Holy furnace

Chapter 694

"Boom!" Before the white-clothed old man could speak, Li Haoxuan had already made another move, walking directly into the sky, stepping on the opponent from the sky, as if he wanted to trample the opponent to death like an ant!Up to now, the most important thing is time, if you can't seal the white-clothed old man before the resurrection of the fifth immortal, everything will be in vain, and they will eventually take advantage of it!

"Get out!" Facing the big foot that fell from the sky, the old man in white changed his face drastically, roared loudly, and punched the opponent hard, but in the end he backed out with three big steps, coughing up blood!Up to now, the mana of Three Elements Unity has almost been squandered, no matter how difficult it is to restore the former power, and, he was seriously injured before, and was dying several times, if not for the help of other immortals, he would have been beheaded by Li Haoxuan!However, Li Haoxuan was also uncomfortable. The opponents were all strong in the Heartbeat Realm, and now the power is even more powerful after superimposing the strength with the secret technique. If it weren't for the supernatural powers such as half-body Taoist body and Destruction God Fist, they would have already fallen away, unable to defy the sky !

"Kill!" The old Taoist in white yelled, raised his hand and used Dao Ze to cast several magic soldiers to kill Li Haoxuan with all his might!This was a great battle that shocked the entire Xianwu Cave. Not only the Wuliang Mountain was affected, but even outside the Wuliang Mountain also felt this powerful fluctuation of divine power. Although we don't know what happened in this world, many sects The guardian array has been opened immediately, and the disciples under the sect are strictly prohibited from going out!

At this time, everyone in the entire Xianwu Cave was trembling, whether it was the elders of the various sects or ordinary people in the world, all of them were pale, looking up at the sky, as if they felt the aura of annihilation!Up to now, the war has already entered the stage of life and death. Both sides are coughing up blood constantly, and their bodies are almost smashed. A single magic weapon can cause huge damage to the opponent. Up to now, the huge Dao map of the Daluo array pattern and the sky has almost been destroyed. From time to time, peerless divine power descends and turns one mountain after another into dust !

This is a kind of peerless power, and it is impossible to compete until a certain level. All the monks are retreating rapidly, all retreating to the edge of Wuliang Mountain, and now it seems that even Wuliang Mountain has been destroyed. There was no need for any changes, one area after another became scorched earth in the attack of Li Haoxuan and the old man in white!

Back then when Li Haoxuan was practicing in the vast sea desert, Xu Ziyue once told him that the entire desert was created by a single blow of two powerful people who lacked the realm. At that time, Li Haoxuan still didn't believe it. With a radius of tens of thousands of miles, is there really a monk who can be so powerful?But now Li Haoxuan believed it, even if their war could spread hundreds of miles away, let alone a powerful man who lacked a criminal background?

boom!The sound of explosions is endless, this is an epic battle, as far as Xianwudongtian is concerned, such a battle of gods may never happen, because if it goes beyond this level, Immortal Wudongtian may not be able to bear it and will be shattered !Li Haoxuan was already mad at this time, although his golden blood was not as strong as it was at the beginning, but his fists were more condensed, and divine light appeared from time to time in his terrifying eyes, and the delusion-breaking silver eyes were brought into full play by him In his eyes, the avenue of heaven and earth is constantly decomposing and reorganizing, disintegrating the opponent's powerful offensive wave after wave. At this time, his long hair is flying, and the shattering fist will drop ten times with one force. Blood!

However, he himself was also severely injured. As a strong man of the same level, he had fought against each other for so long and had already reached the limit. Translucent front and back.Let it rain endless blood!If he hadn't cultivated to the state of being as strong as iron and forcibly removed the heart, he might have died by now!

However, after receiving this blow, Li Haoxuan went mad, his killing intent was boundless, his will and combat power were completely berserk, and he unleashed endless magic spells one after another, the God of Destruction Fist was imposing forever, he slashed forward, and directly smashed the opponent's An arm was ripped off, and it exploded into nothingness with a bang!The final battle was extremely fierce, broken limbs and blood were constantly splashing, and the aura of both of them was weakening with the flow of blood.

"You have no chance, you will die for sure! No matter how powerful your combat power is, so what? Our human immortal is about to return against the sky. With your current combat power, he alone is enough to kill you thousands of times. What do you use to fight!" said the white-clothed old man. With a cruel smile, these human beings have an immortal body, even if they fall, they can be resurrected again. As long as Li Haoxuan can be killed, no matter how high the price is, it is worth paying. Now he wants to create opportunities for the resurrected human immortals, even Even if you risk your life, you must suppress Li Haoxuan's combat power to the lowest point!

"Cough... your ability rivals our five great immortals, you are proud enough even if you die!" The old man in white said from time to time, coughing up blood.However, Li Haoxuan didn't say a word, and his fierce killing intent didn't diminish at all. The Destroyer Fist smashed the sky and smashed people, constantly rippling with supreme power, and blasted out, trying to suppress and seal the opponent!However, it's not the best time yet, the sealing technique will be counteracted by the other party's Dao Law, so it is difficult to work!

boom!Li Haoxuan strode forward, using the Holy Art of Skyline and Yubu to briefly stop on the long river in the world, and instantly arrived in front of the opponent, blasting out with the Destruction Fist, overwhelming the world!

This time, the old Taoist in white coughed up blood, appeared to fall, and a terrifying fist mark appeared on the center of his eyebrows, almost blowing his entire head off. One hit would kill him.However, even so, his vitality has dropped to the extreme at this moment, and the power of the God of Destruction Fist is not so easy to bear, and he must pay an extremely tragic price!

However, Li Haoxuan also paid an incomparably tragic price for it. With his current state, he forcibly merged into the Dao and suddenly encountered the backlash of Dao. Or because he has a half body, otherwise it would not only be as simple as physical injury, but even the soul would be annihilated!

Then, Li Haoxuan made a move, intending to seal the opponent with sealing technique.

However, at this moment, an extremely tyrannical coercion rose from the east, and the only surviving celebrity was reborn at this time, but Li Haoxuan's sealing technique had not yet come to the old Taoist in white!

"Hahahaha!" Sensing the coercion, the old man in white suddenly laughed wildly, not paying any attention to the huge palm that the other party dropped, with a hideous expression on his face. If he is resurrected at that time, then what Li Haoxuan did before will be meaningless!

"All Immortal Sword Sect disciples obey the order and immediately wipe out the Pure Yang Sword Sect without leaving behind any chickens or dogs!" When Li Haoxuan finally sealed the white-clothed old man, an extremely majestic voice came from outside the five-element formation. Immediately, Li Haoxuan saw a Dao Changhong rose from the east and flew towards the Chunyang Sword Sect. Those are the disciples of the Immortal Sword Sect, all of whom are kings and powerhouses!

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