Holy furnace

Chapter 640 Instant Kill

When Li Haoxuan started to take a step, the faces of the Demon Sword Patriarch and the King Feng beside him suddenly changed, the mana in their bodies suddenly surged, and the violent mana fluctuations dispersed, looking at Li Haoxuan vigilantly.It wasn't until they found out that Li Haoxuan was heading towards Wuliang Mountain that the two of them looked at each other, slowly suppressing the berserk magic power, and quietly watching the changes.

Different from the ancestor of the Demon Sword, the expressions of the Gibbon King and Chun Yangzi became extremely excited at this time. Based on their understanding of Li Haoxuan, since he was preparing to climb the mountain at this time, he must have made some thorough preparations. Or maybe he has seen through some of the mysteries in Wuliang Mountain, otherwise he would never have stayed at the foot of the mountain for such a long time before preparing to climb up. With his personality, if there was nothing in Wuliang Mountain that made him afraid, he would have already used thunderous means to climb up the mountain. Kill everything!

"Ape King, Chunyangzi, what I meant earlier was that I would allow you to climb Wuliang Mountain after you joined forces with me to punish the Freedom Alliance. The cooperation has not yet started, what do you mean?" Li Haoxuan's expression changed as he walked towards him, he looked at Chunyangzi and the Gibbon King who were walking slowly behind him and said.

"Our lord means that we are going to start climbing the mountain now. If we don't want to die, then get out of here." The gibbon king said to the kings of the Sword Alliance.Back then, he and a few of his friends were injured by the Immortal Sword Sect, so they naturally didn't have any good feelings for the dog raised by the Immortal Sword Sect in the Sword Alliance.

"Hahahaha, the ape king is so courageous! Since you are already preparing to climb the mountain, why don't we let go of our personal grievances first? We will talk about everything after the birth of the holy soldier, and then everything will be based on strength!" The ancestor of the magic knife laughed and said to the gibbon The king said, "I'll count to three. You and I will simultaneously send voice transmissions to all of our side to become kings, and ask them to stop temporarily. I don't know what you want?"

"Mountain climbing is mountain climbing, so what does it have to do with their fighting?" Chunyangzi smiled slightly when he heard the words, then turned his head and said to the ancestor of the magic knife, "Since they want to fight, let them have a good fight, why bother theirs?" Interest? If you, Patriarch, also want to take part, there are still a large group of masters waiting for you to choose, so you don't need to be polite with me." With Li Haoxuan here, Chun Yangzi's confidence is also extremely strong, and, coming here On the way, Li Haoxuan worked with him to deduce Gaoshan Sword Intent, which made him gain a lot. If things go on like this, he may not be able to reach the realm of Master Chunyang.

"Presumptuous!" As soon as Chunyangzi finished speaking, the King Feng beside the ancestor of the Demon Sword suddenly became furious, and shouted loudly, "Thinking that you can be compared with us by being in charge of a sect and claiming to be the seat? It's a joke! What are you? Even if you are not at the peak of Bigu, you dare to stab us in front of the kings? Not to mention you are a mere Bigu Eighth Layer, even if you are the resurrection of Chunyang Daoist from the Chunyang Sword Sect, you are not qualified to talk to me like this! Now look at The strength of your Pure Yang Alliance is not bad, I do not want to kill you because of the overall situation, but it does not mean that you can challenge the limit of my endurance without limit!"

"What did you say?" At this moment, Li Haoxuan who was walking stopped, turned his head to look at the other party, and asked indifferently.

"Leading a group of mobs to climb Wuliang Mountain, who do you think you are? Immortal?" The King Feng next to the ancestor of the Demon Saber heard the words with disdain, and mocked, "What are you? How dare you talk to me like this? "

"Since you don't want to say it, then never say it." Li Haoxuan frowned slightly upon hearing this, turned his head and continued walking towards Wuliang Mountain.

The moment Li Haoxuan turned his head away, his right hand was raised leisurely, like a sword art, and he swung his arm towards the King Feng from bottom to top.

Boom!The next moment, a shrill explosion resounded through the entire space, followed by a bright brilliance!

This radiant brilliance was born from nothingness, soared in an instant, and transformed into a peerless sword glow, tearing the void with a snort, and swept across thirty miles in an instant!

Chun Yangzi and the Gibbon King were amazed by Li Haoxuan's performance, a sword light had swept across their eyes, the powerful sword intent made all their long hair flutter, and the terrifying wind made both of them tremble. I felt a biting chill.

At the moment when Li Haoxuan raised his hand, the heart of the Demon Saber Patriarch suddenly started beating violently, and the pores all over his body suddenly opened at this moment. He felt extremely dangerous, and his heart was filled with the haze of death, as if he had already died at this moment. Being targeted by the god of death!

"Escape!" The face of the ancestor of the Demon Sword became pale as paper in an instant, and he exploded all the mana in his dantian without any hesitation. Many of his meridians were almost broken, and the bones in his body were constantly making noises, with horrible cracks appearing in all of them!

The ancestor of the Demon Sword is not the strongest existence among the kings, but he is the most experienced and strong among the kings!Because the ancestor of the Demon Sword is now more than 400 years old, almost approaching the life limit of the Bigu Realm!No one knew why he was able to survive for so long under the siege of Immortal Sword Sect, but only he himself understood the real reason!When he was first forced to a desperate situation by Immortal Sword Sect, he accidentally opened a sacred treasure in his body, named Tianxin!

Legend has it that every monk's body contains endless divine treasures, which can be opened under certain conditions. Once the divine treasures are opened, they can gain extremely powerful strength. Moreover, divine treasures are similar to natal magical powers, and have a relationship with their own strength. not big!And the magical treasure opened by the ancestor of the magic knife is called Tianxin, and its magical effect is to be able to feel the blessings of the day and night more accurately!

Although practitioners understand the way of heaven and can more or less feel some of their own way forward, it is impossible to truly seek good luck and avoid evil, because countless people are divination and waiting and watching, and the inexhaustible power of the law lies in The circulation of this world has made this world extremely turbid, and everyone's fate will change due to various reasons.

However, the Tianxin of the ancestor of the Demon Sword can greatly improve his perception. Whenever there is danger, he can perceive it in advance and respond in the fastest time!It was because of the opening of this divine treasure that he once again escaped the pursuit of Immortal Sword Sect!However, the ability brought by Tianxin is limited, and there is not much time for early warning. Therefore, he created a magical power, a magical power that can instantly detonate all the mana in the dantian, and this magical power allows him to instantly detonate his own magic power. The combat power is sent to the level of immortals!

Just relying on Tianxin Shenzang and this secret method, whenever the immortals of the Immortal Sword Sect attack him, he can always predict the danger a few breaths in advance, and then use the secret technique to send his combat power to the human fairyland, and escape instantly!It was the perfect fit of these two supernatural powers that allowed him to avoid being hunted down again and again, and it was precisely because of these two supernatural powers that the ancestor of the Demon Sword was not afraid of anyone, because he knew that he would not die.

But just now, when Li Haoxuan's arm moved slightly, he felt the haze of death!This feeling made him extremely frightened, just like the feeling he felt when he was chased and killed by a human immortal for the first time many years ago, as if he was going to die the next moment!

However, for so many years, he had already practiced the means of saving his life into an instinct, so when this feeling just appeared, the magic power in his dantian exploded instantly, leading him far away with a bang!

At the same time that the ancestor of the Demon Sword was fleeing away, he caught a glimpse of the Iron Bone King who had been cut in half by a sword in Jinghong, looking at his previous self suspiciously.

Until now, Iron Bone King still hasn't realized that he has been cut in half!

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