Holy furnace

Chapter 663

When faced with the opponent's question about freedom, Li Haoxuan naturally recalled the two rules of Kun Palace in his mind.

Because many people have emphasized to him the two rules of Kun Palace, so he has a particularly deep understanding of the only two rules of Kun Palace.And the first rule of Kun Palace is to do whatever you want, absolutely free!Kun Gong will not force anyone to do anything he does not want to do, even if it is cultivation!There is only one reason for everything a disciple of Kun Palace does, that is, he wants to do it, he likes to do it, so he does it!

As long as you think this matter is very interesting, even if it is only a little interesting, then you can do whatever you want, and your consciousness can determine your actions. This is the freedom that human nature needs, and it is the freedom that Kun Palace most admires!

After hearing too many fallacies about freedom from the five people in front of him, Li Haoxuan found that he had lost the patience and interest to refute them. At this moment, what he wanted to do the most was to kill him!

At the same time, he remembered something Fang Han said to him before he left.

"As long as you think it's right, then you do it, and whoever dares to stop you, then shoot him with a sword!"

Li Haoxuan looked at the backs of the five people in front of him and felt that his decision was not only right, it was simply too right, so, as a disciple of Kun Palace, he decided to follow the rules of Kun Palace, since he wanted to do this, he could do it this way, Then naturally it needs to be done.

Therefore, when Li Haoxuan took a step forward, a sky-high sword intent appeared from his body, and then, Li Haoxuan's right hand slashed down on the head of one of the five people!

Li Haoxuan didn't have a long sword in his hand, but when he swung his hand down, there was a huge sword that crashed down towards the opponent!This sword is so tall and unlimited, invisible to the naked eye, it just came from the sky to the human world in an instant, and came to the sky above the head of the white Taoist!

At this moment, the white Taoist in front of Li Haoxuan suddenly raised his hands, and made a mysterious seal in the air.

clang!The next moment, an incomparably loud bell rang through the universe!

The invisible and substanceless Heavenly Sword fell from the sky and hit the opponent's head, but it failed to penetrate into the opponent's head, and even failed to see blood, because above his head there was a crystal clear clock that was slowly slowing down. There is Zen sound in the world between rotation and trembling!When the trembling sound came out from the big clock, it immediately turned into the supreme sound, and spread in all directions with a bang.

"Ba!" Seeing this, Li Haoxuan's expression remained unchanged, and he opened his mouth to hear Tianlong Bayin!This is the purest eight notes of Tianlong, taught by Duan Tianlong himself, both the syllables and the method are impeccable, as soon as the Taoist sounds are uttered, Tianlong appears in the world immediately!

Tianlong manifests in the world and deserves the admiration of thousands of people!However, there is a big clock shaking ahead, and the sound of Zen is endless!Tianlong roared, with a fierce look on his face, he swung his tail across the void, and landed on the big bell, with all four claws out, it was extremely ferocious!

The next moment, the Zen sound and the dragon's chant suddenly sounded, colliding with each other in extreme space and time, almost annihilating one side of the void. Finally, with a loud bang, the sky dragon collapsed, the big clock shattered, and infinite sound waves raged out like The spring breeze blew up, the Taoist's long eyebrows were blown, and Li Haoxuan's Taoist robe was wrinkled.

"You really want to be our enemy?" With his long eyebrows fluttering, the white-clothed Taoist spoke slowly, and said to Li Haoxuan in a deep voice.

"Whoever blocks me, I will kill him." Li Haoxuan replied calmly, he was surprised by the other party's method, and broke his Heavenly Sword and Dao Yin just as he raised his hand.However, he was not surprised. The other party was in the heart-beating field. If he didn't even have this level of strength, he would be very disappointed if he was really guilty of heart-beating.

"So that's how it is. Your Excellency has become a demon, and I'm going to exorcise the demon." While speaking, the Taoist in white finally turned around, revealing a face that was not old, and said in a deep voice to Li Haoxuan.

"Have you lived in this world for so long that you think you're really a fairy?" Li Haoxuan said disdainfully, "Then I'll tell you what reality is!"

"The reality is that I am an immortal, immortal." The other party said lightly, and at the same time as he spoke, he suddenly raised his hands and lifted them up to the sky.

Boom!Following this movement of the other party, there was a loud noise in the sky, and the entire void was filled with a strong power of the Great Dao!

In Li Haoxuan's eyes, the sky at this time became extremely magnificent, and strands of order gods appeared from the nothingness in all directions, gathered towards the sky above each other, and finally began to reorganize, and actually built a piece of land in the void. Bright starry sky!

At this time, the sky above the opponent seemed to have turned into a colorful universe, with one after another stars dotted in the starry sky and slowly rotating, emitting a bright light!Although he knew that all of this was evolved from the Dao God and the Order God Chain here, Li Haoxuan still felt the incomparable splendor and magnificence from it!He was shocked by the method of heartbeat, but it was shocking that he could control so many Dao gods in just a single thought!

The aura of Dao in front of him was extremely strong, which made Li Haoxuan feel a sense of palpitation.The seemingly vast sea of ​​stars is dotted with countless ancient stars, which are still increasing until now, as if to interweave a boundless galaxy. Countless ancient stars rotate at the same time, and each one exudes a majestic and terrifying atmosphere. In the end, there is life The breath is surging, as if a star field has really been opened up!

However, Li Haoxuan is very clear that this breath of life is not real, but that the other party has injected his own life essence into the heavenly way, making it possess the characteristics of an ancient star of life. It has to be said that this is an extraordinary method. Only the Heartbeat Realm can do this so easily, not even Li Haoxuan here.

hum!Suddenly, the entire starry sky began to tremble, one after another big stars swayed in the starry sky, and the violent Daoist God began to wreak havoc, stirring up the peaceful starry sky into a riotous sea of ​​stars in an instant, and the breath of terror permeated the sky. , It seems that the entire starry sky is about to burst!

"Heaven collapse!" The Taoist in white suddenly pressed his hands heavily at this moment, and said lightly while looking at Li Haoxuan.

As soon as the words fell, there was a sudden boom in the sky. At the same time, among the star fields above the Taoist, one after another big stars exploded, and the powerful power swept across the world. , with the power of the collapse of the sky, he went towards Li Haoxuan to suppress it in an instant.

Rumble!Just like the whole big world is collapsing, ripples visible to the naked eye shake the void one after another, collapsing towards the place where Li Haoxuan is, and everything that Daobo passes will be wiped out. Covered by the divine array, the entire mountain will collapse into powder in an instant. This is an unimaginable force that makes Chunyangzi and others in the far distance change their faces. Leaves an indelible shadow!

The Taoist man in white raised his hand to create the sky, turned his hand to collapse the sky, and the whole universe seemed to be in his palm. This kind of miraculous state is puzzling, and Li Haoxuan is also puzzled, but although the sky collapsed, the earth did not. Against the suppression of the sky, Li Haoxuan used the power of the earth to resist, pulling up the mountain and overwhelming the world!

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