Holy furnace

Chapter 751 Cause and Effect

"This... is this dead? A strong man who was half-hearted was smashed to death with his fist like this?" Looking at Li Haoxuan and the blood mist in front of him, Lei Tian said in a daze, a little It's hard to accept this fact.

"Your Destruction Fist finally has the taste of destruction!" Seeing Li Haoxuan flying towards the two of them, Gongsun Bubai couldn't help but sighed and said.

Seven years ago, he could still compete with Li Haoxuan, and even thought that he could suppress Li Haoxuan under full firepower. However, seven years can change too much, and now the gap between the two is so big that it is difficult to measure. This reality makes him a little embarrassed.

"Let me introduce you formally." Now that the old man of the Lei family is dead, this crisis is naturally over, so Gongsun Bubai formally introduced the two to each other.

"It turns out that you are the disciples of Donghuang Qingxuguan, no wonder you all have such combat power!" To Li Haoxuan's surprise, Lei Tian also just found out the true identity of Gongsun Bubai, and said in a very unexpected way, "The name of Qingxuguan is better than the whole Ziwei. It’s all like thunder, earlier I said when Nanling got such a monster like you, it made me feel a little unbalanced, but now I feel much more comfortable, haha.”

"Om!" Just as the three of them were chatting, there was a sudden tremor in the void, and then suddenly an illusory figure appeared in the blood mist in the distance, wearing a blue robe, with delicate features, chic and calm .

"Thunder Light!" Looking at the phantom that appeared in the distance, Lei Tian's face suddenly changed, and after careful identification, he was relieved, and sneered, "I didn't expect you to put the demon seed on that dog slave, what, Are you disappointed that you can't kill me? But now you are just a mirror image, so you still want to keep me? If you have this idea, you might as well try it, I will beat you all over the place!"

"Hehe, your death is inevitable, why should I be in a hurry? What's more, now that I have seen you with my own eyes, where can you escape?" After finishing speaking, the statue with a wicked smile on his face The illusory mirror image shattered with a click, and instantly turned into a purple light and shot towards Lei Tian!

"Not good!" Lei Tian's complexion changed drastically when he saw this, and he was about to retreat as soon as he moved, but the purple light was too fast, he had just turned his thoughts, and the divine light had already arrived in front of him.

"Hmph!" At this moment, a golden palm was thrown across the air, directly blocking Lei Tian's face, and slapped towards the purple light with a bang!

However, a surprising scene happened, the purple light did not shatter under Li Haoxuan's palm, but directly entered into Li Haoxuan's palm, and disappeared instantly!

"En?" Li Haoxuan looked at his palm in surprise, and found that he didn't seem to touch anything at that moment, and the purple light seemed illusory. He looked inside himself and found that there was nothing in his body. The trail of the purple god light can't help but be puzzled.

"Oh no, this is my Lei family's secret tracking method, invisible and substanceless, similar to the power of the curse in the legend!" Seeing Li Haoxuan helping him to suppress the purple light, Lei Tian was startled and said extremely worriedly "As long as the recruiter is within a thousand miles of Thunder Light, he will be sensed by it, and then he can find our specific location based on this sense, and kill us all!"

"Is there no way to expel this curse?" Li Haoxuan frowned, and then asked.

"There is no way! This kind of tracking secret technique is invisible and qualityless, and is directly entangled in the primordial spirit. Unless the caster takes the initiative to untie it, or the caster dies, there is no way to untie it at all!" Lei Tian shook his head and sighed. Said "Haoxuan, I'm the one who hurt you this time!"

"Don't say that, even if this Lei Tingguang can find us, we may not die." Li Haoxuan waved his hand generously, and said, "By the way, what is the strength of this Lei Tingguang? His tone seems to have nothing to do with you I have a deep hatred, but why do I have to kill you?" Li Haoxuan has gone through countless disasters since he practiced, and now it is not a big deal for him to be remembered by someone again, as long as it comes, he will be at ease.

"Hey, it's hard to say, let's get out of here first! Maybe Lei Tingguang is within a thousand miles at this time, if it senses our position, it will be troublesome!" Lei Tian sighed again when he heard the words, and got up first and headed south fly away.

"Lei Tingguang is definitely not alone at this time. According to the family rules, he should be hunting in the depths of the mountains with many elders at this time. In this case, we will go to the outer periphery. As long as we can leave the Duantian Mountains, Lei Tingguang wants to find us. It's not easy, and besides, as long as I can return to the Lei family smoothly, he won't be able to do anything to me!" Lei Tian is a direct descendant of the Thunder Clan in Nanling, and the Duantian Mountain Range is within the territory of the Lei Clan. Li Haoxuan and Gongsun Bubai followed behind him and flew towards the distance rapidly.

When flying towards the outskirts of the Duantian Mountain Range, Li Haoxuan finally figured out the ins and outs of all this!

Two months ago, Gongsun Bubai strayed into the remnant formation left by the ancient sages in a fairy mansion in the Eastern Wasteland, and was directly transported by space to the Duantian Mountain Range in the Southern Region, where he met Lei Tian by chance. At that time, Lei Tian was participating in a family trial, fighting to kill a golden-eyed divine ape. There were countless prehistoric and wild species in the Duantian Mountain Range. The Domain Gate returns to the Eastern Wasteland!

However, the two began to be chased and killed a month ago, and the instigator was Lei Tingguang!

Both Lei Tingguang and Lei Tian are the sons of the patriarch of the Lei Clan, and Lei Tingguang has shown a talent for cultivation far beyond ordinary people since he was a child. In front of Lei Tingguang, he didn't have any advantage at all, and he was pulled out of a huge gap early on!At this time, Lei Tingguang is already in the fourth level of heart-beating, but Lei Tian is only in the fourth level of bigu, which is a small realm lower than Lei Tingguang!

According to the logic, with Lei Tingguang's talent and strength, he will definitely be the future Patriarch of the Lei Clan!However, such an excellent Lei Tingguang is doomed not to become the leader of the Thunder Clan, because he is the adopted son of the leader of the Thunder Clan, not his own!Although the patriarch of the Lei Clan gave him the surname Lei, regarded him as his own, and even used his family heritage to cleanse his body and give him the blood of the Lei Clan, but some things cannot be reversed by blood alone. In the final analysis, he is not pure. His Thunder Clan blood, in this case, it is impossible for him to truly inherit the position of Lei Clan patriarch!

Unless, unless Lei Tian, ​​the number one heir, dies, Lei Tingguang will never be able to ascend to the position of patriarch. The very simple reason is all the causes and effects!

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