Holy furnace

Chapter 73

"My lord, that was before..." Li Haoxuan's face was a little pale, because everything he saw before was too shocking, especially when he was finally moved out by a mysterious force, he seemed to see a figure forming in the void, Then he swallowed the god-killing halberd in one gulp, this scene was like a demon, lingering in Li Haoxuan's mind.

"That is the weapon spirit of Jiangshan Shejitu, and also the weapon spirit of the infinitely small world." The enforcer waved his hand, and another space was opened, and the enforcer stepped into it, and said slowly.

In this heavy space, there are several stone benches and a stone table, surrounded by bright pearls, and Li Haoxuan even discovered that these pearls are all polished by spirit stones, releasing a strong aura of heaven and earth all the time .

"Jiangshan Sheji Map? Artifact Spirit? What is Artifact Spirit?" Li Haoxuan was stunned and asked in surprise.He seems to have a premonition that there is a door lying in front of him now, once it opens, he will see a truly magnificent world of cultivating immortals!

"Originally you were not qualified to know all of this, but you have seen everything today, and there is no need for me to continue to hide it from you. It may not be a bad thing to let you broaden your horizons in advance." The law enforcer hesitated for a moment before saying " Do you know the level of magic weapons in the world of cultivating immortals?"

"I know the treasure!" Li Haoxuan said, "I just don't know what level of magic weapon is above the treasure."

"The magic weapons in our world of cultivating immortals are divided into four levels! The lowest level is the treasure weapon, you know this, the upper level is the spiritual weapon, the magical weapon, and the highest level is the Taoist weapon!

"There is nothing to say about treasures, spirits, magic weapons, they are all about the same, it's just the strength of power. What I want to tell you is Taoism!"

"Tao artifacts, what are Tao artifacts? Only those who have obtained the Tao are called Tao artifacts! What is the Tao? The Tao is the law of heaven and earth, invisible and formless! People in the world of cultivating immortals understand that Tao artifacts can only be refined by masters in the realm of immortality. , Why? Because only after reaching the realm of Immortal Records, can one comprehend the laws of heaven and earth, and be able to attune Qi Ling to achieve enlightenment! You just asked me what Qi Ling is, and I will explain to you what Qi Ling is.”

"Qi Ling, as the name suggests, means the soul of a weapon! Some powerful magic weapons, like humans, have a body and a soul! There are two types of weapon spirits, one is acquired by humans, and the other is It is the residence of the inner god!"

"Let's talk about the first situation first, artificially injecting the spirit into the magic weapon! This method means that when refining the magic weapon, the soul of the fierce beast is added to the refining together. Once the refining is successful, the magic weapon will become a piece of magic weapon. Psychic treasures. This is the way to infuse acquired spirits into the weapon. It is very difficult to cultivate such a magic weapon with the inner spirit of the weapon. It is easy to infiltrate the souls of some weak beasts, but if you want to It will be extremely difficult to get some powerful monster souls, even the masters of the Immortal Record realm may not be able to succeed!"

"And the second situation is the inner divine mansion! This kind of weapon spirit is not refined from the souls of ferocious beasts that are artificially infiltrated, but is formed by magic weapons that continuously absorb the aura of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and the moon, and at the same time combine with it The master's mind is interlinked, accompanied by his side all the year round, contaminated with the master's own breath of life, and formed naturally after many years. The master of this kind of artifact spirit must be very powerful, otherwise it will be difficult for the magic weapon to be contaminated with his breath and contain the divine mansion! From another perspective, the artifact spirit of Neiyun Shendi is basically a continuation of the life of his previous master! This is a naturally born soul, and no one can explain this phenomenon, so it is called Inner God mansion."

"Acquired weapon spirits generally have animal or human forms. As long as they can communicate with the master, they can transform into physical existence to fight against the enemy. When fighting the enemy, the master does not need to deliberately control it, because the tool spirit can think and has its own mind. Thinking can completely defend against the enemy and fulfill the wishes of the master on its own."

"As for the inner mansion, there is no form, and some only have a sense of thought. He can also materialize it, but that is not his body! Moreover, the inner mansion can evolve, and absorb enough soul and vitality in the body. , or when the power of the owner of the main body is greatly improved, the weapon spirit can also evolve accordingly and become a higher-level existence, but this type of existence that can evolve is very rare, and there are very few such records in history .”

"These are not the biggest differences!" In the end, the law enforcement officer said seriously, "The biggest difference between the spirit of the weapon and the inner mansion is that the spirit of the weapon is dead, and it will not cause much harm to the magic weapon. Refining a spirit of the weapon will be enough It’s ok. But the inner mansion is different, the inner mansion and the magic weapon are one, the lips are dead and the teeth are cold, and the body of the magic weapon will also collapse when the inner mansion dies. Similarly, unless you shatter the body of the magic weapon, otherwise the inner The Yunshen Mansion will not die at all, at most it will just fall into a deep sleep, and after endless years, it will still recover on its own and return against the sky!"

"That's right! By the way, you call the weapon spirit of the god-killing halberd the inner divine mansion. Could it be that it belongs to the second one, a weapon handed down from ancient times, but it was hit hard so the divine mansion fell asleep. Now Are you coming back?"

"That's right." The law enforcement officer nodded and said, "You must have heard of the turmoil hundreds of years ago. It was his first recovery! Although the divine power of the recovery of the god-killing halberd was not strong, but the same It has caused great harm to our disciples, if the Qi Spirit of Jiangshan Shejitu did not finally take action to suppress him, the consequences would be disastrous!"

"Didn't it mean that the law enforcers took action to suppress it in the end? And the map of Jiangshan Sheji..." Li Haoxuan asked in surprise.

"No. The law enforcers were also severely injured at the time, and finally awakened the spirit of Jiangshan Shejitu and suppressed it." The law enforcer shook his head and said, "Jiangshan Shejitu is a Taoist tool of our Qingxu concept! It is an infinitely small world. "

"What... what do you mean?" Li Haoxuan suddenly felt a tightness in his throat. The infinitely small world is so huge. Since it can be called a small world, it is no small matter to call it the world!

"As I said before, Taoist artifacts! Only the magical artifacts that have attained the Tao can be called Taoist artifacts!" The enforcer said, "What is the Tao? The Tao is infinitely wide, infinitely wide, infinitely large, and infinitely possible! But all Taoist artifacts are like this , The infinitely small world is nothing more than the evolution of a certain space in the Jiangshan Sheji map. The real Taoist artifact is many times larger than this! It is said that the most powerful Taoist artifact can even transform the real sun, moon, and stars. Put it into it, what is a small infinite small world? The huge picture scroll in my Jiangshan Pavilion is the passage to the Jiangshan Sheji Tuqi Spirit!"

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