Holy furnace

Chapter 670 The Way Is Different

"Why did you suddenly allow me to leave Xianwu Dongtian?" Li Haoxuan asked in surprise.He was already prepared for a life-and-death battle, but the other party suddenly gave up entanglement with him and was willing to let him go just like this. This kind of result surprised him and even made him uneasy.

"Your combat power is very high, and we don't want to confront you head-on, because it won't do us any good." The white-clothed Taoist said, "Since it's not good for us, why should we risk your vitality to keep you?" What next? You are not from this world, so it is meaningless for us to keep you."

"That's all?" Li Haoxuan asked back.

"That's true." The other party replied, "If there are other reasons, it is that I don't want to see a strong man who is evenly matched with us go crazy, because I know that it will lead to such terrible consequences, even enough to make this small world Unstable! This world is our lifeblood, we don't want that to happen. Moreover, we don't want a strong man like you to compete with us for the handed down holy weapon!"

Li Haoxuan was silent. The other party's words did have some truth. Since ancient times, the battle of trapped beasts has always been the most terrifying. When a strong man is oppressed to the limit, no one knows what ferocious fighting power he will unleash!When they are on the verge of extinction, everyone will maximize their potential and walk out of a way to die and survive!As for the handed down holy soldiers, of course, who can escape this temptation?

"Do you still remember Taoist Huangxu?" Li Haoxuan said suddenly, and asked the people in front of him, "Or I should call him Fenghuangxu!"

"Is Fenghuang empty?" The Taoist in white expressed nostalgia when he heard the words, and said emotionally, "Naturally, I remember that when he and Wu Chunyang joined forces to enter the Immortal Sword Sect, I, the three hundred disciples of the Immortal Sword Sect, couldn't stop them! The two of them It can be said that he is the strongest person we have met in thousands of years except you! Two of them attack, one defends, one has the world's fastest speed, and the other has the world's extreme defense, even I was beheaded twice by them !"

"If your reasons for allowing me to leave are as you said, why don't you allow Feng Huangxu to leave? His strength can also seriously injure you!" Li Haoxuan asked, this was the question that puzzled him the most.

"It's not that we don't allow him to leave, but that he doesn't want to." The Taoist in white shook his head and explained.

"Impossible." Li Haoxuan said bluntly after hearing the words, "I have seen the Guzha left by Taoist Huangxu, he was beheaded and killed by the five of you in the wasteland!"

"It's true that he himself doesn't want to leave." The Taoist in white said, "The first time Feng Huangxu entered the Immortal Sword Sect, he was far from the level that we should be afraid of. It is naturally impossible to leave! But the last time he entered the mountain At that time, the strength of the realm was indeed at its peak, and we didn't want to force him to stay, so we said at that time that we could let him go!"

"Then why was he killed by you in the end?"

"Because he broke the rules!" The majestic voice from before sounded again, and said in a deep voice.

"What rules?" Li Haoxuan asked.

"The rule is that only outsiders can leave Xianwudongtian! Although Wu Chunyang, who came with him at that time, used some kind of magical power to change his appearance, and even the simulated Dao almost deceived our perception, but he is from Xianwudongtian. The origin of life belongs to the Immortal Martial Cave, how could it be fooled by our eyes and ears? It is fine for Feng Huangxu to leave, but if he wants to leave with Wu Chunyang, then absolutely not!"

"I see." Li Haoxuan nodded and said, "Why do you not allow the people from Xianwudongtian to leave? Even if you will pay such a terrible price for it?"

"Because their life source belongs to Xianwu Dongtian! Every time one person leaves, the source of Xianwu Dongtian will decline by one point, and the strength of the five of us will also decline by one point! They can leave if they want to leave the source of life behind. That's it!" The Taoist in white replied.

"What is the end of Master Chunyang?" The ancient books left by Taoist Huang Xu did not record the whereabouts of Master Chunyang. He hoped to know the answer from the other party, which could be regarded as doing something for the Chunyang Sword Sect.

"He has longed to leave Xianwu Dongtian all his life, so we finally fulfilled him." Another white-clothed Taoist said mercilessly, "It's just that we took back his life source before that!"

"In this way, the reason why you five immortals are powerful is because of the power of sentient beings. If sentient beings are not here, you are nothing. If all sentient beings here die, will you also perish with them?" Li Haoxuan smiled bitterly. He smiled and asked back.Although there have been some guesses about Chun Yang's ending, Li Haoxuan felt an unspeakable grief when he actually heard of the other party's death.

"Even if all living beings die, their source of life will return to the Immortal Martial Cave, and we will only become stronger because of it!" The Taoist in white shook his head and said, "Do you want to destroy me with all living beings? Impossible."

"If there are no sentient beings, the origin of Xianwudongtian will eventually dry up." Li Haoxuan said calmly, Xianwudongtian and the sentient beings here complement each other, the lack of any one will break the balance, and this world will be destroyed.

"As long as we are still alive, all living beings will not die." The Taoist in white shook his head, slowly got up and came to Li Haoxuan and said, "Okay, as a respect for the strong, we have said enough, and it is time for you to go on the road , let's go."

"Is this the meaning of Xianjianzong's existence? It is to leave fire for Xianwudongtian, so that the people here will never be extinct?" Li Haoxuan didn't answer the question, and then nodded slowly, saying, "Your plan for thousands of years is worthless." It is said that the clothes are seamless, and the source of all living beings is the source of your longevity."

"It's just a way of longevity." The Taoist in white was noncommittal, and said lightly, "Let's go, I will take you to the gate of breaking the boundary, and you can return to your world through there!"

"It seems that this battle with you is inevitable after all." Facing the Taoist in white, Li Haoxuan shook his head and said calmly.

"Why?" The previous vicissitudes of voice sounded again, and he asked in puzzlement, "It is understandable for Fenghuangxu to take Wu Chunyang away. After all, he has stayed here for several years and has been inseparable with Wu Chunyang, but you come to Xianwu The cave is only a month old, so why risk your own life for them? You know very well that unless you have the ability to break through the entire Xianwu cave, you will not be able to kill us! In the end we may be seriously injured, but as long as there is In time, we will be able to recover as before, but you are different, you will completely fall, and everything you do will be meaningless, just to lose your life for them, is it worth it?"

"Although I'm not such a wicked person, I'm not noble enough to lead everyone out of this siege even if I fall! How they view freedom has nothing to do with me, and I don't care how much they desire for freedom. , but, I know that someone poured all their dreams into me, and I know how important dreams are to them, so I don't want to let them down, I want to take them away!" When Li Haoxuan was speaking, In the middle of the day, he recalled one scene after another, and one face after another full of expectation flashed through his mind.

In the end, he thought of himself again, and remembered how eager he was for practice when he was not able to practice!It is precisely because he has always had dreams that he has come to this point. He can feel the desire of some people for dreams, so he wants to give it a try and see if he can create a different world for them.

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