Holy furnace

Chapter 644

"Our Kendo Alliance has regressed, why are you trying to force each other so hard? Do you really want to kill them all?" After a short silence, seeing Li Haoxuan starting to walk towards him, the handsome young man immediately grabbed the handle nervously and said loudly.

After finishing speaking, the young man was stunned for a moment, and realized that what he said was really too ironic. This kind of words were always said by others when they begged for mercy from Xianjianzong, but they didn't expect that they would be uttered from his mouth today, which made him mood has become extremely complicated.

"I can give you a way to survive. Either you die, or you lose your supernatural powers." Li Haoxuan said after hearing the words, "I don't want to cause too many murders."

"Is this also called a way to survive?" Dao Sword King held a long sword and shouted angrily, "I have relied on myself for many years of hard work to achieve this state. Is it because of your words that we have to give up years of Dao Fruit?" Dao Sword King looked angrily, For these high-ranking kings, letting them abolish their supernatural powers is simply worse than death. After experiencing the feelings brought by this state, who can accept themselves as mortals again?

"You have no choice." Li Haoxuan said.Now that he has to make a choice, even if this approach is cruel and unfair, he can only continue. He must make plans for the Chunyang Sword Sect. Once this action fails, all the kings here will rush Xiang Chunyang Sword Sect!Even if they can kill the five great hearts, as long as these kings stay here, the Chunyang Sword Sect will be in great trouble.

"Who said we have no choice?" As soon as Li Haoxuan's words fell, King Shura spoke. Follow Li Haoxuan to kill him!

Seeing the Shura King rushing towards him at a very high speed, everyone knew that another person was about to fall. Li Haoxuan could kill the King by raising his hand. No matter how defiant the King Shura was, it was impossible for King Shura to contend with him. Being killed by him was an inevitable outcome !

However, just when King Shura was about to rush in front of Li Haoxuan, his body split into two in an instant, one person greeted Li Haoxuan, while the other rushed directly to the sky above Chunyangzi, and slapped Chunyangzi photographed.

"Looking for death!" The Gibbon King and others changed their colors one after another, and at the same time attacked Shura in the sky above Chunyangzi. He was close at hand but he was in no hurry to stop him, he could only watch helplessly as King Shura slapped Chunyangzi's head with his palm.

"En?" After the palm was slapped, King Shura's expression changed drastically, and he was about to run away when he moved, but a palm came across from the void and pulled him out of the void with a bang , Suppressed heavily towards the ground!

In the end, King Shura launched a peerless attack while roaring, but unfortunately it was still useless, and was suppressed to death by Li Haoxuan on the spot.

"Tell me your choice." Li Haoxuan walked forward with his hands behind his back, like an unrivaled god king, and said to the kings in front of him.

"Unless we enter Wuliang Mountain, all of us will die!" Dao Sword King said to the handsome young man not far away with a pale face.

The handsome young man was silent. Although he held the divine weapon of the Immortal Sword Sect, it failed to give him the slightest sense of security. He could even feel fear from the divine weapon.He had to admit that what Dao Sword King said was true, and now the only way to survive is to go to Wuliang Mountain to seek human beings to fool you, otherwise everyone will die.

"Jiechen formation, open!" At this moment, the handsome young man shouted suddenly, a ray of light burst out from between his brows, and exploded in the sky above Li Haoxuan's head, turning into a multicolored light curtain and covering him in it.

"Seal!" At the same time, the nine seal kings of the Sword Alliance made their moves at the same time, and each of them played a magic formula, which turned into different talisman patterns and imprinted on the light curtain around Li Haoxuan's body. Suddenly, Thousands of rays of light, thousands of auspicious colors, endless heaven and earth spiritual energy poured into the multicolored light curtain, making this light curtain extremely bright and powerful, and even concealed Li Haoxuan's figure.

When the nine kings transformed their mana into mysterious Dao patterns and branded them on the light curtain to seal Li Haoxuan, nine different divine weapons appeared from their hands, and they all hung autonomously above the heavy light curtain as if they had been revived. , A series of powerful fluctuations of Dao power cascaded down like a waterfall, making the Gibbon King and others change color suddenly!

Because they felt the aura of human immortals from this kind of seal, this is the backhand personally set up by the five great immortals of Immortal Sword Sect, leaving it to the Kendo Alliance to deal with the most powerful people appearing here!

clang!The heavy stick king was the first to make a move, with a shocking blow, and struck across the light curtain. The result was horrifying. The heavy stick king even split his tiger's mouth, and blood was spilled, but the light curtain remained motionless, as if absolutely The defense is generally unshakable!

Gradually, the aura of heaven and earth in the void changed slowly, turning into five phantoms in human form!As soon as these five human-shaped phantoms manifested, they exuded a shocking aura, isolating a radius of hundreds of feet, and no one can step into them.The Gibbon King and others were all thrown away by a supreme divine force at this time, without any resistance.

"Is this the last trump card of the Kendo Alliance? It can be called the battle of lore!" Looking at the huge light curtain in front of him, Dao Sword King thought in his heart, and when he saw the phantoms of the five great immortals clearly, he was even more shocked Speechless, the five great immortals came out together, although they were only their backhands, who else in this world could resist them?In Dao Sword King's view, no matter how powerful Li Haoxuan is, he is proud enough to be able to protect himself at this time, so can he still break through?

However, just as he was looking at the handsome young man and wanted to say something, a huge roar suddenly sounded from a distance, making one's heart tremble!

"Boom!!" Deafening voices came out of the Juechen formation one after another. Although they couldn't see what Li Haoxuan was doing, everyone could feel Li Haoxuan's voice through the roaring sound. Unparalleled strength!Every roaring sound would make Juechen's big array vibrate violently, and the ripples trembled wildly, and the face of the handsome young man became paler and paler.

Click!A crisp sound came, and tiny cracks finally appeared on the barrier of the Juechen formation, and then, these cracks began to expand continuously amidst the roaring sound, and they were about to burst open!

In the end, there was another loud bang, and the Juechen formation that had already been covered with cracks finally collapsed, and it shattered in an instant, revealing Li Haoxuan with black hair dancing wildly in it.

At this time, Li Haoxuan was no different from before, there was no wrinkle on the smooth Taoist robe, and his calm eyes were fixed on the handsome young man through the broken light curtain.

puff!After being glanced at by Li Haoxuan, the handsome young man finally couldn't help coughing up blood, and then the other nine kings did the same. The magic soldiers on the Juechen formation were related to them. Naturally seriously injured.

"Let me help you make a decision!" Li Haoxuan shook his head and said calmly.While speaking, a majestic sacred mountain appeared out of thin air, with a misty black and yellow aura hanging down, which seemed to be able to crush the ages.

In the end, this sacred mountain hangs above all the kings of the Sword Alliance and the Freedom Alliance, and crashes down.

Although all the kings were trying their best to resist, they couldn't shake the Baoshan seal. They were directly suppressed into the ground by Xuanhuang's mother spirit and turned into blood mud!

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