Holy furnace

Chapter 72

The enforcer led Li Haoxuan to step out in front of the huge scroll, and the situation suddenly changed, as if passing through a teleportation array. Then, Li Haoxuan found that he and the enforcer were standing on a majestic mountain, above their heads On the other hand, tiny stars are suspended one after another, as if you can pick up the stars and catch the moon with just raising your hand!

"Where is this?" Li Haoxuan asked in amazement, suddenly, the world changed again!They instantly appeared on a vast grassland, and the stars disappeared, replaced by patches of flawless clouds, gorgeous and colorful!

Li Haoxuan's eyes widened, watching all this in horror!This world is constantly changing, both time and space are changing, but in Li Haoxuan's perception, everything here is real, not false!

"This is the core of the infinitely small world!" the enforcer said in a deep voice.

"The core of the infinitely small world?" Li Haoxuan was taken aback for a moment, he clearly remembered that he and the law enforcer entered a huge picture scroll at the same time, so how could it be the core of the infinitely small world?

"I'll talk to you later." The law enforcer's face was extremely serious, and he struck out numerous spells with both hands. Finally, the ever-changing world suddenly stopped, and a huge human face with a height of tens of feet appeared in the void. Looking down on them from the sky.

There are no clear facial features on this huge human face, but you can feel the endless vicissitudes of vicissitudes from it, as if it has existed before the ages, and the traces of his existence cannot be counted by the years!

In front of the enforcer's eyes, a green jade tablet floated, on which countless talismans flickered, and then a green light shot out, linking the enforcer with that huge face.

"My lord, what happened just now? I sensed your revived breath, so I woke you up!" the law enforcer said respectfully to the big face in the sky made up of countless clouds.

"I felt threatened, so I revived on my own." The huge face spoke slowly, and there was a booming sound, and then two white lights shot out from the pupils and hit the god-killing halberd in Li Haoxuan's hand !

"God-killing halberd?" The law enforcement officer's expression changed, and he asked again, "Has the god-killing halberd fully recovered?"

"Not yet," the huge face said, "but I seem to feel a breath of the god's mansion. You step back, and I'll confirm it again." As soon as the words fell, Li Haoxuan felt a supreme force coming to him and the law enforcement The opponent bounced away for hundreds of miles in an instant!

This space seems to be truly infinitely huge, and the distance of hundreds of miles is far from the limit. Li Haoxuan and the enforcer are controlled by a force, and they are autonomously suspended in the sky and the earth!

The God-killing Halberd escaped from Li Haoxuan's control, and stood alone on a mountain, like an immortal backbone!

Suddenly, patches of dark clouds strangely appeared above the God-killing Halberd. Countless dark clouds rolled and gathered to form a vast ocean. Then, there were bursts of muffled thunder, and wisps of blue lightning Appearing in the vast ocean, in the end, more and more blue electric lights turned the entire ocean into a divine sea of ​​thunder!

Boom! !The Thunder God Sea suddenly fell down, burying the God Slaying Halberd in it!A series of blue lightning lights as thick as arms descended, striking the gun body of the God Slayer Halberd.It is a magnificent picture, almost impossible to see from the outside world.

"Is this a catastrophe?! Your lord wants to use the power of the catastrophe to test the god-slaying halberd, so as to wipe out the evil spirit of the god-slaying halberd?" The law enforcer looked at the sea of ​​thunder thousands of miles away in horror. Soliloquy.

At the level of a law enforcement officer, he can see through thousands of miles at a glance, and everything thousands of miles away cannot be hidden from his eyes.

"What happened?" Li Haoxuan looked at the horrified expression of the enforcer and asked, his strength was not enough to ignore the distance of thousands of miles.At this moment, he couldn't see what kind of test the God Slaughtering Halberd was facing.

"The World of Mirrors!" The enforcer swiped his hands, forming a huge mirror with the vitality of heaven and earth, and then shot two divine lights from his eyes and projected them onto the mirror in front of him!Immediately, everything seen by the law enforcement officer's eyes was clearly presented on this mirror, so that Li Haoxuan could also see everything clearly!

"Hiss!!" Looking at the endless thunder sea, Li Haoxuan couldn't help gasping!For Li Haoxuan, this is no less than a kind of doomsday punishment. It is definitely a catastrophe that will destroy the world. It is almost unimaginable that someone can bear it. Such a sea of ​​thunder is vast and boundless. It was enough to destroy his body, which was comparable to a precious body.

But the God-killing Halberd remained unmoved, standing in the void, and the endless mountain he was originally in had been completely smashed into ashes and no longer existed in the world.And he is like an immortal god, if you add disasters to your body, I will stand still!

"This...what kind of power is this..." Li Haoxuan was really shocked, and there was an inexplicable emotion in his heart that couldn't be restrained!This is just watching the projection of the mirror world thousands of miles away. If all this really happened in front of him, I am afraid that his primordial power is not enough to withstand such a spectacular scene!

The endless sea of ​​thunder is like a waterfall descending from the Nine Heavens, firmly pressing on the god-killing halberd!

That huge face was still quietly suspended in the void, without any emotional fluctuations!Then, a ray of purple lightning suddenly emerged from the blue sea of ​​thunder. This purple ray of lightning seemed to come from the chaos, and there was only one ray, and it slowly shot towards the god-killing halberd!

"Zixiao Divine Thunder!!" The enforcer's pupils shrank sharply. This is a supreme divine thunder that surpasses ordinary thunder calamities. It has powerful destructive power. It is said that this kind of divine thunder exists in the nine heavens, and it is difficult to exist. In the world, once Lin Chen can only exist for five breaths, but the power of a purple sky thunder is enough to kill a monk of a high level!

To pass the thunder calamity is the path that every monk must pass after reaching a certain stage, but there is no one who is not afraid of this kind of purple sky thunder that exists in the deepest part of the nine heavens!The law enforcers did not expect that even such a divine thunder would be summoned to deal with the god-killing halberd!

"Hey!" Finally, this ray of purple divine thunder descended and hit the god-killing halberd!The gun body of the God-killing Halberd suddenly trembled slightly, and the purple light flowed, and the next moment. . .

Zheng! !A shot of a gun that soared into the sky, with a length of hundreds of feet, shattered the ray of purple lightning flowing around his body with a bang!

"He's really revived!!" The law enforcer couldn't hide his horror, and said as he looked at the god-killing halberd that was releasing the terrifying spear light in the void.

"The guardian of Jiangshan Shejitu, the inner divine mansion of the god-killing halberd has indeed recovered, but it has not been fully awakened. This time I will personally seal it. You go out." At this time, a voice came from the sky. There was a majestic voice, stretching for tens of thousands of miles, echoing throughout the world, even Li Haoxuan could hear it clearly!

Afterwards, the mirror world was shattered, and the green jade tablet in front of Law Enforcer's real body instantly withdrew its light and returned to his body. The next moment, Li Haoxuan and the Law Enforcer were moved to the Jiangshan Pavilion where they were originally.

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