Holy furnace

Chapter 616

"I want to experience your pure Yang sword intent." Li Haoxuan's words made Feng Tianxing's face change instantly.Li Haoxuan's strength is clearer than Feng Tianxing's among the people present. He once saw Li Haoxuan kill Shangguan Yi, who is known as a ghost, with one punch, and then kill Shen Langtao, who is holding a martial arts golden sword, with two punches. This kind of strength is shocking to hear. Feng Tianxing has never seen such a strong man for so many years. Moreover, after reporting everything about Li Haoxuan, the head teacher said that this kind of strength is comparable to those of the Immortal Sword Sect. Immortals are not far behind!

This is a strong man comparable to human immortals. He will definitely have earth-shattering power when he really moves his hands. A little carelessness will cause unimaginable and terrible consequences.

"Bold! Who dares to act wildly in the Chunyang Sword Sect?" At this moment, several monks in black Taoist robes filed in from outside the hall, and just heard Li Haoxuan's challenge, they couldn't help but speak angrily, and said loudly.

"Shut up!" Chun Yangzi's face was calm, and he was not disturbed by Li Haoxuan's words, but yelled at the strong men in black who came in from the door, "Dharma protectors, this is fellow Taoist Li Haoxuan !"

"Oh?" Several black-clothed guardians were taken aback when they heard the words, and at the same time stepped forward to salute Li Haoxuan and said, "I met Li Daoyou."

From top to bottom, the Chunyang Sword Sect has the style of everyone except a few people, which Li Haoxuan admired very much, he quickly returned the gift, and then explained.

"Everyone has misunderstood, I don't want to compete with fellow Taoist Chunyangzi, but I have longed for the Chunyang Sword Intent created by Master Chunyang, so I want to feel the pure Chunyang Sword Intent, that's all , I have no other intentions, please fulfill it."

"I see." Chunyangzi and the rest of the people nodded slightly after hearing the words, and they were relieved, they were just feeling the sword intent, not a real exchange of ideas, and it was harmless to both sides.

"In that case, let's go to Lunjian Peak." Chun Yangzi smiled, then turned around and flew towards a distant mountain with Li Haoxuan.

Lunjian Peak is located on a huge mountain in the northern part of the Chunyang Sword Sect. A section of the mountain top was cut off by the Master Chunyang with a long sword and used as a platform, named Lunjian Peak.

Lunjian Peak is incomparably high, and when you climb it and look into the distance, you can see the majestic scenery, like a fairyland, it is the place where the real Chunyang realized the sword.

"This is the place where the founder of the Shapai sect realized the Tao before he was alive, and this is where the Chunyang Sword Jue was enlightened." After climbing to Lunjian Peak, Chunyangzi said to Li Haoxuan, looking at the magnificent mountains and rivers in all directions.

"It can be called a fairyland on earth." Li Haoxuan was also shocked by this place.The entire mountain where Lun Jianfeng is located is hidden within the formation, and cannot be seen by the outside world. It can only be reached by entering from the inside of the Chunyang Sword Sect. It can be seen that the Chunyang Master really possessed extraordinary Realm, otherwise it would be impossible to build such a large formation, and to hide such a magnificent sacred mountain in it.

"Please." After sighing for a while, Chun Yangzi stretched out his hand and said to Li Haoxuan.While speaking, Chunyangzi pointed at the sword together, and a red brilliance overflowed from between his fingers, condensing into a Chunyang Dao sword.

Li Haoxuan made a move at the same time, a dao sword shining with blue brilliance appeared on his fingertips, the faint blue light circulated on the dao sword, moving water vapor in ten directions, and there was the sound of a big river crashing on the bank in a trance.

Chunyangzi's face changed slightly, as if he saw a magnificent river rushing towards him.

After seeing the big river, Chunyangzi made a move, stabbing out the Chunyang sword in his hand, and using the tip of the sword to offset it, and exchanged blows with the opponent's Youlan Dao sword.

Ding!A crisp sound of swords came out, and the intersection of the two swords did not reveal a world-shattering majesty. Instead, they seemed to be dancing with swords. Whether it was speed or strength, the two of them controlled it in an extremely subtle way. To a certain extent, this is a battle without any danger, because there is no murderous intent between the fights, only indifference.

In the end, Li Haoxuan and Chunyangzi closed their eyes at the same time, moved their bodies freely, and swung the Dao swords in their hands, making crisp sounds from time to time.

"Why do I seem to see a quiet river flowing among the mountains?" In the distance, the faces of the people watching the battle changed slightly, and they felt completely different from the sword intents of Li Haoxuan and Chunyangzi, but possessed a certain kind of The artistic conception of inexplicable connection.

Suddenly, the small river boiled, and the endless streams converged with each other. They flowed through hundreds of rivers and surged among the mountains. It was like the water of the Yellow River coming from the sky.However, the mountains also skyrocketed at this time, one after another majestic winds rose from the ground, and they forcibly blocked the galloping Yellow River in a nine-curved trend, making it suddenly change from majestic to peaceful.

The next moment, the high mountain disappeared, and a yellow river fell from the top of the mountain, turning into a silver dragon straddling the sky and the earth. Just a big mountain, it turned peace into majesty, and decay into magic.

This is a thrilling scroll of mountains and rivers. When mountains and rivers intersect, everyone can feel the magic and immeasurability of nature!

Then, everything disappeared.Whether it was a big river or a high mountain, they all disappeared in an instant, and the only thing left was two swords and two people.

"Thank you, fellow daoist!" Chun Yangzi was silent at first, then couldn't help crying, and bowed to Li Haoxuan.

"Thank you fellow daoist." Li Haoxuan also bowed in return.In this battle, he gained far more than Chun Yangzi.The previous fight made him sure of one thing. If the real Chunyang hadn't received part of Haoran Tiangang's inheritance, then his talent can really be described as terrifying. At the same time, he finally understood why the Chunyang Sword Sect The four big characters on the cliff will resonate with his Dahe Sword Intent, because the Chunyang Sword Intent of the Chunyang Sword Sect and the Dahe Sword Intent created by him are basically the same origin, and they are both the first style of Haoran Tiangang , part of Haoran Mountains and Rivers.

Li Haoxuan comprehended the sword intent of the great river from the grand river and used it as the foundation of the grand river. However, what is the mountain and river?How can there be rivers without mountains called mountains and rivers?He has a river, but no mountains, so he lacks the high mountain sword will, and it is the pure Yang sword will of the real Chunyang that makes him truly understand what the high mountain sword is.Although he has not yet fully grasped the sword intent at this time, it has undoubtedly opened a door for him. The most difficult part of the practice is to find the right threshold. , and as long as he can enter it, the Haoran mountains and rivers in the Haoran Tiangang will be able to achieve great success.

"It is said that the patriarch enlightened the Tao at Lunjian Peak. Looking into the distance, he saw the winding paths between the high mountains and the peaks. There are clouds and misty clouds on it, and the purple energy is coming from the east. That's why he created the Chunyang Sword Art here." Chunyangzi said, Sighed, "I'm ashamed that no one in my generation of monks can understand the true meaning of the patriarch for thousands of years. They all thought that the purple qi coming from the east is the true meaning of Chunyang. It was not until now that I got advice from a Taoist friend. If the Taoist friend does not come, Chunyang The Sword Sect will surely disappear in the world after a hundred years, and there is nothing Chunyangzi can repay for your great kindness!" While speaking, Chunyangzi once again saluted and said excitedly.

"I have something to gain, you don't have to." Li Haoxuan quickly helped Chun Yangzi up, and said seriously, "If there is no Taoist friend who is generous with his advice, we would not have the opportunity we have today."

Chun Yangzi just wanted to speak when he heard the words, a flush of color suddenly flashed across his face, and bright red gushed out with a puff, dyeing the ground in bright red.

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