Holy furnace

Chapter 661

At the end of the sky pointed by the Scarlet Flame King, a large black shadow covered the sky and covered the sun, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth, making the already extremely dark misty swamp even more gloomy, and a terrifying aura permeated the sky. The rapid gathering is palpitating.

"A group of monsters again?" Nine Arrows King said with a guilty conscience.Although their combat power has been soaring in the past ten days, and they have a faint feeling of breaking the limit, they still feel hairy looking at the endless black shadow hundreds of miles away.

"Whoever he is, kill them all!" The heavy stick king said heavily with a long stick in his hand.This is the last stop on the way to the birthplace of the Holy Soldiers, so you have to go through it no matter what, otherwise your efforts will be in vain.

"Let's go." Chunyangzi opened his mouth and flew forward.During this period of time, Chun Yangzi has truly established himself as the leader among the group of kings with the spear in his hand. When Li Haoxuan does not make a move, everyone should respect him, which is also Li Haoxuan's goal.

The speed of their group was not slow, and they soon came to the black shadow.And when they saw clearly what it was all in front of them, everyone present couldn't help gasping, even Li Haoxuan couldn't help but look sideways at it, it was unimaginable.

Before they approached, they could already hear the loud sound of piercing the air and the sound of wings flapping. After opening their third eyes, they were even more frightened speechless by what they saw in front of them.It was just a few breaths, the black mist in front of them had already hit, and it really came to them!

This is not a black mist at all, but a divine nest composed of countless giant birds!When Li Haoxuan and others appeared in front of the giant bird, countless giant birds roared and rushed towards them!

Boom boom boom!The sound of the giant bird flapping its wings seemed to turn into bursts of sonic booms, and even the air within a radius of ten miles became extremely thick. Tens of thousands of big birds spread their wings and swooped down towards the crowd. The vitality of heaven and earth is circulating on the wings of the wings, which are so strong that they seem to be able to open mountains and crack rocks, and they are extremely powerful!

At this time, all the birds gathered together and swooped down, as if the entire sky was covered at the same time, it was suffocating!Not only that, there are many tyrannical monsters among the birds. These monsters have various spots all over their bodies, and there are two heads on their necks. Shouting thunder and lightning, at this time, all the big birds and monsters attacked and killed at the same time, all kinds of supernatural powers raged, suddenly it was like lightning and thunder, and the gods destroyed the world!

Seeing the army of monsters falling down from the sky, Nine Arrow King and others turned pale!The army of monsters driven by the unicorn monsters that day is nothing compared to these big birds in front of them, it is not worth mentioning at all!Today's monsters are almost in units of ten thousand, and there is no end in sight. Anyone who sees them can't help but tremble, and even lose the courage to fight!

This will be an unimaginable battle. Although these big birds and two-headed monsters on the other side are not very powerful, the combination of hundreds of thousands or millions of monsters is enough to easily kill anyone below the heartbeat level. Strong!When the quantity becomes strong enough to cause a qualitative change, the whole world will tremble for this change!

At this time, the countless giant birds in the sky perfectly explained what is called a qualitative change caused by a quantitative change!When countless thunderbolts and flames fell, and after the airflow changes caused by the flapping of wings, all of a sudden, the thunder took advantage of the fire, and the fire took advantage of the wind. With a bang, a huge sky suddenly appeared and fell from the sky!

"Break it!" Facing the boundless group of giant bird nests, Chun Yangzi was the first to make a move!Facing such an incalculably large army of monsters, the only thing they can do is to break the surface!

Boom!As soon as Chun Yangzi made a move, he was at the peak of his combat power. He poured all his mana into the spear, and stabbed forward!Suddenly, the void was shaken, and the extremely bright light burst out from the spear, which instantly turned into a ray of light and pierced through the air towards the front!No matter if it is a two-headed monster or a big black bird, all those who are swept by this divine light will be turned into a cloud of blood mist in the void, causing heavy casualties!

However, there are endless giant birds and monsters, even if Chun Yangzi killed tens of thousands of giant birds with one blow, it still did not have any impact on this divine nest!But Chun Yangzi didn't have the extravagant hope of killing all the giant birds, he just wanted to open a passage to leave here, as long as he could get through, he would win!

"The flames burn the sky!" The Scarlet Flame King let out a loud roar and rose into the sky.Suddenly, there was a bang, and the monstrous flames rushed from his body and swept away in all directions. In an instant, large pieces of giant birds were roasted into charcoal, and they fell down with a crackling sound.

In the void, Chun Yangzi opened the way with his spear, and broke through the front one after another. Behind, Chiyan King and others showed their magical powers. The void was full of flames, and in the flames was a long black spear. Cudgel rushes from left to right in the crowd of monsters, invincible, but the strength of the Gibbon King and Wan Qianqiu is even stronger. Every time they punch out, they can kill hundreds of thousands of big birds. Rendered as a colorful kingdom of God!

From the beginning to the end, Li Haoxuan never made a move, his body was constantly switching between reality and illusion, leaving his figure everywhere in the void.In the midst of his army of monsters and beasts, he sharpened his Fengzu Yubu, and raised his speed to the extreme. At the beginning, his body would be hit by the wings of the big bird, but later he could calmly walk through the gap every time. Passing through, even this densely packed army can't stop him half a step.

"How many damn things are there? They can't be killed!" After fighting for a long time, everyone was almost exhausted. After wasting a lot of mana, their speed and strength began to weaken. Bird got close and was almost seriously injured.Along the way, they killed hundreds of thousands of giant birds at least, but the flock of giant birds in front of them didn't seem to decrease at all, and the front was still densely packed with darkness, with no end in sight!

"It's everywhere, you can't kill them all!" By this time, Chun Yangzi's mana was about to run out, and the Supreme Battle Spear required a huge amount of divine power, and it was his limit to be able to support it until now!

Boom!Just when everyone was about to be unable to hold on, a towering mountain suddenly appeared at their feet, and then, the mountain rose into the sky in an instant, filled with mysterious and yellow aura!

Since Li Haoxuan's realm reached the peak of Lingxu, he has not really urged the Baoshan seal with all his strength. When he fought against the Sun God Body that day, he wanted to test the power of the Dahe sword map, because he knew that the Dahe sword map would be very strong , very strong, but I don't know how strong Baoshanyin will be!For a long time, in addition to suppressing powerful enemies, he has always used the Baoshan seal as a magic weapon for body protection, because the mysterious and yellow aura on it is many times more powerful than the great supernatural power of the golden bell cover!

Facing infinite monsters now, Li Haoxuan's mana in his dantian burst out suddenly, pouring it continuously into the Baoshan seal, wanting to urge the Baoshan seal to strike with all his strength, suddenly, a billowing divine power emanated from the Baoshan seal, The Xuanhuang Qi surged violently, and in a single shock, countless monsters around him were shattered into pieces!

Obtaining Li Haoxuan's massive divine power, Baoshanyin immediately showed its power, and with a loud bang, it instantly turned into a dark yellow light and broke out towards the front, smashing all the monsters in front of it to pieces.As Baoshan Yin moved forward, it is unknown how many monsters have completely fallen, and large areas of corpses and blood poured down from the sky, turning the world into a blood-red color.

Baoshan Yin followed Li Haoxuan, also possessed the world's fastest speed, killed countless monsters in a short time, broke out of the dark misty swamp with a bang, and entered into a bright mountain range.

Looking at the mountains full of light in front of them, the long-suppressed panic in everyone's hearts finally broke out, and they half-kneeled on the ground and gasped for breath.

"You don't have to go up with me." Li Haoxuan looked at the immeasurable mountain towering in front of him and said to everyone, "There may be other opportunities around this mountain. If you all work together, there may not be no opportunities." After finishing speaking, Li Haoxuan directly took responsibility Climbing the mountain by hand, and soon reached the top of the mountain.

When Li Haoxuan walked up to the top of the mountain, he immediately saw five monks in white sitting cross-legged on the edge of the cliff, with their backs turned to him and looking into the distance.

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