Holy furnace

Chapter 684 Slaughter Immortal

"You are the real demons, the demons among demons!" Li Haoxuan's long-endured anger and fighting spirit finally broke out at this moment, and he could no longer suppress it. Looking at the golden sword that pierced through the sky, Li Haoxuan said nothing. It was a punch, the breath of destruction began to surge, the golden divine power began to surge, and a huge sonic boom resounded through the void. Li Haoxuan shot out with anger, and one punch was enough to collapse the void here!

clang!The violent and turbulent sound of gold and iron intersecting resounded through the sky, deafening. Li Haoxuan's divine fist was comparable to a supreme divine weapon. When he punched the opponent's golden divine sword, it immediately burst into flames. It flew out from far away!

The divine sword was blown away, and the human immortal who controlled the divine sword turned pale immediately, and quickly changed the sword formula to lead the flying sword back.For thousands of years, the majesty of their five great immortals has resounded throughout the world. They have always only needed one sword to fight against the enemy.But Li Haoxuan's current fighting power is horrifying, stronger than what he has shown before, as if there is no limit, his magic weapon was blown away with one punch, causing his primordial spirit to sting!

Under the control of the human immortal's sword art, the golden divine sword instantly stabilized its figure in the void, and then rippling the supreme sword power with a whistling sound, shot towards the human immortal!

clang!At this moment, a golden palm suddenly protruded from the void, and with a clang, it slapped the Excalibur away again. Then, the golden palm reached down fiercely, and pinched it in the air with lightning speed. In his hand, until now Li Haoxuan's real body manifested from the void!Now his Yu steps have already been completed, and his movement within a small range is almost comparable to teleportation. In one step, he appeared beside the divine sword, grabbed it on his left hand, and then punched the divine sword with his right hand!

clang!Li Haoxuan's fist and the golden sword clashed with each other, making clanging sounds continuously, and the golden light jumped on the golden sword, struggling constantly, but couldn't escape from Li Haoxuan's hands at all, the golden light gradually dimmed!As Li Haoxuan's fists continued to hit like iron, Renxian's face instantly became as pale as paper, and he felt a tremendous force constantly bombarding his soul, almost making his body tremble stand up!

Zheng!Suddenly, the long sword roared, and the sword qi crisscrossed!At this time, the golden Excalibur unleashed its final blow, and the incomparably powerful sword glow shot up into the sky in an instant, and slashed heavily towards Li Haoxuan's head!

boom!Just as the sword light was cutting towards Li Haoxuan's head, there was a sudden loud bang in the void, and then, an extremely fierce sword intent shot up from Li Haoxuan's body, straight into the sky, just a sword intent, sneer With a bang, a huge hole was torn open in the Dao map in the sky!

When this sword intent rose, the sword glow above the golden divine sword instantly stagnated three feet in front of Li Haoxuan's forehead, trembling slightly!

Then, Li Haoxuan stretched out his right hand and took off the golden divine sword from the void. The extremely powerful sword intent was instantly withdrawn from his body and poured into the divine sword.

Click!When Li Haoxuan's sword intent began to pour into the Divine Sword crazily, there was a crisp cracking sound from the blade of the Divine Sword, followed by a tiny crack!How powerful is Li Haoxuan's sword intent, even the Dao Ze Shenjian in the reincarnation space can't bear it, and now he has comprehended part of the high mountain sword intent, the Haoran sword has just glimpsed the door, and the human immortal sword can't bear his awe-inspiring sword intent at all, after a short while With a bang, it was broken into pieces by this sword intent!

puff!When the divine sword shattered, the human immortal's face flushed immediately, and he spat out a big mouthful of blood with a puff, and was on the verge of falling, with deep horror in his eyes!Beside him, the celestial being who had fought against Li Haoxuan had a solemn expression. He found that Li Haoxuan seemed to have no limit. Every time he showed his strength, he would be stronger than before, and the supreme sword intent that Li Haoxuan released just now It made them extremely afraid!

Although Tianji's Dao map has been repaired since then, Li Haoxuan can break him once, twice, three times!After all, the holy power on the Dao map is not the real perfect holy power, and it is extremely weak, so it has no effect on a powerhouse of Li Haoxuan's level!Even Li Haoxuan's body protection magical powers couldn't penetrate those sky thunders and divine fires, let alone hurt him.

"You are helping the devil, if you persist in your obsession, you will be a sinner of the human race!" The old-faced human fairy stepped forward and said sadly to Li Haoxuan.

"You are wrong." Li Haoxuan shook his head, and said directly, "In my eyes, you are the demons, and I am exorcising demons!" While speaking, Li Haoxuan took a step forward, and his body disappeared instantly. After the immortal, he slapped the opponent with a palm!

"Boom!" The five great immortals were all moved, and there was no weak person at all. Seeing Li Haoxuan's sudden disappearance, the five great immortals were extremely afraid. When Li Haoxuan appeared, the famous immortal turned around and punched Li Haoxuan at the moment!

Click!However, even if he found out the trajectory of Li Haoxuan's movements, it was useless, Li Haoxuan's palm slap caused the void to explode, and the entire arm of the celestial being exploded under Li Haoxuan's palm, turning into a cloud of blood!At this time, Li Haoxuan had already raised his fighting power to the extreme, every time he made a move, he fired with full firepower, and he didn't give the opponent any chance at all!

After knocking the opponent back with one palm, Li Haoxuan slashed down with a knife in his hand, and immediately five red heavenly knives descended from the sky, slashing at the opponent's limbs and head respectively!

This is Li Haoxuan's supernatural power of combining the five fire swords and the fire emperor's red flames. With the five fire swords, the fire emperor's red flames are substantiated, and the heaven and earth roads are transformed into five great swords in the fire emperor's red flames. All have supreme power, can kill gods and immortals!

"No!" Human Immortal yelled in horror as he watched the five great knives flying towards him rapidly. At this time, he was almost crippled by Li Haoxuan. First, his soul was damaged, and then his arm was shattered. Now he can't even use his mana freely. , the other party's five great swords had descended from the sky, crossed the sky in an instant, and chopped off his limbs and head with a puff!

Not far away, the four immortals stopped at the same time, looking coldly at Li Haoxuan with his hands behind his back!They felt uneasy when Li Haoxuan shot at that immortal, but just as they were about to rescue him, the opponent was already dismembered by Li Haoxuan. This kind of speed and combat power made the four immortals feel extremely heavy. They know that this is a formidable enemy, more terrifying than all the people below combined, and if they are not careful, they will be caused eternal damage!

"The first one!" Li Haoxuan turned around, looked at the four immortals standing side by side and said.

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