Holy furnace

Chapter 683

Just as the Dao map rippling with supreme holy power was slowly pressing down, a huge and unparalleled sword glow instantly attacked and killed from a distance, turning into a torrential river, rolling up to the sky, carrying an unparalleled The powerful power of his body blasted heavily towards the Dao map in the sky!

When this sword light appeared, everyone had the illusion of watching the surging galaxy in the starry sky, as if seeing a whole galaxy turning and roaring in the universe, rumbling towards the end of time!

Boom!In the end, the big river transformed by the sword light finally slammed heavily on the falling Dao map and made a loud noise, which made the whole Dao map tremble violently, and was almost broken up. , even the sacred power emanating from the Dao map was unstable for a while, and almost collapsed!

At this time, the whole world was quiet, and there was no sound. Everyone turned their heads in unison, and looked at the direction of Jianmang's rushing with confused expressions, wanting to see who else in this world besides the five great immortals To have such an unrivaled means!Everyone was silent, even though their hearts became extremely excited because of the appearance of this sword light, they still found that they could not speak. It seemed that once they opened their mouths, they would find that all this was an illusion. There is no supreme power, everything is an illusion before death!

When everyone turned their heads to look at the place where the sword light came, only Chunyangzi raised his head, looked at the boundless sky, and looked at the five great immortals!Afterwards, Chun Yangzi couldn't help but burst into tears, and said to herself in an inaudible voice, "I knew you would come...you would come, you came..."

As soon as the words fell, Chunyangzi finally couldn't hold it anymore, and fell down from the void with the Gibbon King and others!The previous massacre was only a few breaths, less than a moment, but they seemed to have walked around the real area, just a few breaths, King Charm died, Wan Qianqiu died, and King Chiyan died , the gibbon king is abolished, and the countless strong men here go to seven or eight. This is simply a nightmare. Everyone's heart is suffering in this nightmare. Lie down, even if you lie down like this, you will fall to your death!

But he knew that he would not die, they would not die, because the person they insisted on waiting for so long had already arrived, and as long as he came, he believed that he would not die, even if he fell from the void like this, they would not die. will die!

Just as they fell into the void, a golden light appeared below Chunyangzi and the others at some point, leading them away into a golden light and disappearing into the dark sky.And in the depths of the boundless and dark sky, in front of the dao map exuding faint sacred power, the five great immortals stood side by side, looking coldly and indifferently at the man in blue who suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Why?" Li Haoxuan was silent for a long time, looking at the frightened monks below and the earth and mountains that had already been stained red with blood. Opening his mouth, he asked in a slightly hoarse voice.When Li Haoxuan was silent, the Dao map in the sky was still slowly falling down, the infinite power spread out, and all of them were blasted towards Li Haoxuan, but Li Haoxuan blocked them all. At this time, Li Haoxuan was surrounded by golden light like a god of war , and as long as he is within the golden realm of God of War, he will be invulnerable!

"What why?" One of the five immortals asked indifferently.

"Why did you kill people!" Li Haoxuan asked again with a cold tone.Looking at the blood and wreckage all over the place, Li Haoxuan felt an unspeakable pain when he thought of the incomplete bones of Charming King and Scarlet Flame King. This kind of pain almost drove him crazy. Frustrated!But he didn't, not because the few people in front of him are descendants of martial arts saints, nor because what they are doing now is to kill the heavenly demon, he didn't do it right away because he needed an explanation from the other party, a reason!

And the explanation and reason given by the other party will determine Li Haoxuan's actions, whether to kill them a hundred times or kill them a thousand times!Whether to crush them to ashes, or to cramp their skin!

The only constant is that no matter how righteous their explanations and reasons are, they will all die!

"Why do you want to kill?" The other party sneered, "Don't you know? We told you a long time ago that this is a game. We spent such a huge price to bring all the bigu monks here to kill the demons. !"

"Slaying the Heavenly Demon... What exactly is a demon?" Li Haoxuan said to himself, then raised his head and asked loudly, "Tell me, what is a demon?"

"In the eyes of strong men like you and me, the cultivation of the following people is no different from that of ants. Why should you worry about it? We kill people for a reason. You get out of the way, and we will give you eternal life after it is done." , true eternal life!" the old-faced Taoist in white said to Li Haoxuan seriously.

"What is the reason for you to kill?" Li Haoxuan said calmly, "You have been lying to me from the very beginning, the Demon Killing Formation can't tell who is the real Heavenly Demon at all, your only way is to kill all the people here! "

"Killing one person is a crime, but killing a thousand people is a hero, and killing 10 people is also a hero among heroes!" The white-clothed old man said lightly when he heard the words, and said, "Everything we do is for Ziwei, you should understand! What are these people compared to the countless creatures in the world? Even if there are ten times and a hundred times more, so what, they can be killed!"

"Ziwei's people are human beings, and they are also human beings." Li Haoxuan pointed to the monks below and said, "Ziwei's people shouldn't die, should they? They are human beings, they are human beings, one is human, 1 people are also human, they are all innocent, so why would they sacrifice their lives for Ziwei's sentient beings? Why did they appear in Xianwudong? Seriously, you are the biggest original sin!"

"If you are as eloquent as you are, they must die! I will give you one last chance, get out of the way or die!" Another immortal shook his head, pointing the golden sword in his hand at Li Haoxuan and said in a cold voice.

"What you are doing is really for the whole human race?" Li Haoxuan's eyes suddenly became cold, and he said in a low voice, "You said that the Demon Killing Formation needs a certain amount of blood essence and life source to open, but now the Demon Killing Formation It has already been opened, if the Demon Slaying Formation cannot kill demons, why is it called the Great Demon Slaying Formation, and why does it devour the essence and blood of all living beings?"

Speaking of this, Li Haoxuan sneered, pointed to the holy tomb not far away and said, "If it is really the tomb of the martial saint, why does all the blood rush to it, and why do I feel the tomb on the holy tomb?" Incomparably dark and evil coercion? What are you doing?"

"Get lost!" The face of the former celebrity fairy suddenly changed when he heard the words, and he slashed at Li Haoxuan with a sword!

"If you are really the descendants of Wu Sheng, I will be ashamed of Wu Sheng!" Li Haoxuan didn't even look at the swiftly flying sword, still staring at the other five people and said in a cold voice, "Because he is a saint, and he The descendants of you are not even human! In my opinion, you are the real demons, the demons among demons!" As soon as he finished speaking, Li Haoxuan made a move and punched the golden sword in front of him!

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