Holy furnace

Chapter 693 Seal

One Human Immortal was slaughtered, and under the joint attack of the two most powerful Immortals, one Human Immortal was slaughtered forcefully by Li Haoxuan!This result stunned everyone, and made the Four Great Immortals feel deeply uneasy!They found that they had seriously underestimated Li Haoxuan's combat power, and they paid an unimaginably huge price for it!

It is impossible for them to be revived indefinitely, and every time they are revived, they will pay a huge price. Moreover, the stronger their own strength, the more difficult it is to revive. Therefore, they have always maintained their normal form on weekdays, and they dare not increase their combat power too much. Just for fear of any accidents!But now, after they raised their combat power to the limit, they were still slaughtered by Li Haoxuan. This really frightened them!

As far as supernatural powers are concerned, the three-element unity is already the limit, and it is impossible to be stronger. It is basically impossible for the four-element unity to be five-element unity. Their physical bodies will explode, and it is impossible to bear it. Such a vast divine power!But during the battle with Li Haoxuan, the old Taoist in white was horrified to discover that Li Haoxuan's supernatural power was even stronger and purer than him now that he was united with three elements. What kind of powerful physical body would be needed to control such supernatural power?

Just when the white-clothed old man was deeply shocked by Li Haoxuan and was speechless, the three immortals in the sky suddenly spoke, and they were about to destroy the Chunyang Sword Sect, wanting to disturb Li Haoxuan's mind, and the three of them were indeed like this do it!When the voice just fell, the three of them were already flying towards the outside of Wuliang Mountain in three different directions!Although the three great immortals have transferred all their divine power to others at this time, their own realm is still in a state of excitement. It doesn't take much effort to kill those cultivators of Fanxue and Bigu. One thought is enough!

"Looking for death!" Li Haoxuan's expression changed slightly when he heard the words, and he shouted loudly.

While speaking, Li Haoxuan took a step forward, and Fengzu Yubu showed up. The extremely fast speed in the world made Li Haoxuan leave fragments of afterimages in the void, and the next moment Li Haoxuan was in front of the immortals dozens of miles away!For Li Haoxuan who is now aware of the Bigu Realm, the distance seems to have lost his concept. Although the Wuliang Mountain is huge, it cannot escape his steps. He seems to have a certain fit with the whole space. It can make his world become faster!

"You!" Seeing Li Haoxuan suddenly appearing in front of him, the celebrity's expression changed drastically, and he said in extreme horror, he couldn't understand how Li Haoxuan's speed could be so fast, it was almost just a moment of thought, he He didn't even think about how to torture and kill the people of Chunyang Sword Sect to stimulate Li Haoxuan better, but Li Haoxuan has already arrived in front of him!

At this time, Li Haoxuan's body was covered with blood, some of his own and some of the immortal's, dyed his entire Taoist robe bright red, and there were horrible wounds all over his body, even some white bones were exposed in the void , making him look extremely terrifying, like a great demon god!

"Feng!" Li Haoxuan raised his hand when he saw the immortal whose expression had changed horribly, and imprinted it on the center of the opponent's eyebrows with a bang. Immediately, a wave of Dao rhyme manifested, and dense Dao patterns spread from the center of the opponent's eyebrows. Immediately, the entire Human Immortal was completely sealed, so that its mana was dried up and it could not move!Afterwards, Li Haoxuan bound the other party with the divine chain of order, and led the other party to take another two steps towards another direction!

Boom!When Li Haoxuan left with this immortal, there was a roar like thunder, but the old man in white finally arrived, and the void was broken with one blow to keep Li Haoxuan here, to buy time for other immortals. However, he came too slowly after all, and could only watch Li Haoxuan leave before his eyes!

"Feng!" When Li Haoxuan took two steps, the whole world began to fly back. His feet seemed to be stepping on the long river of time, and he crossed the endless void in an instant. On the body of another immortal!Afterwards, Li Haoxuan made another move, followed the same pattern, and finally stopped the third immortal on the edge of the five elements formation, and bound his chain of order behind him!

So far, the three great immortals have all been captured and sealed alive by Li Haoxuan, just like useless people!Sealing the three great immortals was originally planned by Li Haoxuan, because only in this way would it be considered a draw from the bottom, and it would cut off the possibility of the other party's ternary union again!Li Haoxuan's desperate attack before was to make the opponent tremble, and then he could find an opportunity to seal the three great immortals with lightning speed, only in this way can he avoid future troubles!

As long as the three great immortals are in his hands, there are only two people in the pair. Even if the two elements are united, it is nothing in his eyes. Even a seriously injured body can still kill the opponent, or fight until the opponent declines. seal!In fact, Taoist Huangxu's sealing technique has a lot of flaws, it can only be used when the opponent has no resistance, otherwise it is easy to be backlashed by the power of Dao, it is precisely because of this that Li Haoxuan did not use the sealing technique before, but when Now, with all his strength, he directly sealed the three immortals and cut off the other party's supplies. As a result, there were only two people left in the opponent, a human immortal who had lost his vitality and was seriously injured, and a human immortal who was still in reincarnation!

"Good trick! To think of a way to seal it, it seems that you never really trusted us from the beginning!" Until this time, the old man in white finally chased after Li Haoxuan, and said sharply amidst the roar of mana!

"It's useless to say these things now, life and death will eventually be decided!" Li Haoxuan responded coldly, surging with anger.

"Even if you can let go of your hands and feet and fight me, you may not have much certainty of winning. Now that you have three burdens, you still want to defeat me? I don't need to kill you, I just need to kill one of the three of them, and they will You can leave here, when the time comes, the Chunyang Sword Sect will also be destroyed! What's more, there is still one of us who is being resurrected, if he is reborn, the Chunyang Sword Sect will also be destroyed. You must be expelled!" The old man in white said with a sneer.

"I know that there is a special feeling between the five of you. If the human immortal who is still resurrected from the Immortal Sword Sect feels that the four of you and my aura are all dying, will he choose to enter the formation immediately? Kill me?" Li Haoxuan said calmly, "As long as you can be sealed in the shortest possible time, everything will be over!" After finishing speaking, Li Haoxuan's handprint changed, and a majestic mountain suddenly appeared, and with a bang, the three great immortals behind him were all counted Suppressed in Baoshanyin!

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