Holy furnace

Chapter 665 The Great War

Rumble!The yin and yang figure cast by the two qis of yin and yang suddenly exploded, and the powerful burst of divine power collapsed the ancient trees in the mountains with a radius of tens of miles. The entire mountain range seemed to be collapsed, and large cracks appeared one after another. It looks extremely dilapidated!

At the moment when the Yin-Yang God Diagram was shattered, Li Haoxuan made a move with the holy art of sky marks, and instantly appeared behind the white-clothed Taoist in the avenue that merged here. , All attacks are invincible!

The Unbeaten Wangquan also comes from Yao Likong's supernatural power seed, the Great Golden Pill, which is the supreme supernatural power!In fact, Li Haoxuan's current strength is no worse than Yao Likong's. After all, no matter how defiant Yao Likong is, he is only at the peak of Bigu, and his realm has not yet reached the state of heartbeat. Afraid of anyone!

However, Yao Likong is a genius disciple of the Tianyao Sect after all, with a high position and a lot of opportunities, otherwise it would be impossible to cultivate 28 kinds of supernatural powers into the supernatural powers of the Great Golden Pill, including the supernatural power of Tianlong Bayin!Moreover, this golden elixir had undergone a transformation during the process of Li Haoxuan's transformation into the Dao body. Except for the Tianlong Bayin, no matter whether it is the golden bell cover body or other supernatural powers, they have all started their own deduction process!

The same is true for Undefeated King Fist. It becomes more perfect and powerful after being instilled in the Dao. With one punch, it really has the kind of invincible supernatural power, especially when combined with Li Haoxuan's Invincible Fist. The Unbeaten Fist inspired by the Shattering Fist is like a fish in water, completely natural, one punch after another without the slightest gap, as if it can fight to the end of the universe, to the end of time!

Li Haoxuan, who was full of golden light, was like a god descending from the sky. Every punch almost shattered the void. He suddenly overwhelmed the Taoist in white. The two fought in the void, pushing the battlefield three hundred miles away!However, the size of Wuliang Mountain is beyond everyone's imagination. It is far from the end after three hundred miles. The two men continued to attack along the way, and even the ridge of the mountain was broken several times. How many mountains have been razed to the ground, and there are ruins everywhere!

If this battle took place in the secular world, I am afraid that the entire dynasty will be beaten into nothingness!

"Boom!" The white-clothed Taoist's two long white eyebrows fluttered wantonly, his clothes fluttered, and his face was full of supreme majesty. He let out a loud roar in the world like an unrivaled king, and at the same time he punched Li Haoxuan. !

When this punch landed, all the avenues in the sky trembled, and intertwined pieces of the avenue gods manifested in nothingness, as if the entire sky was suppressed accordingly, making all the wilderness Trembling, all living beings prostrate, can't help but worship.

"Go back!" Li Haoxuan yelled, the thick and pure golden mana in his body suddenly boiled, the golden light shone, and the energy and blood soared to the sky. , a golden light curtain appeared on his body surface and tightly fit on his body, the divine brilliance bloomed in his fists, and the most rigid and powerful supreme fist roared out in an instant, hitting the opponent's avenue God punch!

Boom!A huge roar resounds through the world!Li Haoxuan and the white-clothed Taoist raised their combat power to the peak at the same time. At this time, the peak punches of the two met, and the space around the two was instantly shaken by a powerful divine power. The crackling sound of this piece of void collapsed, as if it would really shatter at any moment, a series of blue and golden intersecting lights fell from the sky, blasting the ground into huge black holes one after another, bottomless, only Dirty smoke!

At this moment, it seemed that the entire sky was destroyed. Countless monsters crawled tremblingly in the mountains, but they were swept by the ruthless divine light and instantly turned into flying ash, except for a few extremely powerful monsters who fled triumphantly. In addition, all the monsters have been wiped out, the entire mountain range has been completely destroyed, the ancient trees are hard to survive, the vitality is not visible, and it is even impossible for new life to appear in the future for many years. The vitality here It has been abolished, and unless there are means against the sky, it will be difficult to restore the former prosperity.

Li Haoxuan and the Taoist in white backed up at the same time, their faces were flushed abnormally, their previous blows surprised each other, they never thought that the opponent was so strong!Especially the Taoist in white, they have dominated this world for countless years, and they have never encountered such a strong enemy, but they are only in the bigu state. Even the law of heartbeat is useless, and it was disintegrated by the opponent with special means, and it became a great enemy in life.

After a brief surprise, the two launched an attack again, intending to keep each other here forever!Now that the war has begun, it cannot be easily ended. There must be a result. Moreover, this time is not a trial, but a real life-and-death battle. We must be extremely cautious and careful!In fact, Li Haoxuan is not afraid of the opponent, and even has a lot of tricks to suppress the bottom of the box. However, the opponent still has four people who have yet to come out. If everyone is as powerful as the person in front of him, even he has no chance of winning!

During the battle with the opponent, Li Haoxuan continued to understand his fighting style and the supernatural powers he cultivated. In the end, he found that it was extremely difficult to use the sealing technique left by Taoist Huangxu on the opponent, because once he was in the body, there would be a great way Backlash!Now that he has half a Taoist body, he can bear it. If an ordinary person stepped forward, he might be seriously injured before he made a move. If the opponent took advantage of the situation, the consequences would be disastrous, no matter how strong Li Haoxuan's physical body was, he would not dare to let himself be hit by the opponent forcibly!

"Boom!" Another piece of sky exploded completely in the hands of the two of them, and it almost became a chaotic land. The illusion of a hole in the sky!However, this is just an illusion after all. The sky cannot really be broken. Although it keeps exploding, it has never been damaged. Under the effect of the law of space, it will be repaired soon, which makes them fight endlessly!

Li Haoxuan's fists are extremely firm and powerful, within the golden radiance is an immortal body like glass, every punch is followed by the Daoist, the white-clothed Taoist who is hard to beat, has no fear at all.

"I admit that you are very strong, but it is only me who is fighting you now. If the five of us fight together, you have no chance of winning! I don't understand why you want to make a move. Is the constant conception of life and death? If we can I would rather talk to you." At this moment, the Taoist in white suddenly spoke, and said to Li Haoxuan.

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