Holy furnace

Chapter 686

puff!A large piece of blood spilled into the sky, falling down from the endless void. At this moment, Li Haoxuan's human sword merged into one, piercing through the four great immortals with the supreme sword intent, causing the four immortals to be injured at the same time!

"After all, you are only one person. We are immortal. How can you fight us? Even if you can hold one or two of us back, we can still go down and slaughter them all!" One of the immortals looked at Li Haoxuan and said loudly. hair flying.

"Whoever dares to do it, I will kill him!" Li Haoxuan shouted after hearing the words, "Do you really think you are a fairy? Immortal? I will kill you until today!" After the opportunity, Li Haoxuan became more and more powerful, walking towards the sky, and walked towards them step by step. At the same time, Li Haoxuan's hands moved slowly, and Daoist gods flew out continuously, and a corner of the big circle was set up around the battlefield tattoo!

The Daluo pattern is the supreme pattern that Li Haoxuan learned from Dange, it can be used to seal everything, and it can even make oneself in a temporary eternity when it evolves to the peak. Cover it up, seal yourself and the four great immortals in it at the same time, and kill the immortals in this big Luo formation!

"It's useless no matter how strong you are, why bother to be brave? Unless you break through the realm, there is no hope at all, but Xianwu Dongtian is not Ziwei, and you can't do anything if you break through the realm. What hope do you have?" The other party did not stop Li Haoxuan from performing spells, He said coldly, "Do you think you can really fight the five of us by yourself? You are courting death!"

Renxian's words used the tyrannical Daoyin magical powers, which made the words spread out in a mighty way, so that everyone present could hear them clearly!

In the endless mountains below, all the kings couldn't help but their expressions changed drastically, they were horrified. Was it true that this person wanted to monopolize the five great immortals by himself?This is impossible, because it is completely unreasonable. The strength of human immortals is well known in the world, and it is difficult for the strongest king to go through a round in his hands, and he will be killed by the opponent in an instant. It's almost impossible, let alone beheading the opponent?Moreover, one against five, this is impossible, no one can do it, it can be called heaven defying!

After hearing this, all the monks felt a creepy feeling. Seeing Li Haoxuan waving his hand and making a magic formation to block the Taoist map in the sky, everyone immediately retreated far away, for fear of being affected by the opponent!At this point, everyone is fleeing quickly. This is a battle between immortals. No one knows how far their battle will go. If they are not careful, they may fall here!

In the eyes of the five great immortals, whether you are a powerful bigu king or a weak mortal cultivator, you are no different from ants, and you can completely kill them with one palm and blow them into powder!

"Someone wants to fight the immortal, who is he? Can he really compete with the immortal?" Everyone turned back to wait and see after retreating a long enough distance. This is a battle that is rare in a thousand years and unique in ancient times!

In the dark and boundless void, Li Haoxuan, who was shining with golden light all over his body, had a cold expression on his face, and walked towards the four immortals with firm steps. Every step he took, his aura would become stronger. He was gaining momentum, preparing himself to move forward courage and strength!

"Boom!" Finally, the human immortals started to attack, and one of the human immortals jumped violently in the void, and instantly turned into a huge fairy phoenix, roaring fiercely towards Li Haoxuan. Let Li Haoxuan raise his combat power to the peak, because this is a big threat, and he is not allowed to really reach the peak!

The fairy phoenix transformed from a human immortal is bathed in monstrous divine fire, exuding unparalleled coercion, with its wings stretching hundreds of feet, it is like two supreme heavenly knives tearing towards Li Haoxuan!This fairy phoenix does not seem to be illusory, but a real visitor from the fairyland. As soon as it appeared, the void here exploded, and more than half of the mountain peaks in the distance collapsed in an instant, almost breaking the sky!

puff!With just this one blow, a monk who was not far away from here was bleeding on the spot. Big mouthfuls of blood splashed out from his mouth, his internal organs were almost shattered by the blow, and life was hard to continue!

"Boom!" The void was trembling!Li Haoxuan's big Luo formation was trembling violently, blocking most of the human immortal's power, but even so, this unrivaled fluctuation spread to the outside world, causing many people's expressions to change drastically!

"Run away!" Someone roared in horror. He thought that this place was far enough away, but he didn't expect that he still couldn't escape the opponent's battle range. This was because of the protection of the big Luo pattern, otherwise the affected area would be even greater!At this time, all the monks were fleeing, and the countless absent Dao Bo in the void made them feel like they were suffering from Ling Chi, and even had the illusion that every inch of muscle on their bodies was peeled off, which was horrifying!

"I'm not afraid of the Nine Tribulations Immortal Phoenix Dao, but I'm afraid of you, a mere big bird?" Li Haoxuan shouted loudly when he saw this.Back then when he fought with Qiming, he had seen the real Nine Tribulations Immortal Phoenix Dao, its power was unrivaled, and now the other party's transformation technique is equally powerful, but Li Haoxuan dismissed it as a fairy phoenix, but How dare a frog at the bottom of a well try to evolve into something in the fairyland?So Li Haoxuan directly regarded the other party as a big bird, and when he raised his hand, a blast of heaven and earth exploded!

Boom!The world was shaken, as if it was about to collapse under Li Haoxuan's Destruction Fist!The huge fairy phoenix uttered a shrill scream, was knocked back by Li Haoxuan's punch, and flew towards the sky with its wings fluttering!Then, the light flashed on Xianhuang's body, and it turned into a **** of death wearing a Nether armor!

"Bang!" At this time, the human immortal is like a god of death who has stepped out of hell, with cold light on his iron clothes, black light shrouding his whole body, exuding a cold and terrifying aura.

"You are a human immortal when you are born, and you are a god of the underworld after death. I will take you to the hell of bliss!" The human immortal wearing a dark iron battle suit said coldly to Li Haoxuan, exuding Unimaginable supreme power.

"Kill!" In response to this, Li Haoxuan shot cleanly and punched out with a punch, with black hair flying around, murderous aura!

"This. This." In the distance, all the monks were so frightened that they could not speak. They were human beings when they were born, and after death they were gods of the underworld. It was even worse before, and even made people have the urge to kneel and kowtow immediately, but the person in front of him shook his fist at the god of death without saying a word, how domineering is this?At this moment, everyone feels that their love blood is starting to boil, this is the real strong man, even in the face of the invincible human immortal, the unrivaled god of the underworld, he still wants to kill him in anger!

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