Holy furnace

Chapter 755 Extortion

"I'm sorry to be objective. The ground dragon meat in our store is sold out now. I'm really sorry. If you want it, I'm afraid you won't be able to do so until next month." The boy just turned around and saw a middle-aged man in a red suit. Looking at himself with a majestic face, he quickly bowed to the other party and explained.

"En? If the earth dragon meat is gone, why do they still have it?" The man in the brocade suit glanced at Li Haoxuan and Gongsun Bubai, and asked indifferently.

"This is the last two catties." The boy replied.

"That's easy to handle. Send me the two catties first, and they'll make up for it next month." The man in the brocade suit said immediately when he heard the words, and while speaking, the man in the brocade suit turned his head to look at Li Haoxuan, and said, "You three, what are you doing today? This meal is my treat, and the earth dragon meat can be eaten another day." After speaking, he left without looking back.

"Why?" Looking at the back of the other party leaving, Li Haoxuan smiled, and said slowly, "Is what you say is what it is?"

"That's it!" The man in brocade suit turned his head when he heard the words, stretched out his right hand and shook it, but it turned out to be a crimson jade tablet.

"Yan family!" After seeing this scarlet jade tablet, the servant suddenly exclaimed, and then quickly shut up, not daring to make mistakes.

"Who am I? It turns out to be the Yan Family of Jiushen Palace." Seeing Lei Tian showing disdain and winking at himself, Li Haoxuan knew that the other party was not afraid of the Yan Family at all, so he continued.

"Since you know who I am, then do as I say, otherwise, hum!" The man in the brocade suit nodded in satisfaction, a look of contentment flashed in his eyes.

"But what about the Yan family?" However, before his words fell, Li Haoxuan had already opened his mouth, saying, "The Yan family can't bully people too much, can they be lawless? We ordered the dragon meat first, and if you want to eat it, you have to press it." According to the rules, either spend ten times to buy it from us, or come back to eat it next month."

"What did you say?" The man in the brocade suit was taken aback for a moment, thinking that he had heard it wrong, and then he became furious, and said viciously, "Boy, do you dare to do this when you know that I am from the Yan family? Are you looking for death?"

"I'm not interested in such things as courting death." Li Haoxuan shook his head, and continued, "It's still the same sentence, if you want to eat dragon meat, you have to pay. Do you really think that the name of the Yan family can scare everyone? Self-righteous!"

"Who are you?" The man in the brocade suit asked angrily, waving his sleeves violently.

"It's a small person, so you don't need to worry about the name. Either pay quickly, or get out immediately!" Li Haoxuan couldn't see the other party's self-important attitude, and didn't bother to argue with the other party, so he directly blocked the other party with one sentence.

"Okay! I'll give you the money, I hope you guys can swallow this huge sum of money!" The man in the brocade suit blushed, Huang Xiaocheng's rules were approved by Jiushen Palace, no one is allowed to use force here, especially this Tianque Pavilion, the relationship is even more complicated, even the direct disciples or core disciples of Jiushen Palace dare not play wild here, at most they can only enjoy their mouths, otherwise they are slapping Jiushen Palace in the face, and they can't eat it. !Legend has it that hundreds of years ago, a cultivator from the Heartbeat Realm from the Ice Palace attacked Tianque Pavilion and killed a waiter. As a result, the monk was recalled by the Ice Palace the next day and executed. It was useless to plead for mercy.

The man in the brocade suit bit the huge sum of money very hard, and at the same time took out a red jade slip and threw it on the three-person table, and said in a cold voice, "Here is a 1000 yuan high-grade spirit stone, please keep it carefully! Don't Lost it!" After speaking, the middle-aged man glanced at the boy, turned and left.

"Not enough." Just as the middle-aged man turned around, a lazy voice suddenly sounded from behind him.

"I advise you to stop in moderation!" The middle-aged man suddenly turned around, his powerful aura suddenly revealed, and the wooden table in front of them was shattered in half with a click!It is true that any monks are not allowed to use force against Tianque Palace, but as long as they do not hurt their lives, not many people will bother. A table is only worth a few dollars, and the compensation will be based on the price at that time.

"If I say it's not enough, it's not enough!" As if he didn't see the broken wooden table in front of him, the previous voice sounded again.

"I said ten times before, but now I give you a thousand high-grade spirit stones, how can it not be enough?" The middle-aged man turned around and found that it was not the boy from before who spoke, but another person who was sitting with his back facing him, so he said.At this time, he was already furious. If he hadn't been in the Tianque Pavilion, he had already started killing people, and a monk at the Bigu level dared to act wildly in front of him. He was looking for death!But after all, he still thought of the many legends about Tianque Pavilion and didn't dare to do anything, so he could only ask angrily.

"Ten times is the previous market price, now it is a hundred times, [-] top-grade spirit stones, you can take the dragon meat if you can get it, if you can't get it out, then let me get out immediately!" Lei Tian didn't turn his head back He said, "Also, if you smashed my young master's wooden table and ruined my spirits, and then compensated my young master five thousand high-grade spirit stones as spiritual damages, then this matter will be over."

"Hehe, five thousand spirit stones may not be enough for your spiritual loss, right? With your status, no matter what, you need ten thousand top-grade spirit stones!" The middle-aged man smiled angrily, looking at Lei Tian's back and said , the tone was full of strong murderous intent, and the strong killing intent permeated out, making everyone around feel a biting chill.

"En? Those three people don't know where they came from, but they dare to fight against the Yan family. I'm afraid they won't be able to get out of Huangxiao City!"

"Not necessarily, Huang Xiaocheng forbids the use of force, and the three of them clearly know that the other party is the Yan family, but they dare to speak like this. They may not have any cards. Didn't you see that they can also eat dragon meat? How could it be ordinary people?"

"Hey, no matter how great your family is, how can you compare with Jiushen Palace? Besides, Huang Xiaocheng's prohibition of using force is just a rule on the surface. Jiushen Palace has too many methods to make people disappear without anyone noticing. When a powerful person at the power level makes a move, the three of them will be turned into flying ash with a flick of their fingers, is it considered a use of force to kill an ant?"

"The Nanling Conference will be officially opened in three days. More and more people are arriving now, and there are also some hermit powerhouses born. Didn't there be a descendant of the natural Taoism here a few days ago? The natural Taoism is not One of the Nine Gods Palace, but their descendants dare not even provoke people from the Wushen Palace!"

"That's a minority after all. How many natural Dao gates are there in the whole Nanling? One is enough to defy the sky, can there be another one?"

"Hey, no matter how powerful the Yan family is in Tianque Pavilion, they can only bow their heads. Could it be that they dare to make a real move? Who doesn't remember that Xindong?" When the middle-aged man of the Yan family confronted Li Haoxuan and others, there were people nearby. Many people heard their conversation, and each of them whispered softly.Some people were worried about Li Haoxuan's situation, and some whispered back at the Yan family.

"If you want to give [-], I have no reason not to accept it." Lei Tian said proudly with a slight smile when he heard the words.

"Very good!" The middle-aged man took another careful look at Li Haoxuan and Gongsun Bubai, and said with a sneer, "I remember the appearance of the two of them, and they are about to accept my 2 yuan high-grade spirit stone, so you don't plan to marry me." See you next time?" The middle-aged man's words are heart-wrenching, and the purpose is very clear, just to record the appearance of the other party for future settlement, and how much he takes or has to spit out at that time!

"No problem!" Lei Tian laughed, turned around and said, "There are a total of [-] high-grade spirit stones, give me the money!"

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