Holy furnace

Chapter 700

Boom!Lao He, who had regained his peak, took a step and immediately shook the void, and the mountains in the distance trembled slightly, as if they were about to collapse under the opponent's foot!Then, Lao He stepped forward and raised his hand, and there was a supreme divine light. This is his secret technique, which is designed to injure the primordial spirit. If it is swept, it will leave a dao injury.

hum!Shen Tiancheng's black battle armor suddenly floated up at this time, turning into a black shield, blocking Lao He's magic with a bang, and at the same time, he also stepped forward and began to attack actively. The divine light danced, rendering the sky into a colorful kingdom of gods.

"You do it, razing the Chunyang Sword Sect to the ground!" During the attack, Shen Tiancheng spoke, and ordered the dozens of kings behind him to drive out everyone below at the same time!

"Kill!" The expressions of Sect Master Tian and the two suddenly changed when they heard the words, and they unleashed their divine power in an instant, surpassing the world, forcing the red-haired man and Shen Tiancheng to retreat. Wang Qiang rushed forward!However, no matter how strong they are, there are only two of them after all, and they can't stop everyone's shots at all!

Finally, the dozens of kings of Immortal Sword Sect are ready to attack, and everyone's body shows an incomparable coercion. The battle power of the king level is fully displayed, making this place an absolute territory, no one can stop here, There are rumbling sonic booms everywhere, and a random blow can cause the distant mountains to collapse, causing countless monks to die!Terrible mana fluctuations are everywhere, except for the elders above the bigu state, the rest of the people have no power to fight at all!

At this time, it seemed that the entire sky was about to be shattered by the sea-like coercion. There were only dozens of people, but it seemed like a thousand troops were coming, making everyone's hearts tremble!A vast and ferocious killing intent descended from the sky like a vast ocean, submerging the entire Chunyang Sword Sect!

Boom!Every drop of divine light can turn dozens of monks of the Pure Yang Sword Sect into a blood mist, even if they fight hard with the Pure Yang Sword Formation, it is useless. It doesn't make sense!One after another, Chunyang disciples continued to die, and the entire square was stained red with blood, and everyone was fighting against the flesh and bones of their fellow disciples!

puff!In the sky, the blood-soaked Sovereign Tian raised his head and screamed, the blood stained the sky, tearing apart one of the kings of the Immortal Sword Sect, and at the same time he was punched in the back by the red-haired man, coughing up blood, his internal organs instantly It shattered, and a bloody hole appeared in the chest, and a whole body of blood was continuously dripping down!He is fighting in blood, using his life to form a line of defense to stop more king-conferring powerhouses for his disciples!

On the other side, Lao He was also wounded. He fought hard under the siege of the three kings. After cutting one of the kings in half, Shen Tiancheng chopped off his entire arm with a long knife. !

"No!" The Heavenly Sovereign roared, breaking out angrily, exerting his vast divine power to the peak, and went to the rescue, but was blocked by the red-haired man, who stopped him at a distance with the supreme secret technique, and then the five kings became kings. They teamed up to hit a combination of supernatural powers, blasting it down from the sky, and smashed a big hole in Chunyang Square with a bang, turning all the gray clothes into ashes!

Seeing this, Lao He's eyes were about to burst, he fought with one arm, and the unrivaled magic technique cut out, leaving a crack on Shen Tiancheng's body, after which the three kings jointly blasted him into the void, and slammed on the side of Sect Master Tian with a bang, blood Splash the sky!Both of them are unrivaled kings, powerful and powerful, they can compete with the gibbon king and others, but there are too many opponents, more than 30 kings come out together, this gap is too big, wait for the king to enter Among them, they will be beaten to death. There is no reason for them to be spared. It is the limit for them to kill several people in this situation!

"Master Uncle!" Feng Tianxing mourned loudly, with blood and tears welling up in his eyes!All the surviving monks were crying and resisting with all their strength. Although they knew that what they did now would be meaningless, they didn't back down either. They wanted to use their bodies to create a human wall for the Chunyang Sword Sect!

Three guardian elders came to the two old men, intending to instill them with divine power. However, they refused this move. Now, all their vitality has disappeared, and they have returned to old men in their dying years. , the pain gradually dissipated, and just fell away!The three elders cried loudly, but failed to save the other party's life, and could only watch the other party die in front of their own eyes.

"Revenge for Master Uncle!" "Revenge for Heavenly Sovereign!" Everyone roared loudly, with mournful expressions on their faces, as if they had never seen the gods falling from the sky from time to time, and they all soared into the sky and flew towards the sky , wanting to blow himself up close and die with them!

At this moment, the entire Chunyang Sword Sect is united as one, even if it is the last person in the battle, even if everyone dies, they will never give in!

"Send you on your way!" Shen Tiancheng sneered when he saw this. He was chopped off by the other party earlier, but fortunately he was protected by a battle armor. Squeeze everyone to death like ants!

"Bang!" At this moment, the five guardians, including Feng Tianxing, stood up at the same time, each with their own supernatural powers, and finally smashed the big hand above them, but their price was equally tragic, and almost everyone coughed up blood , all internal organs were traumatized!The gap between ordinary bigu and king bigu is also huge, and there is no qualification to compete with it.

"Kill!" Shen Tiancheng gave orders with a smirk, and immediately, several big hands pressed down from a distance, covering the entire square, superimposed on each other, and their power doubled!

"Stop!" At this moment, two clear and coquettish voices sounded, but two beautiful figures suddenly appeared on the scene, holding long swords and swinging upwards at the same time!Immediately, two unparalleled sword lights gushed out, as if turning into two torrential rivers and sweeping up, trying to push several palms into the sky!However, although the sword intent was strong, it was a pity that the gap between the two sides was too great. The moment the two sword lights touched the big hand, they shattered, and the lower big hand continued to press down, like slapping mosquitoes, and the two were slapped down. He coughed up blood, his face was pale!

Feng Tianxing struggled to get up, stretched out a big hand to catch the two of them, with a sad face, he said sadly, "You are the last hope of the Chunyang Sword Sect, why did you come out to die!"

"We are also disciples of the Chunyang Sword Sect, and we shall live and die with Chunyang!" Xu Jiayi's face was pale, with a large amount of blood remaining at the corner of his mouth, struggling to support each other with Cheng Susu, facing several big hands that kept falling from the sky!

At this time, everyone was in despair. Dozens of Feng Wang Qi made a move, but no one could stop them. Their death was already doomed.

Boom!At this moment, a coercion enough to make the whole world tremble suddenly rose from the direction of Wuliang Mountain. When this coercion rose, the world fell into absolute silence. Everyone was under this coercion. I felt absolute panic and fear under it, this is a force that can crush the entire world, no one can beat it!

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