Holy furnace

Chapter 645 Entering the Immeasurable Mountain

Baoshan Yin is one of Li Haoxuan's strongest supernatural powers, and it is not under the God of Destruction Fist!

Li Haoxuan originally thought that the Baoshan seal was created by himself in the infinitely small world, but after meeting Yang Yongwang in the Qingxu Temple, he already understood that the Baoshan seal was related to the legendary Mr. Big. It was a gift or inheritance from Mr. Da, not his own comprehension!In fact, Li Haoxuan was not at all frustrated with this result. In fact, he himself knew very well that at the beginning he didn't even reach the enlightenment state. If he could really create supernatural powers by himself, it would be too heaven-defying, and Taoism might not be able to do it.

It's no wonder that Qi Ming, who is so deeply hidden, wants to kill him quickly.

Mr. Da is a legend, not only in the perspective of Qingxu, but also in the whole of Donghuang or Ziwei, it is considered to be the last legend, a legend that cannot be copied.As for why Mr. Da's name is so famous, Li Haoxuan is not very clear about it, but he has heard Niu Li and others mention Mr. Da's name countless times, so it is conceivable that Mr. Da must have something extremely heaven-defying!As Mr. Da's supernatural power, the power of Baoshanyin can be imagined.

When Baoshanyin was suppressed with the Xuanhuang Mother Qi, it was as if the entire sky had been smashed down. Ten king-level powerhouses shot at the same time, but they could only weaken the downward trend of Baoshanyin by a point. There was no way at all. Move the Baoshan seal away, and eventually all of them will fall!

When that handsome young man was about to be suppressed to death, the golden divine sword in his hand suddenly shone brightly, and with a bang, the sword's light surged, tearing a gap in the void, and fled away in an instant!

This time, Li Haoxuan did not make a move, allowing the golden divine sword to charge into Wuliang Mountain.

Looking at the mess, like a battlefield that experienced a major earthquake, the Gibbon King and others were all silent. They really didn't know what to say at this time.But the King of Nine Arrows remembered what he said earlier. He once said that if Li Haoxuan could enter Wuliang Mountain by himself, what would our alliance do?

He always thought that Li Haoxuan was very strong before, but he never thought that Li Haoxuan could be so strong that he could suppress and kill the top ten kings by himself. Only when all the immortals come out, can the top ten kings be wiped out in an instant!

"Hehe, the old man originally wanted to stretch his muscles and bones, but he didn't expect to have a chance to make a move." The Gibbon King broke the silence here with a self-deprecating laugh, because everyone felt oppressed under Li Haoxuan's coercion. The coercion was not aimed at them, but the invisible aura was still extremely uncomfortable.

"The reason why I agree to form this alliance and bring you into the Wuliang Mountain is not because I really hope that you will show great power." Li Haoxuan turned his head when he heard this, and said to So Feng Wang, "I just want to see all of you. It’s just attitude! Standing on my side is standing on the side of Chunyang Sword Sect. This time, whether or not Immortal Sword Sect can be destroyed, all of you will live and die with Chunyang Sword Sect! Chunyang lives, you live. If Yang dies, you will die too."

The gibbon king's face immediately turned extremely pale, and after a long silence, he sighed and said, "Since it is the elder's intention, I respect myself! If I can't achieve my wish this time, then I will live and die with the Chunyang Sword Sect!" "After finishing speaking, the Gibbon King turned his head, looked at Chunyangzi and said, "Fellow Chunyangzi, do you know if your Chunyang Sword Sect still has a guest seat?"

"Senior, if you can condescend, my Chunyang Sword Sect will be the one to welcome you in the future!" Chunyangzi said joyfully, saluting to the Gibbon King immediately.

In fact, not to mention the Gibbon King, even Chun Yangzi never thought that Li Haoxuan's move was to give him such a great gift!

After this battle, almost all the king-level powerhouses here have been wiped out. Even if there is some foundation in Xianjianzong, it is impossible to be stronger than the seven kings here. Now, the meaning of Li Haoxuan's words is very clear. You have to follow me into Wuliang Mountain to gain the opportunity to win holy soldiers and join the Pure Yang Sword Sect, otherwise, the consequences may be very serious.

It can be said that Li Haoxuan took great pains in this move, but he did it not only for Chun Yangzi, Cheng Susu, Xu Jiayi and others, he had more important reasons and origins.

For Chunyangzi, Li Haoxuan gave him the God-Calling Pill, which not only strengthened his realm, but also helped him break through barriers, and even personally protected him. These few things together are enough to repay Chunyangzi's kindness.

As for Cheng Susu and Xu Jiayi, Li Haoxuan first rescued them from Tianjianyuan, then beheaded Shangguanyi and Shen Langtao for them, and finally passed down the Dahedao map and Tianhen Shunbu. He has done enough, enough Pay off all the favors he owes.

But there is one person who he can't repay, that is Chunyang Daoist!It was Chunyang Zhenren's Chunyang Sword Art that made him comprehend the high mountain sword intent, and let him see the hope of the mighty mountains and rivers!Although the person who showed him the Chunyang Sword Art is Chunyangzi, fundamentally speaking, the person he really wants to remember and appreciate is still the real Chunyang!But no one knows where Master Chunyang is. He may have escaped from this world, or he may have fallen into the Dao. !

So today he first eliminated all the enemies for the Chunyang Sword Sect, and then recruited seven kings as guests for the Chunyang Sword Sect. The height of the first sect!And what he will do next is to try to push the Pure Yang Sword Sect to the peak, making it the number one sect in this world, surpassing the Immortal Sword Sect!

Li Haoxuan believes in the existence of luck, and absolutely believes in the connection between cause and effect!The connection between cause and effect is extremely mysterious. No one can tell what it is, but he knows that the alternative preaching of Chunyang Zhenren is the cause, and everything he has done today is the result of the cause. If it is cause and effect If it is not perfect, the future road may have infinite twists and turns.

Although Li Haoxuan has no doubts about whether he can return to the original world, he is not sure whether he can open a door to the outside world for everyone here, because the future is inherently unpredictable, so he started to make arrangements right now. All backhands.After all, it is the five major heartbeats. Li Haoxuan is not arrogant enough to think that he can easily suppress and kill the opponent. This will inevitably be a hard battle. He will try his best to do it but there is no guarantee that he will succeed, as long as he has a clear conscience.

With the Gibbon King as an example, others also started to join the Pure Yang Sword Sect after being silent.Not to mention anything else, with Li Haoxuan in charge, the Chunyang Sword Sect will definitely become the number one sect. Although they are crowned kings, they will grow old sooner or later. Who wouldn't want to find a big backer to seek shelter?

"Very good!" Li Haoxuan nodded in satisfaction, and said, "There are many opportunities in Wuliang Mountain, but there are also dangers beyond imagination! After you enter Wuliang Mountain, you must not leave a distance of three feet from me, otherwise life and death will matter." After finishing speaking, Li Haoxuan turned around and entered Wuliang Mountain first.

At this time, five almost identical figures sat cross-legged on the top of Wuliang Mountain, each wearing a white sword robe, exuding a powerful coercion.

"It's finally here." When Li Haoxuan entered Wuliang Mountain, five men in white opened their eyes at the same time and said in a low voice.

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