Holy furnace

Chapter 660 The Last Station

The holy bone is extraordinary, even though it has been dead for endless years, its indestructible divinity can still affect Li Haoxuan's sanity!

Li Haoxuan has the Om word Tianyin, and the strength of the soul is rare in this world, but now he just took a few glances at this sacred bone, and his mind was unknowingly affected by the sacred bone, crossing the endless river of time I saw the picture recorded by this holy bone!It was a world full of blood and bones. There were mountains of corpses and seas of blood everywhere, and the remains of severed limbs. With Li Haoxuan's disposition, he almost fell into this illusion!

After regaining clarity, Li Haoxuan deeply felt the horror of the sacred bone in his hand. He had a premonition that the owner of this sacred bone had not yet fallen and would return one day, but he didn't know what would happen at that time A scene.

Gradually, he felt a wave of divine power from this sacred bone, although it was not strong, it was extremely pure!Li Haoxuan frowned in surprise, there was absolutely no such power when there was only one arm bone before, but now after the reorganization of the phalanx, it actually produced power?If the whole skeleton is recovered by him, will there be any holy power reappearing in the world?

After contemplating for a while, Li Haoxuan pulled out a wisp of mana from his dantian, and slowly sent it to the holy bone!

With the influx of Li Haoxuan's mana, the entire sacred bone suddenly shone brightly, and the faint blue light shot straight into the sky, almost lighting up the entire desert!Li Haoxuan was shocked when he saw this, and quickly withdrew his magic power. The bone of the saint was much more mysterious than he imagined. After accepting his magic power, it released a shocking and powerful pressure like a magic weapon. He didn't know what would happen if he went down, maybe it would be a catastrophe!

However, Li Haoxuan's face turned extremely pale in the next instant, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes!And the holy bone in his hand became more and more crystal clear, and there were more and more dao gods on it, and one piece after another, the perfect dao pattern manifested from the holy bone, deeply imprinted on the bone wall, powerful The coercion spread from the sacred bone, making Li Haoxuan's physical body unbearable, but in just a split second, Li Haoxuan coughed up blood!

At this time, rumbling sounds erupted continuously from Li Haoxuan's dantian, and the mana as vast as the ocean decreased sharply at this time, and in an instant, half of the mana was deprived of it by the holy bone, and all of it poured into the most sacred place. On the bone!Facing Shengwei, Li Haoxuan has completely lost control over his body, and his body has now become a bridge linking the holy bones and mana!

If it continues, Li Haoxuan will be directly shocked to death by the peerless holy power emanating from the sacred bone within two breaths!With his current strength, it is impossible to withstand the coercion of the sacred bone, not even a ray. At this time, while continuously receiving Li Haoxuan's mana, the power of the sacred bone is recovering, and the aura of the great way is permeating the air!

Li Haoxuan possessed a half body, and his mana was full of strong and perfect Dao. At this moment, being swallowed by the holy bone immediately made him seem to be revived, and his divine power was rapidly increasing, transforming towards the real holy power!

At this moment, Li Vulcan Stove in Li Haoxuan's dantian seemed to feel the change in mana, so he was slightly shocked!

hum!With the trembling of Li Vulcan Furnace, everything within a radius of three feet of Li Haoxuan was instantly imprisoned, whether it was the surging mana or the roaring sacred bones, they all became absolute silence at this moment!Then, the radiance above the sacred bone began to slowly subside, and the magic power within it began to flow back into Li Haoxuan's dantian under some mysterious law.

It wasn't until all the mana returned to Li Haoxuan's dantian that Li Vulcan's furnace shook again, releasing the invisible restraint.

After Li Vulcan Furnace was released from the confinement, the previously incomparably powerful sacred bone immediately returned to its original appearance, with a faint radiance slowly flowing on its surface, and the cracks remained, as if everything before was an illusion.

However, Li Haoxuan knew how dangerous the previous scene was, and how powerful the sacred bone in his hand was. If it wasn't for Li Vulcan Stove, he would have died at this time.

"This is a big killer!" Li Haoxuan thought as he looked at the holy bone in his hand.It's a pity that he is not qualified to use it at this time, otherwise he will be the first to be killed if the sacred bone exerts its holy power. There is hope!

After knowing everything about the sacred bone, Li Haoxuan stepped forward and returned to Chunyangzi and the others.

When searching for the holy bones before, Li Haoxuan did not take them along for more convenient action, but placed them in a safe place. Now that the holy bones have been collected, it is time to continue on the road.

The vastness of the desert could not stop their footsteps. They had already crossed the entire desert when the sky was getting brighter the next day. In the next few days, they kept shuttling through various desperate and dangerous places. Guidance towards the destination!

During these few days, Li Haoxuan seldom made a move, trying his best to let Chun Yangzi lead many kings to sharpen his body, and he would only make a move when everyone's life was in danger. During this period, everyone including Chun Yangzi was seriously injured, the Charming King and the Heavy Stick King almost died, and Li Haoxuan had countless magic pills that saved everyone's lives. The strength has improved a lot, especially Chunyangzi, who fits better and better with the spear in his hand, as long as he doesn't encounter too many monsters beyond the king level, he can basically be alone.

In the end, like the stars moving, they were transported in the ancient forest to a misty swamp. According to the route of Dao Tu, this should be the last stop from the peak of Wuliang Mountain.

"Through this jungle is the place where the holy soldiers were born! Those from Wuliang Mountain should have all arrived." In the misty swamp, Chun Yangzi said to everyone after comparing the Dao map.

"Then kill them all at once!" Nine Arrows King said loudly.Although the battle a few days ago was tragic, it also brought them great confidence. At this time, nine long arrows appeared on his back again, but these long arrows no longer released the purple light, but Gleaming with a cold light, this is the long arrow made by Li Haoxuan from the white bones in the desert, and it was given to him as a magic weapon. It is powerful and not weaker than the previous nine arrows.

"What is that?" Suddenly, Scarlet Yan Wang pointed to the distance and said in shock.Everyone heard the words and looked, and immediately saw a large black shadow rolling towards them at the end of the sky. The huge shadow covered the sky and blocked the sun, and the entire earth was reflected in darkness!

Thick fog is everywhere in the Misty Swamp, and even the big sun above can hardly cast light on every inch of the land.Now, the end of the already dark sky has become even more pitch black, and a piece of unknown unknown exudes incomparably frightening and frightening!

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