Holy furnace

Chapter 664

Facing the power of Tianbeng, Li Haoxuan stepped on the ground, took a step forward, and with a bang, borrowed the power of the earth to soar into the sky, and his power was unmatched!

Following this step, Li Haoxuan's body suddenly became unreal, and a mysterious power of the Great Dao spread out from his body, making his whole person no longer real, as if he had entered another space. Among them, people don't know whether he is integrated into the avenue or the avenue is covered outside his body.

The next moment, Li Haoxuan's real body, who stepped out of the Skymark Sacred Art, appeared in this shattered starry sky!At this time, a huge divine power emerged from Li Haoxuan's body, engulfing the mountains and rivers, and punched the ancient stars that were constantly exploding in front of him!

When this punch was struck, the power of destruction and the meaning of decay began to run rampant in the world. Whether it was the ancient stars that were constantly collapsing or the ripples of the Dao pattern that were constantly roaring, they all stopped under this punch and then decayed. senescence!

Everything in the world has a lifespan, and when it falls, it ends. The universe has a lifespan, not to mention ancient stars and dao patterns!The God of Destruction Fist is enough to destroy everything, and Daxing is naturally not immune!

Then, Li Haoxuan's body suddenly rose with ten thousand feet of light, and the golden energy and blood rushed straight to Xiaohan, shaking the universe formed by the divine chain of order into countless fragments. The starry sky became extremely dim, and the Dao Law and life force began to fly around. The space here is already unstable, and it is difficult to sustain even the state of heartbeat!

Suddenly, the vitality of heaven and earth around Li Haoxuan's body and the great gods changed suddenly, and countless vitality and gods squeezed towards his body, imprisoning his whole body in the starry sky.At the same time, a big star flew towards Li Haoxuan's body from a distance and rushed towards Li Haoxuan's body!

In the tattered starry sky, the slender Li Haoxuan's body suddenly surged with divine power, powerful qi and blood oppressed the world, and with a bang, all the vitality and gods around him were scattered, and the terrifying coercion was displayed from his body, like an unrivaled head. beast!Li Haoxuan possesses a half-body Dao body, and has an unimaginable affinity and control over the Dao of Heaven and Earth. Even though his realm is far from the heart-beating state, his Dao body can barely pull his control over the Dao To the point where you can hold each other in check!

Then, Li Haoxuan with flying black long hair suddenly let out a long roar, shouted out the supreme sound wave, directly shattered the Dao Ze star in front of him, and punched the opponent's real body!

Faced with Li Haoxuan's punch, the Taoist man in white couldn't sit still on the ground anymore, his face changed slightly and he shot into the sky with a bang, two bright lights shot out from his eyes, and he punched Li Haoxuan likewise!He never thought that Li Haoxuan would be so strong that he could break through his supernatural power so easily, and even attack him in the sea of ​​stars. This kind of means and power that he had never seen before shocked him, and he had to deal with it with all his strength. !

boom!The avenue roars, Li Haoxuan and the white-clothed Taoist are both extremely powerful, and they can spread the avenue of heaven and earth with their hands. Now that the two of them really fight together, countless avenues rush in immediately. You can't hurt people with the Dao!In the confrontation of the Dao, the two can only confront each other with divine power, using the physical body to fight for the front, and various magical techniques continue to emerge, making the two of them seem to be transformed into eternal light!

Li Haoxuan's physical body is unparalleled, and he can even compete with the sun god body of the same level. He is not afraid of anyone within Bigu. However, the opponent is a strong person in the heart-beating state that surpasses Bigu. Every time he breaks through Bigu, his strength will undergo earth-shaking changes. The Taoist man in white has been in the state of heartbeat for countless years, his physical strength is beyond imagination, and he is not weak under Li Haoxuan's attack!

Li Haoxuan's body was glowing with golden light, like a god of war, with unrivaled divine power in every movement of his hands and feet, hitting the opponent's body with a clanging sound!Whether it is divine power or physical strength, the Taoist in white is not under Li Haoxuan. The two fought from the top of the endless mountain to the sky, and then from the sky to other mountain ranges. The ancient forest moved to a flat bottom!

Roar!Suddenly, the two long eyebrows of the Taoist in white suddenly floated up during the attack, dancing with the wind, and then a violent roar came from the mouth of the Taoist, which was earth-shattering!When this long howling sound came out, Li Haoxuan's primordial spirit couldn't help but tremble for a while. This is a special secret technique, which fuses the power of his own primordial spirit with the Daoist God, and beats with sound. The way to blast out is no less than the attack of the physical body!

Rumble!There are terrifying sonic booms everywhere in the world, a sound wave blasts all the Dao Ze Shenwen in all directions, and the broken starry sky in the distance completely disintegrates under this heavy sound, endless starlight flows, roaring from the nine heavens Down!The roar of the Taoist in white almost shattered the big world. Several mountains in the distance exploded at the same time, and countless monsters prostrated themselves on the ground at the same time. Their ears were bleeding, and their whole bodies were trembling. The bird fell from the sky far away, and was even shaken into a blood mist through the endless void, and died unexpectedly!

The Dao Yin of the Taoist in white is stronger than Li Haoxuan's expectation. This is a kind of supernatural power that is not weaker than the Heavenly Dragon's Ba Yin!Standing in front of the opponent, Li Haoxuan was caught off guard by this heavy sound wave and immediately felt a pain in his body, almost feeling like his entire body would be blown apart!This kind of Dao Bo from the other party can make the great mountain shatter, and the void shake, which is not conceivable, and now Li Haoxuan bears the brunt of it, it is naturally impossible to feel better!

"Woo! Goo! Ba! Well!" Facing the opponent's peerless secret technique, Li Haoxuan's mouth suddenly puffed up, four mysterious syllables were formed in one go, and he drank them at the same time!Immediately, circle after circle of sound wave patterns exploded in front of him, implying Li Haoxuan's incomparable will and moving forward!This is a big collision that can shock the world. The sound waves have unimaginable lethality. Now the two layers of sound collide with each other, and the mountains in the distance are broken into pieces, making people The entire mountain range was shaken!

At this time, the entire sky exploded, and the two different Taoist voices seemed to have turned into two supreme divine rivers, shattering everything into nothingness in the flowing space, except for Li Haoxuan and the Taoist man in white who were surrounded by golden light There is nothing left, even all the great gods have been broken up and cease to exist!

Li Haoxuan moved his hands slowly, and a Yin-Yang Dao Diagram evolved in the void, and then, the Yin-Yang Dao Diagram exploded in an instant, crossing the void with a bang sound, instantly enclosing the Taoist in white!

However, the Taoist in white was unparalleled in combat power, and it was difficult for the Taoist diagram of Yin and Yang to truly seal it. There was a roar of extremely powerful combat power in it, which almost deformed the entire Taoist diagram. Break out, the celestial light is gorgeous, exuding a powerful divine power!

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