Holy furnace

Chapter 753 Tianque Pavilion

"What! Dragon meat!" Li Haoxuan was taken aback when he heard the words, and couldn't help but exclaimed.Real dragons are as famous as immortals, and they are hard to find in the world. How could there be real dragon meat in the world?

"It's not real dragon meat!" Seeing Li Haoxuan's reaction, Lei Tian knew that the other party had misunderstood him, so he said, "It's earth dragon meat!"

"So that's how it is." Gongsun Bubai was also taken aback, and now they are no longer the little monks who didn't know anything back then, they already knew some secrets.

"Even the ground dragon meat is amazing." Li Haoxuan said in amazement.Why does earth dragon meat also take up a character of dragon? How could it be a mortal thing?Legend has it that this is a species with the blood of a real dragon. The blood of a real dragon in its body is purer than that of a dragon-bearded crocodile. Surrender, and in Huangxiao City, the earth dragon turned out to be a delicacy on the dining table, this kind of thing shocked Li Haoxuan and Gongsun Bubai!

"Go!" Lei Tian smiled and walked forward first.

Li Haoxuan and Gongsun Bubai followed Lei Tian forward, and found that this Huangxiao City is more prosperous and prosperous than expected. The ancient city is huge, the layout is exquisite, and the various buildings are full of mystery. The formation of gossip and five elements made Li Haoxuan somewhat confused. On both sides of the road, there are palaces and pavilions covering an extremely large area, carved beams and painted buildings, magnificent and magnificent. The palace in the middle is even more luxurious.

Li Haoxuan was even surprised to find that middle-grade spirit stones were hung at the entrances of some of the palaces as night pearls for lighting, and Dao patterns were engraved on the attics of one of the palaces as guide lights. Huang Xiaocheng's luxury is already evident, and Gongsun Bubai couldn't bear it. Take a deep breath!

"What kind of place is this! The five main halls imply changes in the attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and there is even a divine object that seals the attributes of divine energy!" When passing by a building complex, Li Haoxuan couldn't help asking.

"This is the inn of the Five Elements Gate." Lei Tian replied lightly, "The Five Elements is one of the many fairy gates under the Yan family, and its strength is only average! However, he has a good relationship with the owner of Huangxiao City, but he has a certain amount of power in Huangxiao City. status!"

"Hey, to have a palace like this in Huang Xiaocheng as an inn, and even use Dao patterns for trivial matters such as lighting and guiding, the Five Elements Gate is so magnificent." Li Haoxuan said with a smile, this time Huang Xiaocheng and his party It really opened his eyes. He never thought that the mortal kingdom could develop to this extent.

"In fact, today's Huangxiao City is no longer a country for mortals. There are many holy land families who intend to make this place a commercial center for the cultivation world." Lei Tian continued, pointing to a piece of palace garden not far away and said, " There is the Immortal Grass Hall. 80.00% of the immortal grass in the cultivation world can be found in the Immortal Grass Hall. Many of the stewards of the Holy Land live in it all year round and buy the fairy grass. Drugs are basically not paid for.”

"That's true." Li Haoxuan nodded clearly. Since being called the Holy Land naturally has an unimaginably huge background, apart from some god-defying materials, they basically will not lack medicinal materials. Otherwise, what qualifications do they have to be called the Holy Land Family?

Walking around and looking around, about a quarter of an hour later, the three of them came to a pavilion hanging in mid-air!

"Tianque Pavilion?" Li Haoxuan looked at the castle in the sky in surprise, and asked aloud.He has seen more than one place of this kind of building in Qingxu Temple. In fact, such a scale is really not worth mentioning in Qingxu Temple, but it is extremely conspicuous in Huangxiao City, because it wants to offset the gravity of the earth. Not only do you need the Dao pattern, but you also want the aura of the spirit stone, and there is a lot of aura. Without a certain background, it is impossible to create such a castle in the air!

"This is the number one restaurant in Huangxiao City." Lei Tian said with a smile, "As long as the visitor has enough spirit stones, they can go up to eat. Tianque Pavilion has all kinds of rare treasures in the world, which is enough to make everyone happy !"

"Is there earth dragon meat in this restaurant?" Gongsun Bubai asked, and at the same time followed Lei Tian, ​​walking towards the void step by step.

"Exactly." Lei Tian replied, "However, Dilong meat is not Chinese cabbage, and the daily supply of Tianque Pavilion is also limited. If you come late, you will not be able to eat it even if you have spirit stones! Meat should not be out of stock."

"Tianque Pavilion is not simple!" Li Haoxuan said when he walked into Tianque Pavilion, because he felt the inexplicable Dao rhyme from this Tianque Pavilion, which gave people an inexplicable sense of tranquility, which seemed to make everyone feel at ease. There is a sense of belonging here, which cannot be achieved by simple formations, at least it can only be achieved by lacking the power of the crime.Moreover, as far as the eye can see, the Tianque Pavilion is harmonious, even some monks in the precept realm are sitting and eating quietly, and no one dares to make loud noises here.

"Hey, how can it be so easy to offer earth dragon meat?" Lei Tian smiled and said, "I heard that there are more than one holy place behind the Tianque Pavilion, so the confidence is naturally rich!"

"Did your Lei family participate?" Li Haoxuan asked with a half-smile.

"Yes, but it doesn't seem to be many, and I don't know the details." Lei Tian shook his head and continued to walk in.

"Hey, there's a guest!" When the three of them entered the main hall, a young servant ran over and shouted skillfully in a low voice.

"Good fellow, even a young servant is a cultivator in the Lingxu realm!" Looking at this young servant in front of him, Li Haoxuan's eyelids twitched suddenly. He had to know that the strength of Tianque Pavilion was so strong. scary.

"Give us a private room!" Lei Tian waved his hand, and immediately took out a deep purple jade tablet and threw it into the servant's hand, and said flatly.

"Hey, it turns out to be a distinguished guest from Lei's family. Please come inside." The young man saw the jade plaque and greeted him with a smile, and then he said awkwardly, "I'm sorry to be objective, there are many guests recently, and the private seats are gone. Sit in the hall? I'll arrange a quiet place for you, or even get you a screen, don't worry, the screen will definitely block your eyes and you won't be able to see through it."

"Okay, it doesn't matter, I don't need the screen anymore, let's find a quiet place." Seeing that Li Haoxuan and Li Haoxuan had no objection, Lei Tian waved his hands and said casually. Those in the private room don't care too much, as long as they can have a seat to eat.

"Come on!" The young man yelled again when he heard the words, and brought the three of them to a relatively remote corner. However, there was a window next to this place, and they could see the scenery outside, which was exactly what everyone wanted. .

"What would you like to eat?" the servant asked again.

"Give us three altars of immortal drunkenness, and five catties of ground dragon meat." Lei Tian said proudly, "In addition, serve us any other special dishes, money is not a problem."

"Ah, what a coincidence." Hearing this, the boy's face became bitter again, and he said regretfully, "Now there are only two catties of earth dragon meat left, and there will be no more. How about two catties first?"

"What? The earth dragons are gone?" Lei Tian became angry when he heard the words, and said viciously, "Earth dragon meat is worth tens of thousands of gold. No more than 100 people can eat it in Huangxiao City, and no more than five catties at a time. ! It’s only the tenth day of the lunar new year, so how could they all be sold out! Where did you get so many rich people in Huang Xiaocheng? Do you think I don’t know the rules to fool me?”

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