Holy furnace

Chapter 74 Refinement of Divinity Essence

"The Taoist...infinitely wide, infinitely wide, infinitely large, infinitely possible...this is the Taoist..." At this moment, Li Haoxuan suddenly had a feeling of enlightenment in his heart, as if it had been lying in front of him, The door blocking the line of sight between himself and the outside world suddenly shattered.

Everything the law enforcer said completely peaked his understanding of the world!He once knew from the inheritance memory of Li Vulcan Stove that Li Vulcan Stove can be big or small, big can be as high as a mountain, and small can be as fine as a grain of rice. When it is stimulated, it is more powerful to store stars, and smaller to turn into mustard seeds. He has been unable to locate what kind of treasure Li Vulcan furnace is before, but now he finally has a concept. This is no less than a peerless Taoist artifact. Treasure!

Moreover, what shocked Li Haoxuan even more was that all these people have been living in the inner space of a Taoist vessel! !This can't help but make Li Haoxuan think of a possibility, if the Taoism continues to develop, will the space inside, the heaven and the earth, evolve to the extreme, will it really become a real world?

"Did you ever think that the infinitely small world is a space formation created in the depths of Taixuan Mountain?" The enforcer asked with a smile, "I heard that little girl from Huangfu's family mentioned the question you asked her back then. Needless to say, your talent is really high, and you can see many things directly to the essence, which I haven't found in other people."

Li Haoxuan had indeed raised such a question to Huangfu Jing, he was very curious about how big the infinitely small world is?Will it really be as big as the outside world?If the infinitely small world is formed by a formation based on a certain point in the outside world, how is this base point determined?How to ensure that this base point will not change, and, does this base point also exist in the small world they are in now?

Huangfu Jing has no way to return to this question, but now, Li Haoxuan really understands it!This is not a fixed point at all. The residence in the depths of Taixuan Mountain is just a transmission channel leading to the Jiangshan Sheji Map. The infinitely small world is the inner space of the Jiangshan Sheji Map!

"I understand now." Li Haoxuan nodded and said.

"In the space of the Dao Artifact, the spirit of the Dao Artifact is the master of everything! Even a master of the Immortal Record Realm will be directly suppressed to death if he enters it! Therefore, the infinitely small world has existed for many years, and no one has ever invaded it. Anyone who invades is courting death!" said the law enforcer.

"Master Law Enforcer, what realm is above that Dao weapon?" Li Haoxuan asked again.

"Above the Taoist weapon is the ultimate divine weapon! The so-called extreme divine weapon is a kind of divine weapon formed by the evolution of the Taoist weapon to the extreme, and he must use the world's top several divine materials as raw materials to refine it. For example, fairy tear green gold, eternal blue gold, Dao robbery gold, phoenix blood red gold, etc., if it is made of ordinary materials, it will definitely not be able to make extreme magic weapons! As for extreme magic weapons, there are only illusory fairy weapons. Immortal artifacts are made by immortals in the fairy world, but they are legendary things, and no one knows whether they exist in the world." The law enforcement officer shook his head, and then said, "Okay, I will stop here for the digression. , you don’t want to spread the things I told you today.”

"Yes!" Li Haoxuan nodded quickly and said.After hearing all this, Li Haoxuan's heart was also full of enthusiasm. The Dao weapon is the highest level weapon known in the world besides the extreme magic weapon. Judging from the inheritance memory of Li Vulcan Furnace, this is definitely If an existence above the Dao Artifact can one day grow himself into a giant of the Immortal Dao and unleash the greatest power of Li Vulcan Furnace, he will definitely be able to run rampant in the world!

However, while Li Haoxuan's heart was burning, he was also thinking secretly. After all, this Li Vulcan Stove was originally a powerful monk who belonged to the Immortal Record Realm, and that cultivator in the Immortal Record Realm held the Li Vulcan Stove. It is conceivable how powerful his enemy is!Even if he could unleash the true power of Li Vulcan Furnace one day, he might not be invincible in the world. "I'm curious about how this god-killing halberd revived. Please tell me in detail what you experienced in the Hundred Thousand Mountains." The enforcer sat on the stone bench and asked suddenly.He can naturally know everything that happened in Jiangshan Sheji Map, but what happened in the [-] mountains is beyond the scope of his perception.

"I think the recovery of the God-killing Halberd may be related to the two-horned wolf..." Li Haoxuan didn't hide anything, and explained his battle with the two-horned wolf in detail.After all, he still needs to exchange part of the blood and fur of the two-horned gray wolf for the spirit stone. He doesn't think the law enforcers will be shameless enough to rob him.

"You actually killed a two-horned gray wolf that was one level higher than you!!" The enforcer was shocked and almost jumped up!The reputation of being invincible at the same level as the two-horned gray wolf was not uttered by one person, but recognized by most people. Except for a small number of divine beasts, there are very few opponents!

"If it wasn't for the god-killing halberd, I might have died." Li Haoxuan said regretfully, "It's a fair fight, and I'm still not as good as him."

"This is his innate secret skill. It is very rare for you to force him to use this trick! Moreover, the God Killing Halberd only helped you restrain the phantom of the wolf god. It is you who really killed him , Remember not to doubt yourself during the training process, otherwise, once your faith is shaken, it will be dangerous." The law enforcer pondered for a moment and said, "It seems that it should be the prehistoric breath of the phantom of the wolf god that awakened it."

"Forget it, let Jiangshan Shejitu's Qi Ling deal with the god-killing halberd, I can't control that much!" In the end, the law enforcer shook his head and stopped worrying about it, "You came to me today to calm down Is Yuan Jin coming?"

"It's not just the condensed energy." Li Haoxuan shook his head, "I also want a few books of supernatural powers."

"How many magical arts? Your appetite is really not small." The enforcer smiled, "You also know the rules here. Spiritual stones are hard currency! If you have spiritual stones, magical powers will naturally be given to you. If you don't have spiritual stones, then I can only pass on your condensed energy."

"I don't have a spirit stone, but I believe that your spirit stone must be indispensable, Mr. Law Enforcer." Li Haoxuan smiled slightly, and at the same time took out a jade bottle filled with red liquid from the storage ring.

"This is..." The enforcer was taken aback, took the jade bottle over and opened the cork, and immediately felt a fishy smell permeating the air.

"This is the blood of the two-horned wolf. It should be of great use to law enforcement officers, right?" Li Haoxuan said with a smile. The use of the two-horned wolf's blood is even recorded in the "Dan Jing", which may not be available to ordinary monks. It is very useful, but it is very useful for some powerful monks, because there is a powerful one who once extracted the divine essence of the wolf god's blood from the blood of the two-horned gray wolf, and then forcibly injected this divine essence into the body. In the body of an ordinary child, this child finally obtained the blood of the wolf god, and was even able to perform the mysterious wolf technique!

"It's really useful!" The law enforcement officer said excitedly, and then he directly guided the blood in the bottle out, and struck out heavy magic spells with both hands, one by one talisman jumped out from his fingertips, submerged in the bright red blood. In the blood!

About half an hour later, the red blood seemed to be boiling and began to jump up, and there was a little bit of light golden brilliance in it, more and more!Li Haoxuan even felt a pressure from the soul from it, it was the essence of divinity extracted by the law enforcers, and it was the most precious thing in the blood of the wolf god!

The face of the law enforcement officer was extremely solemn, and there were beads of sweat on his forehead!It can be seen that all this also requires a huge price for the law enforcement officers, and it is not easy to succeed!

In the end, all those essences emitting golden light slowly floated up, separated from the red blood water, and above the blood water, a phantom of a wolf god with tightly closed eyes appeared.

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