Holy furnace

Chapter 668

"This is our world, so we are immortal, so we can be called immortals." The white-clothed Taoist said lightly, as if explaining an eternal truth to Li Haoxuan.

"It is difficult for the ancient emperors to live forever in the long river of the world, why do you have it?" Li Haoxuan said disdainfully.He comes from Qingxu Temple, from the world of Ziwei, and he is deeply aware of the vastness of the universe and the difficulty of longevity. Countless monks practice day after day to achieve longevity, but how can longevity be so easy?As long as he has not entered the Immortal Realm, even the ancient great emperor will have his life exhausted, let alone these mere hearts in front of him?To him, the other party's so-called immortality and immortality are simply nonsense. Even if he has seen the other party's immortality with his own eyes, he still thinks such remarks are meaningless.

"Seeing is believing, indeed immortality." The other party didn't care about Li Haoxuan's ridicule, and said, "In the long river of time, we have our own way, and we have our own longevity method."

"Not dying once doesn't mean never dying." Li Haoxuan took a step forward and said, "If you can really be immortal and live forever, why are you called immortals? Just call them immortals!"

"We said that because this is our world, we can live forever. Once we leave here, we will be no different from you, and we will also turn into dust in the long river of the world." Another voice sounded, slightly vicissitudes Said.

"Is that why you don't leave here?" Li Haoxuan's expression changed slightly, and he said, "Is it really so important for you to be trapped in such a small place to achieve longevity? I didn't know you already existed." How many years have passed, but you must have seen all the scenery here, so what is the meaning of this world to you? Does such a long life really make you so reluctant?"

Li Haoxuan can't understand the other party's mentality. In his opinion, this kind of behavior is tantamount to painting the ground as a prison, using such a small world to imprison him for the rest of his life!For him, once he loses his hope and longing for the future, the days to come will be like chewing sticks, tasteless!At this moment, Li Haoxuan suddenly thought of the king who was invincible and coerced the universe back then!

The King of Kings proved the Tao with the innate Taoism, became emperor in 500 years, and oppressed the world!Since then, he has been walking alone in this universe for more than 1 years. In the eyes of the King of Kings, the entire universe is just his own back garden. He can reach any corner of the universe with one step. Can run through the frontiers of the universe.The Emperor Human King is one of the most powerful emperors in history. If he wanted to, he could easily live a second life. However, he did not take the Immortal Pill, but chose to attack the Immortal Realm in the depths of the universe.

For the invincible emperor, perhaps the entire universe has lost its charm, so he only feels that he has lived too long.

"Only longevity can give us enough time to think about how to live forever after leaving this world." Another voice sounded and said to Li Haoxuan.

"If you want to know how to achieve immortality in the outside world, I can tell you." Li Haoxuan couldn't help shaking his head when he heard this, and said.

"You know?" the other party asked in disbelief.

"Just enter the Immortal Realm." Li Haoxuan said as a matter of course, "As long as you enter the Immortal Realm, you can become an immortal. Once you become an immortal, you will naturally live forever."

"This joke is not funny." The other party said coldly after a moment of silence.The Immortal Realm is just a legend, it has never appeared in the world for millions of years, and countless great emperors and ancient emperors have failed to enter the Immortal Realm, let alone how many hearts they have?No matter how arrogant they are, it is impossible for them to compare themselves with the emperor in terms of combat power!

"It is your business that you choose to call yourself here for longevity, but there is no need for so many people to accompany you to suffer here! Even if they are in this world, they cannot live forever and die, so there is no reason to waste time here with you Years." Li Haoxuan returned to the original topic and said.

"Is a world without life still a world? If everyone leaves, this world will collapse, and we will no longer exist in the world." Can't practice?"

"This place doesn't even have the Dao, so how to practice?" Li Haoxuan retorted, and said in a cold voice, "For you, this may be a blessed place, a place of eternal life, but for others, this is an endless hell! No one wants to be permanently sealed. In hell, someone will eventually look up to heaven in hell, and then break this prison of yours!"

"Are you talking about yourself?" The Taoist in white said coldly.

"At least I'm willing to give it a try." Li Haoxuan took another step forward and said firmly.

"What is there in the outside world that deserves your nostalgia so much? Power? Wealth? Or beauty, status? You are very powerful and have the right to be equal to us. If you are willing to stay here, we can do everything you want For you, it can even make you the sixth immortal and give you eternal life!" The Taoist in white said seriously.

"Can you give me everything?" Li Haoxuan sneered, "What I want is very simple, but you can't afford it!"

"We can even give you eternal life, let alone other things? As long as you can say it, we can afford it." The other party spoke lightly, full of confidence.

"Don't mention eternal life in front of me. In my eyes, your so-called eternal life is no different from rubbish." Li Haoxuan said disdainfully, "What I want is very simple, a free future, a vast and boundless world, a magnificent world. In this era, can you afford these?"

"So that's the case, you still want to be our enemy after all!" After a moment of silence, the previous vicissitudes of things sounded again, and he said indifferently.

"It's not that I want to be your enemy." Li Haoxuan shook his head and said, "It's that you are blocking my way."

Cultivation is for longevity, and there is nothing wrong with longevity, but if you block my path of practice because of this, then I have no choice but to kill you and throw you out of my path!

"You know very well that you have no chance of winning." The other party shook his head, and said pitifully, "The five of us are all immortal, how do you kill them? In the end, it is inevitable that we will follow in the footsteps of our predecessors."

"How can you be sure if you haven't killed him yet?" Li Haoxuan laughed.

"I've already killed it once before, so I'm sure I can't kill it." The other party replied.

"If you can't die once, it doesn't mean you can't kill it ten times, and if you can't kill it ten times, it doesn't mean you can't kill it a hundred times? I think, since you are not immortals, you will always die if you kill!" Li Haoxuan shook his head, walked forward with a smile go.

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