Holy furnace

Chapter 752 Huang Xiaocheng

"Since Lei Tingguang and you are the only heirs, how dare he send someone to kill you so blatantly?" Li Haoxuan was a little puzzled, so he asked, "After killing you, he will be the first heir and also the first Suspect! With this hat off, it must not be easy for him to become the patriarch of your Thunder Clan? As for the alibi, it's even more nonsense, who would believe it?"

"Hmph, of course Lei Tingguang knows this, but he just wants to do the opposite. Who would believe that the majestic young master of the Lei family would be so useless? What's more, the old thing just now was already three years ago. He is dead, but now it seems that this is just a game, what we are waiting for is today! Brother Li, it is lucky to have your help today, otherwise we will be in danger!" Lei Tian said to Li Haoxuan.

"It's nothing more than a little effort, and I and Gongsun Bubai are still from the same family, so why not help?" Li Haoxuan laughed.At the same time, he secretly sighed inwardly. Although the Leishen Palace of the Lei Clan is one of the oldest temples in Nanling, this ancient family does have to face some problems, such as inheritance rights!The school of Qingxuguan is different, the position of head teacher is occupied by capable people, and it is not hereditary, so usurpation of the throne rarely happens.

With Li Haoxuan joining, Lei Tian and Gongsun Bubai moved much faster, swept across the road, and killed an unknown number of monsters blocking the way, and finally flew out of the Duantian Mountain Range two days later.

"I don't know how big this mountain range is. It's probably comparable to a hundred thousand mountains!" Li Haoxuan looked back and sighed at the vast and boundless Duantian Mountain Range in front of him.

"Hey, this is incomparable." Lei Tian replied with a smile after hearing this, "In terms of area, the Duantian Mountain Range may indeed be larger than the Hundred Thousand Mountains, but in terms of prestige, the Ten Duantian Mountain Ranges are not comparable. Go up to your one hundred thousand mountains in the Eastern Wasteland!"

"Oh? How do you say it?" Li Haoxuan was taken aback for a moment, then asked.He had stayed in Shiwanda Mountain for six full years. Although the local area was only on the outskirts of Shiwanda Mountain, there were indeed countless monsters in it. Li Haoxuan's survival was mainly due to the shock of the corpse of the dragon-bearded crocodile, otherwise he would have been besieged long ago. And died.

"Actually, the Duantian Mountain Range is not that big in the Nanling Mountains. There are at least a dozen mountains larger than it! And there are no powerful monsters in it. Basically, a peak power is enough to run rampant across the entire mountain range." The Duantian Mountain Range! But your Ziwei is different, it is the place where the Emperor Zhun died, and even the saints in the most central area will die, how can the Duantian Mountain Range be compared?" Lei Tian said, "That is the forbidden place of the entire Ziwei One of them is not just a false name."

"I've heard this legend before." Gongsun Bubai also said that it was related to the Hundred Thousand Mountains. When he first entered the inner sect, he had looked up a lot of information about the Hundred Thousand Mountains in the Buddhist scripture pavilion. Some gods from outside the territory came to Shiwan Dashan, and then they were all wiped out somehow, even saints fell a lot, and Shiwan Dashan has become a forbidden area since then."

"Oh." Li Haoxuan nodded, but suddenly recalled the glorious history that Xu Ziyue said, about the history of Sun Moon Academy and Haoran Zhundi, and couldn't help but sigh again.

"Since we have already left the Duantian Mountain Range, we are considered safe! Huang Xiaocheng is in front of us. Let's go, and I will take you to our Nanling style!" After walking out of the Duantian Mountain Range, Lei Tian was in a good mood. Defeated and Li Haoxuan flew forward.

Not long after, the three of them came to a huge city, and a huge plaque was hung on the hundreds of feet high city gate, writing to Huang Xiaocheng!

The three of Li Haoxuan entered through the city gate, and found that the city was bustling with people everywhere, and a large part of them were monks, with faint mana fluctuations rippling from their bodies.

"All the people in Huangxiao City practice martial arts. Basically, everyone knows the method of cultivation, but the realm is not high, and there are not many who are in the enlightened state. Basically, they are all wandering in the foundation building! If the cultivation base reaches the enlightened state, then you can Serve as a soldier in Huangxiao City!" While speaking, Lei Tian pointed to the soldiers standing guard on the city gate not far away, and sure enough, all of them were in the enlightened state, and some of their magical powers had been activated.

"The monks at the enlightened state can only stand guard on the city gate. It's a big deal! Could it be that Nanling's strength is so powerful?" Gongsun Bubai narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the dozens of enlightened monks on the city wall Said.

"Hehe, of course not. Huang Xiaocheng is an exception." Lei Tian explained, "You all know that there are many mountains in Nanling, and there are actually not many cities like this! Thousands of years ago, an old sage came here to end his life, and he improved the general situation of the world here, making Huang Xiaocheng very suitable for cultivation. At the same time, he ordered his disciples not to leave Huang Xiaocheng for life, and to protect Huang Xiaocheng's safety! Later Only then did people realize that the old sage was actually from Huang Xiaocheng, and since then, the disciples of the sage have become the city lords of Huang Xiaocheng, and the people in the city all call themselves descendants of the sage.”

"Huangxiao City is not considered a big city, so let's be independent, and no aristocratic family will care about it, not to mention that the old sage is dead, and the subsequent generations of the city lord are not as good as the next generation, and the current city lord has just entered the underworld. No one cares. However, the previous city lords were also bold and passed on the practice method, and all the people became soldiers. Of course, they only passed down the foundation chapter, and then used these to select talents and help him manage The entire Huangxiao City."

"Thousands of years have passed, and almost everyone in Huangxiao City has a certain level of cultivation, but this is not a good thing, and there will be more violent incidents! So the city lord of Huangxiao City ordered no one to use force in Huangxiao City, and then he Selected monks above the Consecration level to maintain the order and stability of Huang Xiaocheng!"

"So that's how it is." Li Haoxuan nodded, and said, "But monks at the consecration level...are not capable enough? As long as one Lingxu comes, they can basically abuse them all."

"Hehe, high-level monks naturally have others to attack, so they don't need to worry about it." Lei Tian said with a smile, "We can rest assured once we enter Huangxiao City, no matter how brave Lei Tingguang is, he can't do anything to me in Huangxiao City! Let's go!" , I will take you to taste the most famous treasure in Huangxiao City, and I guarantee that you will never forget it after eating it!"

"Oh? What is it?" Li Haoxuan asked with interest.Speaking of which, he has barely eaten since he broke the realm. The monks in the bigu realm can extract the elements necessary for the body from the vitality of heaven and earth, and can basically survive without food.

"Dragon meat!" Lei Tian smiled and said mysteriously.

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