Holy furnace

Chapter 71 The Huge Scroll

"Hand over the god-killing halberd?" Li Haoxuan was taken aback, he didn't expect that the law enforcer would ask him for the god-killing halberd the first time he saw him, Li Haoxuan instinctively resisted!

The first is because he snatched the god-killing halberd from Gongsun Yong, and it was Gongsun Yong or Gongsun Bubai who had to recover it. The law enforcement should be impartial. How could he help Gongsun Yong at this time? What about asking for the god-killing halberd?

The second is that Li Haoxuan deeply understands the power of the god-killing halberd!Being able to recover on his own is enough to show that he is a supreme weapon, and then he nailed the phantom of the wolf god with a single shot, and absorbed the energy of the phantom of the wolf god.From all these, it can be seen that the God-killing Halberd is a treasure, maybe it is not as good as Li Vulcan Furnace, but it must not be too far apart, this is Li Haoxuan's understanding of God-killing Halberd!

Therefore, he resisted a little, and didn't want to hand over the god-killing halberd!But the coercion from the enforcer was too strong, the enforcer looked at him as if there was a mountain pressing down on him, almost making him unable to breathe!

Li Haoxuan was silent, and the law enforcers didn't say a word, they just looked at him quietly!

Time passed slowly, and no one spoke. After dozens of breaths, Li Haoxuan's lips began to turn white, and a little sweat began to drip from his forehead. Since he obtained the Li Vulcan Furnace and cultivated the Foundation Establishment Pill, this was his first time. Once being forced to this position by others, I don't even have the ability to resist!

And the Vulcan Furnace where his dantian is located is also constantly shrinking, and finally it completely becomes a red dot-like existence, hidden in the deepest part of Li Haoxuan's dantian, and even he feels a wave in the law enforcer in front of him. strong pressure.

"Master Law Enforcer" In the end, Li Haoxuan couldn't bear this kind of pressure. He felt every bone in his body start to tremble, and the bones in his body also made trembling sounds. On the verge of collapse, he took a sharp step forward, countercurrent On the other hand, he cupped his hands to the law enforcement officer and said, "I took this god-killing halberd from Gongsun Yong, and I have an agreement with Gongsun Bubai that he will personally come and take this god-killing halberd! So... ··”

"So you're not going to hand it over, are you?" the enforcer asked.

"I dare not." Li Haoxuan lowered his head and said.

"What you said is that disciples don't dare, but I think you are disciples who dare too much!" There's no need to stand up for a disciple, I didn't ask for this god-killing halberd for the two brothers Gongsun and Sun."

"Then why do you want this Fang Tian painted halberd..." Li Haoxuan raised his head and asked in surprise.

"Didn't anyone tell you that the God-killing Halberd belongs to Guanlan Pavilion?" The law enforcer replied, "The God-killing Halberd is a supremely ferocious soldier, even I cannot subdue it, such a ferocious soldier How could I really hand it over to Gongsun Bubai? The ownership of the God-killing Halberd has always belonged to the Shenbing Pavilion. It’s returned, and the ownership is still the Shenbing Pavilion!”

"Then, according to your opinion, Mr. Law Enforcer, Gongsun Bubai enjoys the ten-year ownership of this god-killing halberd, so within these ten years, the god-killing halberd should be considered Gongsun Bubai?" Li Haoxuan gritted his teeth and said. .

"You are really a troublemaker!" The law enforcement officer snorted and said, "I will not go around in circles with you anymore. The little girl from Huangfu's family came to me two days ago and said that your god-killing halberd was in Shiwanda Mountain. Some of the seals may be damaged, so I want you to bring me the God-killing Halberd for inspection. If the seal is really damaged, I must re-seal the seal first, otherwise, once the God-killing Halberd is completely broken, The consequences will be unimaginable! As for the future, you can do whatever you like, I don’t care about you! It’s only ten years, can the God-killing halberd be tossed and broken in your hands?”

"Oh, that's how it is." Li Haoxuan suddenly realized, and quickly said, "This disciple is reckless, please forgive me, my lord."

"Huh! You are not just reckless, there are really few people in the entire infinitely small world who dare to contradict me! But you are very good, and your attainments in Chongxuan are already extremely high!" The law enforcer took a careful look at Li Haoxuan. With a smile on his face, he said, "You can be proud of being able to withstand my pressure for such a long time!"

"Thank you, Lord Law Enforcer, for your praise." Li Haoxuan bowed and said.

"There's no need to be too polite." The law enforcement officer waved his sleeves and said, "With your talent, you may not be able to enter the elite court of the inner sect. When the time comes, your cultivation base will advance by leaps and bounds, and it is not impossible to surpass me. I will wait and see. Alright, Take out the god-killing halberd first."

"Yes." Li Haoxuan nodded, directly took out the god-killing halberd from the storage ring, and handed it to the law enforcement officer!

"En??" When this god-killing halberd appeared, an overwhelming coercion suddenly filled the whole floor. Li Haoxuan was struck by lightning, his face was extremely pale, and his whole body was almost limp on the ground. He was leaning on the god-killing halberd in his hand, and he might have fallen to the ground at this moment!This coercion is so great that it is unimaginable. Compared with the coercion of law enforcement officers, it is like the difference between Yinghuo and Haoyue.

After feeling this familiar coercion, the law enforcement officer's face changed wildly. Even he was moved by the horror of this coercion!Without further ado, he rolled Li Haoxuan to his side with his sleeves, and used himself to resist this coercion, otherwise, even Li Haoxuan's celestial appearance would not escape death!

Then, the enforcers quickly flew towards the deepest part of Jiangshan Pavilion!

Li Haoxuan had always thought that the Jiangshan Pavilion was boundless, an endless space!Now being carried forward by the law enforcers, I realized that everything I saw before was an illusion. As long as I walked out of that range, everything around me would suddenly become clear!And in the deepest part of the Jiangshan Pavilion, there is a huge picture scroll about forty feet long and twenty feet wide!

The sun, the moon, and the stars in this huge picture scroll include majestic mountains, long green water, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and even countless lives, all inclusive!Li Haoxuan looked at this grand picture scroll as if he saw a living world!

The law enforcer came to this huge picture scroll, tore it with his left hand, and directly tore a space entrance, then he jumped, and Li Haoxuan and the two fell into this huge picture scroll at the same time!

When Li Haoxuan and the law enforcers disappeared into this huge picture scroll at the same time, the terrifying coercion pervading Jiangshan Pavilion quickly receded, as if nothing had happened, the only thing that changed was that there was no one there.

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