Holy furnace

Chapter 702

ps: The monthly ticket is far behind, so I implore everyone to vote for the monthly ticket.

When everything calmed down, Li Haoxuan walked down from the void, raised his hand and shot some divine power into the bodies of Feng Tianxing and others, helping them recover from their injuries as soon as possible.When his body improved a little, Feng Tianxing got up quickly and saluted Li Haoxuan to express his gratitude.From his point of view, the Chunyang Sword Sect has been merged with Li Haoxuan, what happened today is not a fault at all, Li Haoxuan's ability to rush back at the last moment is enough to express his affection!

Moreover, Li Haoxuan defeated the five great immortals by himself, who can achieve this kind of record in ancient times?Maybe it can overthrow the rule of Xianjianzong and create a new era!

On this day, Li Haoxuan's name spread throughout the entire Immortal Martial Cave. In terms of combat power, if it wasn't for Li Haoxuan, these king generals would have died out, and there might not be any left!

"I don't know how our head teacher is doing now?" After tidying up, Feng Tianxing and others invited Li Haoxuan into the Chunyang Sword Sect, and asked him about everything that happened in Wuliang Mountain.

"They are all fine, only slightly injured. I will send them to a safe place to recuperate, and they may return within two days." At that time, Li Haoxuan used the magical weapon cold iron, and broke the Five Elements Array with a single sword. However, the ability of the magic weapon to exert such power also means that it will consume a huge amount of mana. Li Haoxuan was almost exhausted on the spot after swinging four swords, and the mana he just recovered was consumed in an instant. If it weren't for the black water snake The continuous replenishment of mana from the inner alchemy of the inner alchemy may not be able to keep up with the rescue of the Chunyang Sword Sect!

With his current strength, he can only swing four swords at most. If he swings the fifth sword, his whole body will be sucked dry by the cold iron sword!

Li Haoxuan first beheaded the five great immortals, and then wiped out all thirty kings of the Immortal Sword Sect. This kind of record pushed his name to the peak. Everyone is proud to have seen Li Haoxuan make a move. That would be The talk of their lives!

In the next two days, Li Haoxuan started alchemy on Lunjian Peak, refining a large number of pills that could quickly restore life energy for many disciples of the Chunyang Sword Sect, so that those monks of the Chunyang Sword Sect who were seriously injured did not die. The recovery was extremely fast, and some disciples were even able to step into a higher realm because of a blessing in disguise!Two days later, Chun Yangzi and the others came back together, and their injuries were all fine, but unfortunately, the severed arm of the Gibbon King could no longer be revived, and his combat strength in this life was reduced by [-]%!

But now he has no intention of conquering the world, and has accepted an errand as a guest in the Chunyang Sword Sect, preparing to retire!But there was a young man who was fancy by him, he liked him very much, he directly accepted him as his disciple and wanted to pass on his mantle, the disciple he accepted this time was different from Nan Zhentian, he really treated him as his own child, Pass on everything you have learned in your life to him!

The rest of the people were all trying to recover from their injuries. No one mentioned Immortal Sword Sect and the Five Great Immortals, nor Wuliang Mountain and the Handed down Saint Weapon. There is a war, it is inevitable!The outsiders are all watching, Li Haoxuan is so strong, they all want to know how Immortal Sword Sect will react, whether the five great immortals will strike again.

However, Immortal Sword Sect's reaction was surprising. From this day on, the gate was closed tightly, and no disciples were strictly forbidden to go down the mountain, let alone any conflict between the disciples of the sect and the Chunyang Sword Sect!Could it be that Immortal Sword Sect wants to compromise with Chunyang Sword Sect?Everyone is speculating about this possibility, and they are also shocked by it. The Immortal Sword Sect has ruled the entire world for thousands of years, is it going to give up its dominance today?

However, some people think that the reaction of Immortal Sword Sect is reasonable, because Li Haoxuan has already proved everything with his strength, so what if the five great immortals join forces?Still being beaten like a bereaved dog, the strong in this world are respected, even if you are not as good as Li Haoxuan, then naturally you have to give up your dominant position, not only that, even the Immortal Sword Sect, you have to give up, that kind of treasure land is only available to the first big sect The qualifications to enter must belong to the Pure Yang Sword Sect!

A few days later, the heads of the three hundred sects in the world came to visit the Chunyang Sword Sect one after another, intending to form an alliance with the Chunyang Sword Sect to jointly kill the Immortal Sword Sect!What the Immortal Sword Sect did in Wuliang Mountain that day made everyone feel cold, and regarded it as a big treacherous evil. Even the world's largest sect can't do whatever they want, let alone treat all the kings as worthless. There will be a final battle between Yang Sword Sect and Immortal Sword Sect, and the key to this battle lies in Li Haoxuan!

Many people are sure that the Chunyang Sword Sect will win, so they dare to criticize the rights and wrongs of the Immortal Sword Sect so boldly and ostentatiously. They even ambushed at the foot of the Immortal Sword Sect and sniped a disciple of the Immortal Sword Sect who came down the mountain. In the hands of the Yang Sword Sect!They all knew that the Chunyang Sword Sect had massacred a large number of disciples by the Immortal Sword Sect, and they must hate the immortal cultivators to the bone, and now this kind of behavior can win them goodwill!

However, no matter how the three hundred sects acted, the movement of the Pure Yang Sword Sect was the same as that of the Immortal Sword Sect. They persuaded all the masters who came to the sect to go back, and did not promise what they would do!Even so, everyone still felt palpitations. This was more like the tranquility before the storm. Everyone was waiting for the Chunyang Sword Sect to make a move, and concluded that once the opponent made a move, there would be a thunderous force. It was breached in a very short time!

Chunyang Sword School, on the Sword Peak.Li Haoxuan sat cross-legged alone. He was not practicing, nor was he injured. He was just thinking about something. He was constantly recalling whether what the immortals on the holy cliff in Wuliang Mountain said to him was true or false. In the final analysis, is it true or non-existent!He once asked Chun Yangzi about the Heavenly Demon, and even searched through all the ancient books that existed here, but he didn't get anything.

In the end, he took out the hand bone of the sage, which was undoubtedly left by the sage, and if what the celestial being said was true, this hand bone should be the hand bone of Martial Saint Qin Yu, but the other party It is said that the martial saint and the heavenly demon died together in the holy tomb. If so, how did this hand bone end up in the desert?This doesn't make sense.After thinking for a long time to no avail, Li Haoxuan finally got up, he decided to ask for clarification!

"Have you decided?" Chun Yangzi asked Li Haoxuan when he arrived at Lunjian Peak at some point.

"En." Li Haoxuan nodded, and said, "I'll go alone this time, you just wait here for my news."

"Okay." Chun Yangzi nodded, he was very straightforward, knowing that the Immortal Sword Sect is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, waiting for someone to go there by himself would not be of any help to Li Haoxuan.

The next moment, Li Haoxuan stood up and crossed towards Xianjianzong.

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