Holy furnace

Chapter 604 Immortal Corpse?

When Li Haoxuan first entered the dark abyss, he felt a terrifying aura. In order to find a way out, Li Haoxuan had no choice but to risk his life!At that time, he was walking forward in the dark abyss, and he saw a ray of brilliance shining brightly on one side of the abyss. Only then did he enter it and see the sea of ​​chaos. In fact, there must be many more people ahead of him before he can reach it. the cave!

Before, he didn't know or didn't dare to guess what was on the road ahead, but now, through the space channel that was about to disappear, Li Haoxuan finally understood that what lay across the road ahead was still the vast and boundless sea of ​​chaos and A huge scarlet coffin.

In the desperate land he fled from, there are five chaotic seas raging in total, and each of them has a divine coffin that rises and falls. Each divine coffin is boundless and huge, devouring the essence of the universe. At the last glance, Li Haoxuan's heart was still trembling, as if a murderous intent was about to cross this space-time wormhole and cut on his head, which made his soul tremble, and the Zifu was almost ashamed. collapse.

This fact is really too shocking!If the other four divine coffins can also be sublimated and even revived with the help of dragon energy and divine brilliance like this divine coffin, what will this universe be like?A universe has always had only one emperor at the same time, and there has never been a situation where multiple emperors coexisted. If the five coffins were really born, would this universe still be as complete as it is now?

Li Haoxuan couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile. All this was too far away from him. With his strength and status, he was simply worrying about nothing. Bing's holy land family, not him, an unknown little guy.

Finally, the space channel not far away completely disappeared.When this channel disappeared, the haze and throbbing in Li Haoxuan's heart completely disappeared. At the same time, his Taoism began to regenerate, his realm began to recover, and he finally sensed the existence of the Heaven and Earth Dao again.

Boom!Li Haoxuan's whole body was glowing, and half of his Taoist body was crazily devouring the aura of heaven and earth in all directions at this time. In the previous mysterious time and space, everything was restricted, and even the aura of heaven and earth could not be freely absorbed. Li Haoxuan, whose body had been cracked several times At the limit, it is natural to restore one's strength to its peak state after finally escaping from birth at this time.

Li Haoxuan opened the Spirit Gathering Formation of Li Vulcan Furnace, and a huge amount of spiritual energy was absorbed crazily. After being heavily compressed, it was transformed into the most intense spiritual energy and fell into Li Haoxuan's body, where it was transformed into a steady stream of mana, allowing his body to regenerate , Broken Bone resumes!

This is another process of rebirth. Li Haoxuan has almost completed a cycle of life in the sea of ​​chaos. At this time, his recovery of cultivation base and Taoism has given him a lot of insight, and his realm has improved steadily, and he is even closer to the gate of Bigu Realm. One step closer.

With the help of Li Vulcan Furnace, Li Haoxuan recovered his mana at an unimaginably fast speed, but he completed the transformation process in just a few dozen breaths, and adjusted himself to the most perfect state.

Then, Li Haoxuan untied the Spirit Gathering Array and slowly descended to the ground.After all, Li Vulcan Furnace is too eye-catching, and if it is used for a long time, it may attract the attention of some strong people.He knew that all powerful people at the great power level had an unimaginable perception of the fluctuations of spiritual energy. If they wanted to, they could even feel the mana fluctuations of a bigu-level cultivator outside the domain.

After landing on the ground, Li Haoxuan let out a long sigh of relief, recalling everything that happened before was like having a horrible dream.

The ocean formed by the chaotic air, sitting cross-legged, the old saint whose life and death are uncertain, the huge corpse that was shattered into the void, the mutilated god-killing halberd, the huge vermilion coffin, the powerful killing intent around the coffin, the gods The piece of minced meat in the coffin, the many scenes seen through the divine coffin, and the last appearance of the phantom of the emperor level, everything shocked Li Haoxuan's heart. There is no doubt that the area he was in before Absolutely has an earth-shattering secret.

In fact, Li Haoxuan was wondering if there was really only one dragon vein there!If there is only one dragon vein, it is impossible for the dragon energy born in it to be squandered by the five great gods. Moreover, the splendor of the ten thousand dragons that manifested afterwards does not look like what a dragon vein can do.

"Could the minced meat in the coffin be the emperor's flesh and blood?" Li Haoxuan couldn't help thinking.Recalling the scene forward is really too shocking, especially the minced meat, which is full of an extremely ancient atmosphere, as if it was born tens of thousands of years ago, but it still has the essence of divinity now, 10 Immortality for ten thousand years, even the great emperor can't do it.

"Could it be a fairy?" Li Haoxuan was taken aback by his own guess, shook his head and wanted to deny this guess, but the more he thought it was impossible, the more crazily his thoughts grew.No one has ever seen the so-called celestial beings, they only exist in legends, and they are still above the Great Emperor. In this case, it is not surprising that the celestial beings can exude imperial power. Moreover, the immortals are said to be immortal, but they are eternal life The body, and only immortals can be cut into pieces hundreds of thousands of years ago, but they can still exist forever in the world, their divinity is immortal, and they can even return against the sky with the power of dragon veins.

"If the flesh and blood in the giant coffin is really the flesh and blood of an immortal, then who in the entire universe has the ability to slaughter a real immortal?" Li Haoxuan couldn't help gasping because of his guess. Invincible universe, who can kill immortals?Moreover, it was not just one divine coffin, there were five divine coffins in it!Throughout the ages, it has never been heard of a great emperor being slaughtered. If immortals are so easy to slaughter, then why do so many great emperors pursue to become immortals?

"Forget it, all this has gone beyond my comprehension. There is nothing to think about. The most urgent thing is to break into the legal realm as soon as possible!" In the end, Li Haoxuan calmed down and stopped thinking about the things he had experienced before.His strength is still at the bottom of this world. If he hadn't Li Vulcan Furnace, he would have died countless times. He deeply understands that only his own strength is the greatest guarantee!

After putting Li Vulcan Furnace into his body, Li Haoxuan discovered that there was a deep sword mark on the bronze-colored furnace body, almost piercing through the entire furnace wall. One of the ancient characters was pierced by this sword mark, and it was completely destroyed. It split into several pieces and was firmly attached to the furnace body.Ever since Li Haoxuan obtained the Li Vulcan Stove, he has tried all kinds of spirits in the Li Vulcan Stove, and never had any real problems. But now, the sword mark on the Li Vulcan Stove made Li Haoxuan extremely sad, and at the same time it sounded a jingle for him. alarm bell.

The Divine Stove is not truly invincible. After all, he has not really returned to the peak at this time, and a complete sword can cause fatal damage to him!

"Strength! Strength!" Li Haoxuan clenched his fists, deeply feeling his own powerlessness!He carefully moved Li Vulcan Stove to the very center of his dantian, and poured his mana into it continuously, so as to restore Li Vulcan Stove's vitality.

Afterwards, Li Haoxuan soared into the sky, and after identifying the direction, he flew towards the Chunyang Sword Sect.

A few days ago, he entered the mysterious world from the cliff behind the mountain of the Chunyang Sword Sect. There must be some connection between the two, and he became more and more sure that the Chunyang Sword Intent had something in common with his Dahe Sword Intent. Go back and find out.

After these few days of extreme pressure, Li Haoxuan's Shunbu became more and more quiet, and soon he was outside the Chunyang Sword Sect.

"Who is here!" Li Haoxuan had just appeared, and a loud shout came from a distance. Li Haoxuan raised his eyes to look, only to find that the Chunyang Sword Sect at this time was completely different from the quiet and depressed one when he left. The disciple wearing the Taoist robe of the Chunyang Sword Sect hung solemnly over the sky of the Chunyang Sword Sect, monitoring all directions, and now the one speaking was a middle-aged man holding a long sword.

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