Holy furnace

Chapter 685 Sublimation

"Why?" Seeing the Fifth Immortal being dismembered by Li Haoxuan's five magic knives, blood splashing in the sky, the old-faced immortal stepped forward and asked Li Haoxuan.

"You ask me why?" Li Haoxuan mocked.While speaking, he kept walking, still walking slowly towards the four immortals in front of him.

"There is no best-of-both-worlds result in this matter. If that's the case, one party must make a sacrifice!" The old man in white said solemnly, "If they don't die, then the number of people who will die in the Ziwei Starfield will be thousands of times more than them, and Your decision now is very likely to lead to such a tragedy! If it is true, you will be responsible for the countless people who died in the Ziwei Starfield!"

"In your eyes, is there any difference between the following people and mediocrity?" Li Haoxuan did not answer their questions, but instead asked, "If not, why are you so natural and skillful when you raise your butcher's knives to them?" ?”

"We, like you, don't want to kill people, but sometimes we have no choice. Haven't you, Li Haoxuan, killed people? Since they all kill people, what's the difference between you and us? In my opinion, everyone exists in the Everyone in this world has a certain value. If his death can reach his value, or even exceed his own value, then his death is meaningful! What they died in exchange for is the Ziwei Starfield The safety of countless people, they deserve to die!"

"Bullshit doesn't make sense!" Li Haoxuan couldn't help frowning when he heard the words, and said angrily, "Everyone I, Li Haoxuan, should kill should be killed. Don't compare me with beasts like you, it will make me sick!"

"Everyone thinks their shot is just! You have to admit that even if you think you killed someone who should be killed, that may not be the case in the eyes of others! Maybe the person you killed was a gangster, But he may be a good father, everything he does is for his most beloved daughter, you kill him, unless you are a hero, but you are no different from a demon in his daughter's heart, in her view , you are evil, the greatest evil, and even want to eat your flesh and swallow your bones! Tell me, what is good and what is evil?"

"Are you so sure that what you do is good? If you are not sure, then of course you are no different from us! Some things must be decided, whether to sacrifice the small self to complete the big self, or sacrifice the big self to preserve Ego? If you kill 200 people here, you can save tens of thousands of people in the outside world. If you don’t want to do it today, you will have to bear the responsibility for the killing of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people in the outside world. No matter what, you choose to escape. No, a decision must be made!"

The other party's words were like a big bell, constantly bombarding his mind, which made the determined man gradually feel confused, and suddenly he didn't know what he should do.The other party's words had a great impact on his heart. Since he embarked on the road of cultivation, his will has been firm and has never wavered. He always believes in his original heart and firmly believes that every decision he makes is correct. , However, the other party's few words made his mind start to be confused. Should he save the people below?

Li Haoxuan remained silent, because this question was almost unsolvable, no one could fully explain what was right and what was wrong!Two evils are the lesser of two evils. When these two outcomes conflict with each other, perhaps Li Haoxuan should indeed make a decision based on the principle of "protecting more people". However, if he is to watch hundreds of people being massacred to death , he couldn't accept it at all, and even his own Dao heart would collapse because of it!However, if we don't do this, how will we solve Ziwei's catastrophe in the future?

Li Haoxuan suddenly realized that he had no choice in front of this choice, because no matter what he did or how he chose, he was always wrong.Li Haoxuan's Dao heart began to become unstable, and the primordial spirit in the purple mansion began to show pain. He was struggling between two choices, and almost self-destructed because of this!

Om!At this moment, the Om word Tianyin suddenly revived spontaneously, and there was a bang in his purple mansion!When the om word Tianyin appeared, Li Haoxuan's primordial spirit was suddenly violent, and all the previous annihilation emotions were swept away, making Li Haoxuan at this time as clear as if he had been enlightened!

Recalling the state he had encountered before, Li Haoxuan frowned, feeling very lucky for himself, if the Om word Tianyin appeared later, his soul would even walk on the road of transformation in the other party's Dao sound!Up to now, of course Li Haoxuan understands that the other party has already used the confuse Dao sound while speaking, in order to confuse his mind, and even lead his primordial spirit to gradually walk towards the Dao and self-destruct!

When Li Haoxuan regained his clarity, he casually glanced at the shocked immortal in front of him, looked at the hundreds of terrified faces below and said: "Don't try to torture my conscience with such words, I will do anything. I have my own principles, and I set up the world with my heart! When I don’t want to do something, even if you put the whole world in front of me, I still refuse. When I want to do something, even if All the people in the world are against me, and I will still do it, at worst, the whole world will be enemies, so what can I do?"

I set up the world with my heart!In just seven words, Li Haoxuan's aura and fighting spirit reached the peak in an instant. Not only that, but at this moment, he even felt that the Great Way of Heaven and Earth was slowly opening another wider door for him. The realm started to throb violently at this time, he felt the breath of the law, and felt the gate of the bigu realm!

This time, Li Haoxuan got a blessing in disguise. The other party's bewildering voice made Li Haoxuan's original heart more condensed, making his thoughts clearer and purer. He really knew what he wanted and what he wanted. At this moment, he The primordial spirit in the Purple Mansion became extremely bright and transparent. Gu Jing Wubo sat cross-legged in the depths of the Purple Mansion, exuding strands of incomparably pure aura of Fa, as if he could see through the whole world by opening his eyes. world!

"Not good! Kill!" After feeling Li Haoxuan's change, the faces of the four immortals suddenly changed. At this time, they shot at the same time, and the four big hands pressed down on Li Haoxuan, exuding a monstrous pressure, cracking the ground and cracking the void. collapse!

Li Haoxuan raised his head, and there was a bright divine light flickering in his eyes!Although his realm has broken through again and can break into the bigu realm at any time, Li Haoxuan's combat power has not been greatly improved because of this, because his physical body has reached the limit, and unless he breaks through the realm, it is impossible to have a big battle. Increase in magnitude!Moreover, Li Haoxuan suppressed his realm again, because Xu Ziyue told him that he had prepared an excellent place to steal the sky for him to break through the realm. Only in that way can his combat power be maximized, and this time Sometimes there is still a big enemy, it is really not a good time to break through!

Seeing the four huge palms pressing down from the sky, Li Haoxuan let out a loud roar, and his whole body instantly turned into a sword of heaven and earth, piercing through the four big hands with a bang!

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