Holy furnace

Chapter 610 Opening the Coffin and Seeing the Emperor's Corpse

The sound of creaking and creaking suddenly sounded from the chaotic sea in the distance, making one's heart tremble. With the appearance of this inexplicable sound, the entire chaotic sea has undergone earth-shaking changes!

One after another huge waves swayed from the divine coffin in the center of the chaotic sea, and rushed in all directions, as if a great turmoil had occurred!Finally, there was a sudden rumbling sound, and there was a crackling sound from a region where the celestial radiance was surging, and finally there was a loud bang, and the celestial brilliance dissipated in the sea of ​​chaos, and it no longer existed.

Li Haoxuan was sweating profusely when he saw that there was definitely an unrivaled saint in the area destroyed by the chaotic sea, but it was directly shattered in the turbulent chaotic sea. remove!

In the end, this chaotic sea rolled towards Li Haoxuan with thousands of huge waves. This scene made Li Haoxuan's heart shattered, and he was dehydrated almost instantly. However, the scene he imagined did not appear. This kind of rule imprisoned these chaotic seas in this area, making it impossible for them to pass through the void barrier in front of Li Haoxuan.

Li Haoxuan was completely relieved when he saw this, everything he saw was too weird, not to mention the elixir and magic weapon in it, just this sea of ​​chaos could make the saints in the Immortal Realm go crazy!If you can collect part of the Chaos Qi and use it to refine your soldiers, you will definitely be able to greatly improve the rank of the divine weapon!

However, with Li Haoxuan's realm, it is impossible to collect Chaos Qi, every strand of Chaos Qi can crush the ages, and the weight is incalculable!If it weren't for the protection of this region by the peerless formation patterns, if there were not countless great emperor formation patterns on the entire Ziwei star field, the entire Ziwei would not be able to withstand such a vast chaotic atmosphere, and would be directly crushed, and hundreds of millions of creatures would be without a single soul. spared.

Li Haoxuan tried to mobilize Li Vulcan Furnace to collect Chaos Qi, but was rejected.He could feel that Li Vulcan Stove was extremely afraid of this place, even more afraid than the Immortal Tears Green Gold in the Land of Transformation Dao.There are not many people or things in this world that can make Li Vulcan furnace afraid, and the chaotic sea in front of him, or the huge coffin must definitely be counted as one of them.

The teeth-stinging creaking sound became extremely long and heavy in the end, as if something was rubbing against each other, making Li Haoxuan's headache splitting!In the distance, the sea of ​​chaos was still roaring, and Li Haoxuan could barely see in the trough of the sea of ​​chaos the pitch-black supreme divine trees. Each tree is tens of feet tall, compared to the ancient trees in Taixuan Mountain, they are like ants and giant dragons.

"The ancient coffin is shaking!" With the help of the Vulcan Furnace, Li Haoxuan's gaze was finally able to look further, looking directly at the deepest part of the Chaos Sea. However, just such a glance made Li Haoxuan almost lose his soul!At the bottom of the chaotic sea, countless chaotic qi are rolling and roaring, as vast and magnificent as the sound, and in the most turbulent chaotic sea, a vermilion ancient coffin is ups and downs. At this time, the ancient coffin The coffin lid is moving slowly, the creaking sound before is the sound of friction between the coffin lid and the ancient coffin!

The god's coffin in the chaos is really too big, after a long time of creaking, only a small invisible crack opened!

"Dang!" At this moment, Dang's loud sound, like a drum at dusk and a bell in the morning, suddenly sounded in the divine coffin, making Li Haoxuan's whole soul tremble, as if hearing the first ray of sound from the beginning of the universe.

hum!With the resounding sound of the Dao, the Li Vulcan Furnace above Li Haoxuan's head suddenly shook violently, and a strong and blazing red glow shot out, illuminating the entire void, as if it was in harmony with the god in the coffin. That ray of Taoism counterbalanced.

Li Haoxuan's heart was beating like a big drum, and the matter had already been out of his control at this point, no matter it was compared to Li Vulcan Stove or the huge coffin, his strength was nothing, the only thing he could do was to be quiet Standing in place, he could feel that this was a huge game.

"There is nothing, is there still only chaos?" Li Haoxuan looked at the huge coffin nervously, if things had come to this point, if he couldn't take another look, he would be really sorry for everything he had experienced before.However, through the gap in the divine coffin, Li Haoxuan could still only see a vast chaos and could not see any objects at all. To say that this coffin was buried in the chaos, would be better to say that the vast chaos was buried in the divine coffin!

Of course Li Haoxuan didn't know the real facts, he could only feel the endless chaos, which almost crushed his soul into pieces!He reached out and grabbed one of the legs of Li Vulcan Stove, as if this was the only way to bring him a real sense of security.

"It can't be only chaos." Li Haoxuan's heart kept ringing, and he focused his gaze on it again. This time, what he saw was no longer a vast chaos, but a boundless starry sky.

Inside the divine coffin, he saw a bright starry sky, dotted with thousands of stars, and the Milky Way flowing in the lonely starry sky, spanning the past, present and future.

Suddenly, an incomparably huge continent floated from the depths of the starry sky, moving forward ups and downs in the entire starry sky.As this continent moved forward, endless stars were blown into powder, and thousands of galaxies were shattered. This continent is enough to crush the ages, and it seems that even the universe cannot bear its weight.

On the periphery of this continent, the vast chaotic air is circulating, looming, wrapping this continent and rushing towards the unknown God's Domain.

Suddenly, the universe shook, and countless stars fell from the universe, as if they had experienced a real reincarnation!At this moment, part of the chaotic gas was blown away, and the continent wrapped by it manifested part of its real shape!

Li Haoxuan looked at the flaws so badly that he was almost scared to death!This is not a continent floating in the universe, it is clearly a huge corpse buried in chaos!

This corpse is so huge that the stars in the universe are like the light of fireflies compared to it, and the whole body is like a star field that can span the two ends of the universe!When the chaotic air was blown away, this corpse really appeared in Li Haoxuan's eyes. This was not a complete corpse, several huge gaps appeared on his body, dripping with blood, and there was a huge hole in his chest. It runs through the front and back, and in his left hand is pulling an equally black and huge arm. Wherever the arm passes, the entire universe becomes an absolute territory, without error or error!

"The Great Ancient Emperor!" Li Haoxuan couldn't help but scream out in horror.Chaos Qi is the origin of the universe, and even the Zhun Emperor has to be careful to deal with it, but this is just a corpse, and even Chaos Qi can't hurt it, who in the whole world can have such a powerful force except the ancient emperor flesh?

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