Holy furnace

Chapter 701 Kill All

When this powerful coercion rose, everyone couldn't help trembling and despairing, as if they were crushed by the whole world!The several big hands that fell from the void shattered on the spot, and were crushed by a chaotic power of the avenue, and it was difficult for the mana to condense into one!The faces of the dozens of kings standing in the void changed drastically, and the kings who had been seriously injured before even coughed up blood with a loud puff. This kind of coercion was like adding insult to injury to them now!

However, in just an instant, this supreme coercion suddenly disappeared, as if nothing had happened. If those big hands hadn't been broken, and if the people around him were already coughing up blood, I'm afraid everyone would have doubted what he said Is everything I feel an illusion!

"Hmph!" Shen Tiancheng looked surprised, but he quickly recovered. The coercion that had just passed away before could not change anything, and the Chunyang Sword Sect must be expelled today!Then, Shen Tiancheng let out a cold snort and stretched out his palm towards the bottom again!

"Get out!" Suddenly, a shocking thunder came from the sky far away. This roar instantly turned into a supreme sound wave, and it boomed. The figure shining with golden light looks like the unrivaled god king. In one step, he covered a distance of dozens of miles and came to the sky above his head from a very far away. Kamui!

Boom!The big golden feet fell from the sky, as if they crushed a piece of sky. Before Shen Tiancheng realized what happened, his body exploded with a puff, and it was torn apart. In the end, he didn't even know how he died!Because this golden light is so terrifying, the previous ray of Dao sound directly shattered a large mountain range, and the golden energy and blood were like a sea, which made the whole sky seem to be boiling from a very far distance, and there were golden gods everywhere. Hui, constantly fluctuating!

There was a thin mist of blood remaining in the empty void, making everyone stunned!Shen Tiancheng, who was still invincible in the past, died suddenly like this?He was beaten into a blood mist without even seeing who the opponent was, leaving no bones?Everyone was terrified and felt a chill. It is impossible for the same king to do this, at least it needs a human-level combat power to do it!

Boom!The red-haired man was the first to react, and retreated on the spot. The powerful magic power exploded from his body, and he fled desperately towards the Immortal Sword Sect.As the core disciple of Immortal Sword Sect, he knows a lot of things. He knows that there is no one in this world who can possess such combat power except the person in Wuliang Mountain, and that person can beat the five masters. Xian Zhan, if he collides with him, he will definitely shatter like an egg, without any suspense!

So he chose to escape immediately, turned into a streamer, and used his speed to the limit!However, the person who came was really too terrifying. With a roar, the mountains and rivers would be broken, and even the mountain peaks would be shattered with a long roar, not to mention his mortal body?When the red-haired man fled away in an instant, a huge sonic boom pierced through the air, and landed on his body with a bang, blasting him into a blood mist with a puff, and followed in Shen Tiancheng's footsteps !

"Boom!" The next moment, a big golden hand fell from the sky, and more than a dozen powerful kings were grasped in their hands on the spot. The unrivaled divine power surged, the power shook the sky, and the terrifying aura of destroying the world filled the void. The supreme battle armor of the rest of the kings was smashed to pieces, and then a blood mist exploded, and ten kings fell, crushed to death by the opponent like ants!

"Everyone from the Immortal Sword Sect should be damned!" Li Haoxuan, who came through the air, yelled loudly, and four heavenly dragons suddenly appeared, wrapped around him, and rushed into the twenty or so kings below with a bang, and the kings shouted loudly one after another. Roaring, showing the supreme supernatural powers, but all of them are useless, it is difficult to compete with the supreme power of the heavenly dragon, and only after six kings fell, four heavenly dragons collapsed into the void. Come to the name, each face is terrified, and the blood of endless companions is stained on the body!

"Slap!" The next moment, Li Haoxuan's real body appeared in front of these ten or so kings, and he slapped the face of the person in front of him, and with a click, he was sent flying far away, his skull was shattered, and his body was shattered!

Looking at the ground below that was almost stained red with blood, Li Haoxuan was furious. The golden energy and blood couldn't help surging, and counterattacked Gao Tian. Unimaginably vast divine power surged out from his body, turning a radius of ten feet into gold country!At this time, Li Haoxuan's heart was already extremely angry. As long as he was one step late, the entire Chunyang Sword Sect would be completely removed from the name. The suzerain and the two fell on the spot. This was a burden he could not bear, and it made him feel heart-piercing pain!

"Boom!" Li Haoxuan didn't say anything, and shot directly, and sent the person in front of him flying again, but this time Li Haoxuan was merciful and didn't kill him directly, but beat him to pieces and threw him to the ground below Above all, he knew that all the disciples of Chunyang needed to be discovered, and these people in front of him would pay the price for what they did!

thunderbolt!A king-level powerhouse couldn't bear this atmosphere that was more terrifying than death. With a loud roar, he held a long black whip and slapped it heavily towards Li Haoxuan. Dao patterns appeared on the black whip. A magic weapon of the spirit weapon level!

However, for Li Haoxuan today, this kind of weapon is not enough to look at at all, he just punched it out, and the golden energy and blood flooded in, drowning the person in front of him like an overwhelming mountain, and in the end there was only a broken body The corpse and the broken long whip fell from the void!

The next moment, Li Haoxuan couldn't suppress the killing intent in his heart any longer, a big golden hand manifested, and overwhelmingly slapped towards the dozen or so kings in front of him, grabbing all of them in his hand, and pinched them directly. Fragmented bones and meat paste, strands of bright red blood spilled from the huge golden fingers, and the void was filled with an extremely strong bloody smell. So far, more than [-] king-level powerhouses of the Immortal Sword Sect have all died!

Down below, all the members of the Chunyang Sword Sect were surrounding the dying King Feng, and all kinds of magical powers and secret techniques were displayed one after another, blasting the King Feng into pieces in an instant, leaving no bones left!This is why the anger of the Chunyang disciples erupted, and then, everyone looked at Li Haoxuan standing proudly in the void with complicated emotions. They all knew who this was and why the other party came to the rescue, but if there was no other party, they would not Will be subjected to this kind of massacre, and now, everyone does not know what attitude to use to face this strong man who rescued the Chunyang Sword Sect!

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