands. One step, everything is possible!

Now, Li Haoxuan uses his own pure mana to induce the general trend of the world, and immediately draws part of the spiritual energy in. While guarding Feng Tianxing and others, he also interweaves a killing array, trapping Shen Langtao in it!

In the battle of lore, Shen Langtao used the golden sword of martial arts to break through ten thousand spells, continuously shattering the killing power one after another. However, all the killing methods come from the aura of heaven and earth. !

"Heaven and earth are falling!" Shen Langtao roared in the lore-killing formation, finally no longer relying solely on the martial arts golden sword to break through all spells, but began to show his peerless supernatural powers.

boom!With this loud roar, a mysterious fluctuation began to appear, and the aura in the killing array began to be decomposed into the most basic elemental particles, which could not exist in the state of aura. Not only that, even the aura around Shen Langtao Everything seems to have become the most primitive existence, and no matter can exist around him!

At the same time, Dao patterns began to manifest in the void. These Dao patterns are the traces of Dao, and the different patterns embedded in the void exude a palpitating atmosphere.

This is a very terrifying secret technique. It can almost return to the source, and restore all killings to the most primitive form. It is almost impossible for monks in the same realm to compete!Li Haoxuan frowned, and tried to strike a mana sword, but when he got close to the opponent, he was instantly decomposed into the form of mana, and then continued to decompose into aura, air, and no killing power left.

Around Shen Langtao's body, Dao patterns appeared continuously, interweaving into a dense one. As Shen Langtao moved forward, he gradually approached Li Haoxuan. Finally, when the Dao pattern was completely formed, it unexpectedly exploded. With a bang, it flew up and fell directly towards Li Haoxuan's cover.

At this moment, everyone was moved and shocked by this shocking magical technique. Only a monk with an extremely high realm can do it with the help of the heaven and earth avenue to fight against the enemy, and this kind of secret that can return everything to its original form There is almost no solution to the technique, what will happen if the real person is shrouded?Will it also be turned into the most original particles, and life will just disappear?

"Broken!" Li Haoxuan opened his mouth when this dao pattern descended, and black and white lines appeared one after another in his silver-white eyes. These are the broken silver eyes, which can peep into the original rules.At the same time, Li Haoxuan punched out, the aura of destruction surged, and there was a loud bang, everything disappeared, the Dao pattern was obliterated, no matter how difficult it was to find any traces in the void, there was only one wave of destruction between heaven and earth The true meaning is roaring, almost shattering the entire mountain.

"The Immortal Sword Body!" Shen Langtao yelled loudly, using the golden sword of martial arts to fight against the Shattering Fist Intent, and in the Shattering True Intent, he opened a channel to attack Li Haoxuan!

boom!A huge Heavenly Sword stands in the void, reaching as high as the clouds, and the aura of heaven and earth in all directions is drawn by it. At this time, everything in the world seems to be respected by the Heavenly Sword. The golden martial arts golden sword exudes a powerful coercion. A huge roar could be faintly heard coming from its sword body!Then, the golden Heavenly Sword shrank suddenly, and sank into the center of Shen Langtao's eyebrows with a buzzing sound.

At this moment, Shen Langtao's aura was extremely strong, and a fierce sword intent appeared in this world, which made all the swordsmen on the scene whine, as if they were facing the emperor in the swordsmanship!

In the distance, the faces of Feng Tianxing and others became even paler, because the flying swords in their bodies were trembling at this moment, and they couldn't help but surrender and kowtow to Shen Langtao!

"This is also considered as the unity of human and sword?" Li Haoxuan showed disdain, and said, "It's a joke!"

While speaking, Li Haoxuan instantly traveled through the void, appeared directly in front of Shen Langtao and punched out.

"Kill!" Shen Langtao's eyes showed a fierce light, and the cold killing intent overwhelmingly crushed him, and a huge killing sword light appeared, confronting Li Haoxuan!

Click!The sword glow shattered, unable to resist Li Haoxuan!

when!In the end, Li Haoxuan's fist hit Shen Langtao's chest, and there was a sound of gold and iron intersecting, sending Shen Langtao flying far away!

However, Shen Langtao was unharmed and came to kill Li Haoxuan again!At this time, he wants to fuse with the Martial Arts Golden Sword in another way, which is equivalent to possessing the physical body of the Martial Arts Golden Sword, which can be said to be invincible!

"Death!" After seeing through all the opponent's secret techniques, Li Haoxuan didn't waste any more time, and used the third form of the God of Destruction Fist, smashing Shen Langtao into a blood mist on the spot with a bang!Afterwards, the golden martial arts sword manifested again and appeared in front of Li Haoxuan.

Click!Just when the Martial Arts Gold Sword voluntarily vacated and wanted to leave, there was a cracking sound, and a crack appeared on the golden sword body, and then the crack spread rapidly to the entire sword body, and finally collapsed with a crisp sound, the Martial Arts Gold Sword The sword instantly became a pile of scrap metal!

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