Holy furnace

Chapter 658 Crystal Arm Bone

This monster is tens of feet tall, a full [-] meters. It is covered with taupe armor, which is indestructible. There are many gods flowing in it, showing a mysterious brilliance!This monstrous beast was extremely powerful, and Li Haoxuan's big golden hand was shattered into pieces by the vibration of its body!

Everyone was extremely surprised when they saw this. This was the first time that Li Haoxuan's big hand was broken so easily. The blow from the previous monster had already surpassed the fighting strength of the king. If they met, there was no reason for them to be spared.

"Brutal!" After smashing Li Haoxuan's big golden hand, the monster immediately let out an incomparably sharp roar, and with a bang, it instantly turned into a gray light and attacked Li Haoxuan.

"Zheng!" Chunyangzi's face changed slightly, and he stabbed forward with a bang with a spear in his hand!

There is a kind of avenue power flowing on the spear with seven-colored brilliance. Although the avenue is incomplete here, it still has unimaginable tyrannical combat power. It seems that a spear comes out together with heaven and earth!

clang!Of course, Chunyangzi is invincible, even if he holds the supreme battle spear. The combat power of this monster is beyond everyone's imagination. Zi's ​​attack was unscathed, but with a puff, a brown aura instantly shot out, covering Chunyangzi and the others!

Seeing this, Li Haoxuan made a move, and the Fire Emperor's red flaming energy shot out, and a piece of divine fire appeared in the void, burning up all the gray-brown divine lights in the sky!At the same time, Chun Yangzi shot again, stabbing eight times in a row!

This is the training opportunity that Li Haoxuan created for him, and he will naturally not miss it. Each of the eight spears pierced with different pure Yang sword intent, with different strengths, also contains different powers of the great way. Zhan Wudao, experience the true pure Yang sword intent.

The sound of clanging and clanging was endless, and the sky was full of clanging sounds. This monster was extremely powerful. It fought against Chunyangzi's spear for the first time without any damage, and even almost rushed in front of everyone several times. Sitting in the town of Chunyangzi simply can't last until this time!

In the end, Li Haoxuan took the spear from Chunyangzi, and with a bang, he charged towards the monster that charged again!

This time, the monster also resisted with its physical body, and even sent out a sharp wave, like ten thousand thunders. However, this time, all his defenses and attacks were useless, because it was Li Haoxuan who shot instead of Chunyang Suddenly, at this time, the light of the divine light battle spear soared, and the colorful divine light instantly transformed into a peerless lightning bolt. With a bang, the entire monster beast collapsed into countless pieces!

"Maybe these monsters are just ordinary creatures in this desert. They became so powerful after devouring the essence of the bones, and eventually reproduced from generation to generation and finally developed to the point where they are today." Wan Qianqiu said at this time. The thing that is the spirit stone is actually this group of bones. These bones were great existences before they were alive. Even after countless years of death, there is still an immortal divinity in the bones, and these monsters eat the bones in the bones. Only the indestructible divinity can make oneself so powerful.

Because most of the bones in front of me have traces of being eaten, only a small number of bones that are crystal clear like jade still retain their perfect shape.And this kind of skeleton seems to be left by an extremely powerful monk in his lifetime. The current strength of these monsters is not enough to break through the surface of the skeleton and devour the divine essence inside.

Li Haoxuan looked at the unimaginably huge pile of bones in front of him and was silent for a moment, his heart became inexplicably heavy. He didn't know what kind of battle happened here countless years ago, but there are many bones in the bone mountain here They all come from human beings. Although most of those human bones still retain the state of crystal clear jade, there are also a small number of them that have been eaten by monsters and are extremely mutilated.

While speaking, Li Haoxuan violently waved his sleeves, and suddenly, a wave of heaven and earth vitality was gathered by him and distributed in the entire bone mountain.Then, one piece after another of crystal clear human skeletons slowly rose into the sky and gathered towards Li Haoxuan.

The Bone Mountain stretching across this boundless desert is extremely huge, covering an entire area of ​​tens of miles. At a glance, there is a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere, and it is even more bright under the starlight.Among all the bones, most of the bones come from various monsters, some are as tall as Gu Yue, some are as small as larvae, and they are densely stacked on this desert. What kind of a tragic battle was countless years ago.

Among the endless bones, although human bones only occupied a small part of it, they realized how huge the number was when all these bones gathered around Li Haoxuan!In the end, another bone mountain almost formed in the void, burying Li Haoxuan and others in it.Each of these bones is as white as jade, shining brightly under the starlight. Some of the powerful bones are even burning with a divine fire visible to the naked eye. At that time, it almost affected the operation of the avenue in this world.

Among all the white bones, a crystal clear arm bone surprised Li Haoxuan!Because there is divine radiance circulating on the surface of this arm bone, Li Haoxuan even vaguely felt a faint vitality on this arm bone!He held this arm bone in his hand and observed it carefully. The more he looked at it, the more frightened he became, because he could be sure that the vitality was not an illusion, but that the essence of life really remained in this arm bone!

The essence of life is different from the immortal divinity. The immortal divinity is a kind of energy group without consciousness. Although it is immortal, it cannot be resurrected, and it will eventually decay in the long river of time.But the essence of life contains some fragments of the primordial spirit. One day, if there is a heaven-defying chance, it can even awaken the memory. The essence of life contains the energy of life and the fragments of the primordial spirit, and the existence of these two things is the foundation of life. , if there is an existence beyond the saint to make a move, it may be possible to use the essence of life to make the opponent return against the sky!

"After countless years, there are still immortal divinity and life essence left. How powerful was he before he was alive? He couldn't be a saint, right?" After confirming the life essence hidden in the arm bone, Li Haoxuan couldn't help it. He took a breath, thinking so in his heart.

"En?" Suddenly, Li Haoxuan frowned slightly, and his pupils looking at the bones of his arm shrank suddenly.

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