Holy furnace

Chapter 669 Immortal Martial Cave Heaven

"If you can't die once, it doesn't mean you can't kill it ten times, and if you can't kill it ten times, it doesn't mean you can't kill it a hundred times? I think, since you are not immortals, you will always die if you kill!" Li Haoxuan's words made the atmosphere of the scene It suddenly became extremely heavy, and his words were tantamount to announcing the situation of immortality in the future. The comfort and rhyme of the previous discussion disappeared in an instant at this time, and replaced by wisps of killing intent.

When Li Haoxuan took a step forward, the five great immortals sitting cross-legged in front of them manifested their power at the same time, and with a bang, five powerful forces rose from them at the same time, blended with each other, and moved towards Li Haoxuan to suppress it!

"Break!" Feeling the powerful coercion coming along the void, Li Haoxuan's face remained unchanged, and he shot with the eight notes of the heavenly dragon, drinking out one after another, which immediately made the void sag, and the five coercions were suddenly suffocated, and it was difficult to maintain the previous The powerful power of Li Haoxuan was less than [-]% of the original power when it fell on Li Haoxuan.

However, the methods of the Five Great Immortals are far more powerful than Li Haoxuan imagined!When this coercion just descended, the other five coercion had already reappeared, continuously shooting down towards Li Haoxuan!

This is a strange secret technique, which almost turns the invisible mana coercion into a tangible physical blow. In the end, they even blended the spiritual coercion with the Dao God, interweaving one after another Dao formations Tu continuously bombarded Li Haoxuan!This is a powerful and mysterious supernatural power, like a turbulent wave hitting the shore, one layer after another is almost infinite, making Li Haoxuan feel great pressure!

After all, this is the simultaneous publication of five powerful men in the Heartbeat Realm. Although it is only a mental coercion, it feels like he has returned to the spiritual coercion he faced with the eighteen gray-robed old men in the Pill Pavilion!

Li Haoxuan's physical body and spirit are extremely powerful, especially after experiencing the baptism of chaos in the Chaos Divine Palace. After transformation and rebirth, his physical body became as crystal clear as jade, and impurities were almost invisible. However, under the pressure of these five forces, he His physical body began to tremble slightly, feeling a little tired!

"Relying on the strength of the physical body alone is really difficult to withstand the pressure of the Heartbeat Realm!" Li Haoxuan smiled wryly, and in the next moment, a golden light rose into the sky!

When Li Haoxuan activated the mana that was about to move in his body, the entire mountain top seemed to be exploded, and even the ground covered by dao patterns everywhere cracked and cracked, and cracks appeared one after another. On it, it seems that it will crack at any time!Li Haoxuan's aura is like a rainbow, his mana is like a sea, the heaven and earth avenues are roaring with his blood, the coercion coming from the sky melts after meeting this piece of golden light, it's hard to get close!

Li Haoxuan strode forward and was about to throw a punch at the five immortals!However, just as he raised his arm, the whole space in front of him suddenly became extremely illusory, as if there was endless time and space between him and the five immortals!Li Haoxuan's pupils shrunk slightly, this is an unspeakable feeling, as if a foot in front of him has become a space fault, and it is difficult for any attack to pass through it, this is a great supernatural power similar to the law of space.

However, Li Haoxuan doesn't believe that this is the real law of space at all. For a mere cultivator, no matter how long you live, you will not be able to control the law of space, because your realm is not enough, and because the world doesn't recognize it!The Heaven and Earth Avenue also has its own dignity, and even a mere heartbeat wants to get involved in the laws of space?The only consequence is death!

However, even if it is not the real law of space, it can still create the power of the law of space, because there is something called formation in this world!

Looking at the illusory space fault in front of him, Li Haoxuan rushed in without saying a word, and punched hard to the right!

Boom!When this punch was punched, the whole world became dark, and it instantly turned from day to night. This was an absolute darkness, and even the golden light on Li Haoxuan's body was covered. With blind silver eyes, Li Haoxuan couldn't see anything. Rather than saying it was an absolute darkness, it would be better to say that Li Haoxuan was deprived of his sense of sight at this moment!

Li Haoxuan was fearless, he seemed to have anticipated this situation, and punched forward again, bang, this time, Li Haoxuan's surroundings became absolute silence!Even the roar of mana in his body has disappeared without a trace, this is a kind of absolute silence and absolute darkness!

Li Haoxuan punched again, and as he continued to punch, his five senses of eyes, ears, mouth, nose and touch were completely deprived!In the end, his whole body seemed to be a mass of consciousness floating in the universe. He couldn't feel the existence of his own body, couldn't feel the existence of this world, and it seemed that even his consciousness would perish in this space!

Suddenly, a golden light suddenly appeared in the endless darkness, followed by a loud roar, and then a divine fist tearing the sky apart!

Boom!Li Haoxuan's consciousness returned in the endless darkness, his eyes suddenly opened, breaking all illusory, the space in front of him was still that space, the five people in front of him were still those five people, from the beginning to the end he just took a step forward One step, but it seems to have experienced endless years.

"The five-sense stripping formation is really extraordinary!" Li Haoxuan sincerely admired it. From the moment he lost his vision, he knew it was a formation called the five-sense stripping formation, but he was still fearless because he was in the Pill Pavilion. He has learned how to decipher countless formations, even if the separation of the five senses cannot change his original heart and beliefs, then this kind of formation will be meaningless.

"Your will is far stronger than we imagined." Seeing that Li Haoxuan broke through the formation of the five senses so quickly, the Taoist in white was also surprised, and said in amazement, "Everything you did today was just to leave here and return to the original world ?"

"I said before, I will kill whoever blocks me!" Li Haoxuan said decisively, "I still say the same thing. Although I don't know how you are reborn, I don't believe that there are truly immortal people!"

"You are right. Although we can not die, we will also suffer great harm." After a short silence, a majestic voice sounded from among the five people, saying, "It's no good for anyone to lose, since you were originally If you are not from this world, then we can allow you to leave Xianwudongtian!"

"Immortal Martial Cave. Is this the name of your world?" Li Haoxuan was taken aback, as if he didn't expect the other party to compromise so easily, and said to himself.

"How? If you agree, we will immediately take you away from Wuliang Mountain and send you back to the original world!" The other party said again.

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