Holy furnace

Chapter 603

Li Haoxuan never expected that the power of that phantom would be so powerful, and he could send Li Vulcan Furnace flying out just by relying on coercion, let alone that the battle would break out so abruptly, until the divine sword moved towards him He still couldn't understand why the divine sword summoned by Li Vulcan Stove would bombard and kill them.

Just as the sword light roared towards him, a huge force suddenly came from above the Li Vulcan furnace, directly protecting Li Haoxuan, wanting to use the furnace body to forcibly receive a blow from the divine sword!

And just after the divine sword slashed out this sword, he suddenly roared, and the sword glow traveled for hundreds of miles, directly descending in front of the phantom with himself, and finally countless Daowen talismans manifested, and exploded with a bang, which is unimaginable The sharp and fierce sword intent pervaded crazily, almost evaporating the entire sea of ​​chaos!

Li Haoxuan finally understood the plan of Li Vulcan Stove and Excalibur, and tried his best to use the great supernatural power of Jinzhong Body Protection and Om Tianyin to protect his body. With the self-detonation of Excalibur, the Heaven and Earth Avenue here recovered partly, Li Haoxuan was finally able to control mana.

At this moment, a real dragon transformed from Dragon Qi swam from the front and flew towards the Chaos Sea.

"Give it to me!" A black jade bottle suddenly appeared in Li Haoxuan's hand, and with the help of Li Vulcan Stove, he quickly moved towards the oncoming real dragon.

The real dragon psychic has already possessed spirituality. With Li Haoxuan's ability, even if he breaks through a few more realms, it is impossible to catch the real dragon with dragon energy. The phantom's powerful pressure moved forward, almost reaching the speed limit here, and Li Haoxuan was able to successfully capture the real dragon's dragon energy!Moreover, the jade bottle in his hand was given by Mo Sangsang, and he was specially asked to use it to store the supreme pill in the alchemy pavilion. It is a superb spiritual weapon in itself, and it is enough to store dragon energy.

when!Just when Li Haoxuan successfully put the real dragon into the jade bottle, the sword glow from the divine sword finally hit the furnace body!All of a sudden, Li Vulcan's furnace blared loudly, and the speed more than doubled again at this time. Scarlet flames filled the sky and covered the sky from above the god's furnace, directly igniting a vacuum in the void!

Then, with a bang, Li Vulcan Furnace jumped up, a faint blue divine flame spewed out from it, flicked through the ages with a chirping sound, opened a space channel, and quickly flew into it with Li Haoxuan.

Boom!A big hand suddenly rose from the sea of ​​chaos, and it came to the front of the space channel in an instant. The big hand surrounded by chaos gas was forbidden to break the void, and it directly grabbed Li Vulcan furnace. The terrifying fluctuations caused the collapse of all worlds, and the chaos gas soared into the sky. , to restore all the countless space cracks opened by Li Vulcan Furnace.

Li Vulcan furnace is moving forward in the space channel, and the mysterious fluctuation of divine energy almost opened a space channel again in the space channel. Li Haoxuan is sure that if it is not in this mysterious area deep in the depths, they may have appeared in the space now. Out of Territory!He could feel the law of space surging wildly around Li Vulcan Stove, but another force was competing with him for the control of the law of space, and the big hand filled with chaotic energy also came to this time and space , getting closer and closer to them.

The power of this phantom is beyond imagination, and even the divine sword with the Great Emperor's pattern can't stop him even if it blew itself up!Moreover, the coercion in this big hand is gradually becoming stronger, and Li Vulcan's control over the law of space is weakening. Seeing that the exit is in front of them, they can even see the big sun hanging high in the sky in the distance, but they are trapped In this space-time node, it is difficult to move.

Boom!The space storm began to rage, and it hit the furnace body of Li Vulcan Stove, making a clanging sound, and the chaotic air above the big hand rolled up slightly, and the space storm dissipated immediately, and was transformed into the origin of space by its life.

Deep in the center of the two laws of space, Li Haoxuan's form has become dilapidated, and now he can't even leave the Vulcan furnace to look after him. The torture Li Haoxuan endured can be imagined. From the beginning of the level structure, all suffered a devastating blow.

hum!At this moment, the vibrating furnace body of Li Vulcan Furnace suddenly stopped, allowing the big hand to grab it.

And just when the big hand was about to touch the furnace body, a faint blue divine flower suddenly flew out from the divine furnace, and stopped on the big hand with a faint blue light.

Boom!The next moment, the sky was full of blue light, the void was melting, and the chaos was being annihilated!

Terrifying and scorching heat swept out and went along this big hand!The supreme law of this universe is contained in the faint blue flame, even the rules of the universe can be annihilated!

Rumble!The big hand lingering in the chaotic air is burning in the space channel, and it is difficult to continue to control the law of this space.However, this big hand was too powerful, and even such a flame couldn't really turn it into nothingness in a short time.

The chaotic gas is constantly annihilated and peeled off, detached from this big hand and re-decomposed into the most original particles in the universe.In the end, when all the chaotic energy was annihilated, the faint blue flame was getting stronger and stronger, and it was about to be turned into nothingness.

However, all the chaotic energy melted away, and this big hand finally revealed his real body. It was not a phantom, but a palm that was completely black and shone with dark divine light!

The brilliance of divinity appeared on this black palm, the cold and amazing aura was fluctuating, one after another clearly visible lines stretched from the palm, and a small killing array was formed in an instant, and with a bang, the blue All the flames of color collapsed and turned into nothingness!

There was a loud bang from the Vulcan Furnace, and it flew towards the distant exit between lightning and flint.Now, both he and Li Haoxuan are clear that the phantom must have sealed himself in this mysterious place for some reason, because at this level, no one has the ability to seal anyone, only self-styled way, since it is self-appointed, then It is impossible to easily break the original seal, as long as you return to the outside world, everything will be a thing of the past.

At this time, the Lihuoshen Furnace has increased its speed to the limit, and the law of space has been exerted to its peak in its hands. On the red furnace body, the Divine Language and Emperor Wen manifested, and continuously swayed great divine power one after another. At this time, They are following the rules with their feet, and the law of space is under their feet!

The big black hand collided with the space storm and made a clanging sound. Its material seemed to be made of black gold with dragon patterns. I am afraid that this is the only way to explain why it was safe and sound in the self-destruct of the Excalibur.

In the end, Li Haoxuan and Li Vulcan Furnace finally saw the light, and rushed out from the space channel with a bang!The moment they rushed out, the space channel began to collapse, and the huge palm made of black gold with dragon patterns stopped quietly at the exit.

At this moment, Li Haoxuan, who was coughing up blood, looked towards the half-broken space passage, and immediately saw that in the previous world besides the red coffin, there were four huge coffins hanging in the other four chaotic seas. A piece of starlight is falling from the sky, sinking into these divine coffins.

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