Holy furnace

Chapter 692

"Tch." Looking at the two immortals in front of him, Li Haoxuan showed disdain, and said, "Why do they think I will lose to me? I killed you just because I wanted to kill you, and I feel very bad if I don't kill you." Have fun, that's all!" While speaking, Li Haoxuan stepped forward and headed towards the old man in white, his powerful divine energy was recovering, and his killing intent was like a sea!

"Seeking death!" The white-clothed old man sneered, at this time he had returned to the peak, he could naturally feel Li Haoxuan's inner weakness, and at the same time the middle-aged immortal beside him shot out, two divine lights swept out, piercing through the world, instantly transforming There are countless Dao Ze gods, densely packed, overwhelmingly pressing towards Li Haoxuan, this is the strongest manifestation of human immortal combat power, if it hits the ground, it is enough to sink a piece of land and turn a mountain range into flying ash!

At their level, every blow can be said to destroy the sky and destroy the earth. If you are not in this level, you will be powerless to stop it, and you will die if you touch it!

boom!Li Haoxuan was not afraid, the Baoshan seal on the top of his head suddenly magnified, and the black and yellow aura rolled up, turning into a vast river and passing through the sky. The sword blocked it, and at the same time, Li Haoxuan swung his hands, showing Dahe's sword intent, turning all the densely packed Dao Ze in the sky into Dao swords, wanting to control countless Dao Ze with one person's strength, and roll up the sky!

However, these Taoisms are after all the means of the human beings in the Heartbeat Realm, and they are far from being comparable to ordinary Taoism. No matter how powerful Li Haoxuan is, it is impossible to completely disintegrate all the public offensives. , and then exploded, unable to support it under this kind of divine power!Li Haoxuan resisted with his physical body, his body was like glass, soaring up to the sky!

puff!A god rushed past Li Haoxuan's palm, and plunged into Li Haoxuan's chest with a thud, causing a large amount of blood to splash out. After that, several more gods pressed down, piercing Li Haoxuan's body one by one. , Endless blood flowed horizontally, and red light splashed!

However, Li Haoxuan didn't flinch at all, his face was extremely calm, and he walked steadily and slowly towards the sky, the black and yellow aura turned into an endless river across the void, rolling towards the two candidates, Li Haoxuan followed closely Among them, the fighting spirit broke the sky, regardless of the endless blood spilled on the body, punched punch after punch, from the collapse of the sky to the shattering of the stars and the moon, and repeated cycles, making the whole sky tremble!

"Kill!" The two Great Immortals also made a move with all their strength at this time, shaking the Baoshan Seal and the Dahe Sword hard, black lights continued to fall, and various gods shrouded the three of them, making it impossible for everyone to see clearly what happened inside. , can only feel the tragic degree of this war from the mana fluctuations in it!Amidst the endless divine light, fresh blood is constantly coming out of the bone stubble from the flying sword, which is horrifying!

boom!In the light curtain in the gap, everyone saw the invincible Li Haoxuan fighting one against two, with blood and wounds all over his body, his entire chest was almost cut open by the opponent, and even the bones that were crystal clear like jade could be seen inside. However, Li Haoxuan's Strong is not a lie, at this moment, two punches almost knocked out the two immortals. This is a real life-to-life fight. The three of them did not stay behind at all, and they continued to kill with their fingertips. It all depends on who can survive. longer!

Li Haoxuan's black hair danced wildly, all kinds of magical powers and profound meanings appeared continuously, the fire emperor's red flame energy and the holy art of sky marks continued to show, the Baoshan seal and the Dahe sword were powerful enough to split the sky, destroy the magic fist to kill obstacles, and the word Tianyin repaired his body , at the end of the battle, the one hundred thousand gods in Li Haoxuan's body recovered at the same time, and the shouts and shouts continued, shaking the sky!

Outside of the big Luo pattern, everyone was trembling, as if they had seen Li Haoxuan's tragic death in battle not long after!This is equivalent to five immortals teaming up, and they are connected by secret techniques, which is far more powerful than five people shooting at the same time!

boom!The middle-aged immortal beckoned, and a bronze war halberd came through the air immediately, and was caught in his hand. A cold light flashed on the bronze war halberd, exuding a powerful coercion, which made everyone feel a biting chill !

boom!Li Haoxuan swung his fist, disregarding his own injuries, and the blow was the strongest Xingyuesha, with shocking power, resisting the opponent's bronze halberd. In the end, the bronze halberd shattered, but Li Haoxuan's fist was also stained with a large amount of blood , This is the first time that his divine fist was injured, and he was almost slashed!Even he has to admit that even he can't afford to consume it until now, and the divine power in his body is rapidly draining!

After the bronze halberd was shattered by a punch, the middle-aged man flew back. He didn't expect Li Haoxuan to be so powerful that his jaws were almost shattered!

Seeing this, Li Haoxuan suddenly let out a long cry, with an incomparably crazy look in his eyes, he ignored the backlash of his body and the shattered divine fist, and forcibly urged the mana in his body to attack the opponent with the sound of the word Om!

boom!Immediately, all the bones in Li Haoxuan's body began to creak loudly, as if they were about to collapse under his own divine power. At this time, he had almost reached his limit, and now he had begun to activate his original divine power, and even burned his spirit to make his body The power is raised to the extreme!

"Pfft!" Li Haoxuan's punch caught the two immortals by surprise. When the other party reacted, Li Haoxuan's fist had already hit the opponent's chest deeply and sent the middle-aged immortals flying out!

Afterwards, Li Haoxuan roared loudly, stepped on Yu steps to kill him, grabbed the middle-aged immortal's feet, and yanked violently!

Immediately, there was a loud scoff, and blood rained all over the sky, and the middle-aged immortal was torn in half by Li Haoxuan!

In the distance, everyone was stunned, speechless in shock. This is a supreme celestial being who merged into one, and was slaughtered like this?Tear it in half!At this moment, Li Haoxuan, who was bathed in human immortal blood, looked like a god, with an insane killing intent in his eyes, which made the complexion of the old Taoist in white not far away change drastically!

Looking at the corpse that fell from the void, the white-clothed old man's face changed drastically. He didn't expect the other party to be so tyrannical and crazy!It is true that several of their immortals can achieve immortality within a certain range, but each resurrection needs to consume a lot of background and time, and such frequent resurrections in a short period of time will bring them unimaginable harm. Li Haoxuan's madness, the old man in white is really not sure whether he can survive until the other party returns from resurrection!

"This is the second time to kill him, come again if you have the guts!" Li Haoxuan said in a low and wild tone, looking at the old man in white in front of him.

Kind of you come again!These five words vividly displayed Li Haoxuan's current madness, which made the old man in white speechless, as if he was facing a formidable enemy!

"Li Haoxuan, do you really think we can't do anything about you? Don't you have friendship with the Chunyang Sword Sect? Let's go and slaughter the Chunyang Sword Sect right now!" At this moment, the three masters standing high in the sky Xian opened his mouth, yelled at Li Haoxuan, and at the same time flew towards Wuliang Mountain in an instant!

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