Holy furnace

Chapter 606 Chaos Murder

The so-called chaos is the state when the universe was not opened, the most ancient and primitive, even more ancient and mysterious than the origin of the universe such as the five elements of yin and yang!

Because the five elements and yin and yang are the origin of this universe, but chaos is the birthplace of this universe, and the universe is born and grows in chaos.According to ancient legends, although the universe is infinitely large, some quasi-emperors who are infinitely close to the Great Emperor can still travel to the outskirts of the universe, and in the outskirts of the universe, the only substance that exists is chaos. Chaos wraps the universe, but in the universe Under the power of the continuous expansion, there is no limit.

Chaos has form and quality. It was born from nothingness, exists in the universe, and possesses unimaginable energy. Except for the ancient emperor, no one can walk through the chaos, and even the quasi-emperor can't.

Looking at the surging chaotic ocean in the distance, there was a line of blood and tears in Xu's eyes!With his realm, he can't even touch the level of chaos, even if he takes a look at it, because heaven and earth don't allow it!

This is because he has a half body, has an unparalleled affinity for the Dao, and has received the infinite blessings of heaven and earth, otherwise his body will collapse on the spot, and there is no reason for him to be spared.

Just by glancing at it, the primordial spirit in Li Haoxuan's purple mansion almost transformed itself, the aura contained in that kind of chaos is too ancient, it's hard to explain, it's more than a million years!In a blink of an eye, Li Haoxuan seemed to have passed hundreds of thousands of years, and even himself had rotted away. Wrinkles appeared on his glass-like divine body. From a young man to a gray-haired old man, even his blood It is no longer prosperous, and it is rapidly declining.

"Om!" Li Haoxuan yelled suddenly. This time, he didn't just drink the Om word Tianyin in his soul, but actually yelled it out, because this situation was too terrifying, and he felt The vitality is passing away rapidly, if he doesn't want to retreat, his energy will drop to the bottom within a few breaths, and he will live and die.

However, the tried-and-true Om Tianyin actually failed at this moment!In other words, this heavenly sound could not be drunk out of Li Haoxuan's mouth at all, because it is full of a mysterious law, any supernatural powers, Taoism, and heavenly sound are all useless. This is an extremely pure law that can Empty all matter, even the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth!

Li Haoxuan is a Dao body, but he can't sense the power of the Dao from here. Whether it is the Om word Tianyin or other supernatural powers, the Dao must be used as the carrier, but there is no Dao here!

Li Haoxuan tried his best to pump up the mana and blood in his body, but found that even the mana was imprisoned!He can feel the existence of mana, and can even feel the mana in his dantian dissipating rapidly, transforming into an invisible and intangible existence, but he just cannot control his mana. The rules here are different from those of the outside world. In a class of its own!

"Is Ziwei still here?" Li Haoxuan couldn't help but think so!

The whole Ziwei monks, and even the monks in the whole universe are practicing, and they are practicing along the four realms of Fanxue, Dharma, Deficiency, and Immortal Records, but in this place, all the rules have been broken, and the realm is useless. I found myself becoming an ordinary person at this moment!At this time, the divine body that was comparable to a spiritual weapon has become vulnerable at this time, and the vast mana in the body is now as hard to mobilize as a rock, and even the slightest law of heaven and earth cannot be felt. were all denied.

This discovery makes Li Haoxuan's heart ashamed, this is a kind of destructive will, denying everything you firmly believe in!Li Haoxuan has always believed in the road of invincibility, and has been building his own belief in invincibility since he embarked on the road of practice.But at this time, he found that everything in the past seemed so ridiculous, because no matter how invincible the road will eventually have an end, there will be an end, just like at this time, in this place without avenues and laws, even if he is a Taoist Body, even if his combat power is strong, so what?

There is no Dao here, which is equivalent to denying everything in the past!For countless monks, this place is a real Jedi, because he can cut off everyone's morals!Moreover, who can guarantee that there is only one place like this?If such desperate places are everywhere in the universe, is there any point in practicing?

"Since you are doomed to die, if you can't see your true face on Mount Lu, wouldn't you be sorry for my decades of practice?" Feeling the body that was still decaying, Li Haoxuan suddenly became ruthless, and bit the tip of his tongue hard to feel the pain After recovering his sanity, Li Haoxuan began to walk towards the sea of ​​chaos with that unparalleled killing intent. Before he died, he really didn't want to die for no apparent reason. At the very least, he had to take a clear look. That giant coffin floating in the chaos!

The further he walked, the faster Li Haoxuan's vitality dissipated, but within two steps, all of Li Haoxuan's black hair had fallen off, and his withered skin had begun to crack. Cracks appeared, and strands of dark red blood flowed out. blood!

It's not that the wound is not big enough, but because Li Haoxuan has no blood to bleed at this time, his blood has completely decayed, and even the color has turned into a dark red color, staining his body, making him look extremely sad .

His flesh and blood were also rotting. When he took the fourth step, his teeth had fallen out, and his body was gone. Only a layer of wrinkled skin remained tightly attached to his skeleton. The eyes are deeply sunken in the skull, as if it has become a skeleton.

At this time, Li Haoxuan's body suddenly glowed, and tiny spots of light suddenly appeared. They were the crystal kingdom existing in his body!However, the emergence of the crystal kingdom did not bring him a turning point. After taking another step, these kingdoms collapsed and disappeared. The sound of Zen singing failed to sound from the beginning to the end. The rules here are enough to suppress the Dao. Anyone entering here will be completely suppressed.

Li Haoxuan was very tired, so tired that he wanted to fall down immediately and never get up again, these few steps had exhausted all his strength!However, he was not reconciled, even though he had taken these few steps, he was still far away from the Chaos Sea, let alone the huge coffin hanging in the center of the Chaos Sea!

boom!Suddenly, just as Li Haoxuan took the last step while coughing up blood, the entire chaotic sea suddenly roared violently, as magnificent as the opening of the sky, and then, amidst the loud bang, a beam of chaotic light burst out, instantly It turned into a sword of chaos and slashed towards Li Haoxuan!There is a powerful coercion on this Chaos Sword, it is terrifying and destroys everything, but it has just moved a little bit, before it really touches Li Haoxuan's body, it makes Li Haoxuan's body crack, and it is about to collapse completely.

hum!Before Li Haoxuan had time to react, that strand of Chaos Sword had already landed on top of Li Haoxuan's head, chopping down heavily!

However, Li Haoxuan was unharmed, a sacred furnace with a bright red glow hung above Li Haoxuan's head, blocking the ray of chaotic sword light for him!

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