Holy furnace

Chapter 758

Great Emperor's ancient scriptures!

Just four words can crush the ages!In the entire universe, if there is anything other than the Great Emperor that is the most powerful, it is naturally the Emperor Armament of the Extreme Dao. However, if there is anything that has the most potential and makes people crazy, it is undoubtedly the Great Emperor's Ancient Scripture. Throughout the ages, the Great Emperor's Ancient Sutra has been called the Immortal Sutra, and each of the Emperor's Sutras is a priceless treasure, even if the entire Ziwei is exchanged, it is impossible to exchange it!

The Jidao Imperial Army is the strongest combat power in the entire universe, but he still has one of the biggest flaws, that is, no one in the world can really motivate the Jidao Emperor Army!It is said that if the Jidao Emperor's Armament really explodes with full strength, it is equivalent to the hand of the ancient emperor, and no one knows how powerful the power is in the hand of the Great Emperor. Only the hand can show all the divine power. If it is another person, even the quasi-emperor will not be able to do it. If you really want to force it, you will be drained alive!

Although Emperor Zhun also carried the character of emperor, he did not finally become emperor. The gap between the two is even greater than that from the mortal realm to the realm of saints. If the emperor presses down with one palm, no matter how strong the emperor is, he will also be hated , there is no possibility of escape!The perfect imperial soldiers are useless in the hands of idlers, except for the fact that the major holy land families have enough background to mobilize them a few times!So what if a cultivator at the Dharma realm is holding an extreme weapon?Don't say that it is impossible to play the extreme emperor's power, even if you play the extreme emperor's power, I am afraid that you will collapse in the first time, unable to bear that kind of coercion!

But the Dijing is different. The Dijing can open the door of wisdom for a monk and write a new chapter for his future!If a monk in the same Dharma Precept Realm can obtain a copy of the Emperor's Sutra and practice it with great concentration, even if he cannot become a quasi-Emperor in the future, but it is a certainty to break into the Immortal Record Realm and become a saint. The Dao and techniques created by the great emperor are the ultimate in a general direction. How could it be impossible to support a saint if he continues to practice?There is no more precious wealth in the world today!

The news released by the Nanling Liuli Palace and the Ice Palace at the same time made the whole Ziwei crazy. As long as they can win the Nanling Conference, they will not only have a low-grade Taoist artifact, but also can enter the two great palaces to have a glimpse of the Nanling Emperor's Sutra !This sentence was said by the masters of the two great shrines himself, who would question it?If they go back on their word at that time, the entire Ziwei will not agree. The whole world gathered in Nanling is enough to sink the entire Nanling. The Ziwei Star Region is not only the two of them who have extreme emperor soldiers.

The Great Emperor’s Ancient Sutra may not be very important to the immortal sect that has the inheritance of the Emperor’s Sutra. One ancient sutra is enough to comprehend for a lifetime. , died on the spot!However, for those immortal sects who do not have ancient scriptures, the Emperor's scriptures of the two major temples in Nanling are definitely must-haves!

The headmasters of each Daomen selected the strongest elite disciples of their sects as soon as they received the news, and personally opened the domain gate for them and sent them to Nanling. As the headmasters, the only requirement they had for their disciples was It is to do everything possible to break out of the siege, seize the Taoist artifact, and read the imperial scriptures!If they are lucky enough to win, they don't expect their disciples to memorize as many divine scriptures as they can, and they don't expect their disciples to be able to meditate on the spot. Seal it into your mind intact and bring it back to the Taoist gate!

This time, all the Immortal Sects and Holy Land families have invested heavily. As long as they can successfully break through and finally win the championship, almost every faction will take out a Dao artifact as a reward, the Emperor’s Scripture, that’s the Emperor’s Scripture, who can’t be tempted ?If there is a lucky person who can get this opportunity, his sect will definitely rise a few levels suddenly. He doesn't need to practice many heart skills above the ancient scriptures, he only needs to memorize the emperor's secret technique above the ancient scriptures. There is no disadvantage in the battle, and it has changed the current pattern of the practice world!

The Nanling Conference this time started abruptly, but no one paid attention to this issue anymore. Everyone focused on the Imperial Scriptures. Suddenly, the whole world was boiling, and countless elites poured into Nanling. Go straight to Huang Xiaocheng!Those who are born today are basically the strongest of the various immortal sects, and they have countless mysteries. Maybe any monk in the bigu realm has a supreme magical weapon in his hand, and he can easily defeat immortals in reverse!Under the temptation of Emperor Jing, the whole Ziwei was completely in chaos!

"How could others be allowed to read the Emperor's Scriptures in Nanling, the Glazed Glass Palace and the Ice Palace?" Lei Tian was also taken aback when he heard the words, and asked directly, regardless of his awe of the Glazed Glass Palace and the Ice Palace.

"Hey, what's the difference between those outsiders in the Eastern Wilderness and Northern Territory and our own people in Nanling?" Yan Teng asked back.

"Oh, that's true." Lei Tian thought about it and found that it was true, and he was relieved.He knew what Yan Teng meant, not to say that everyone is in the Ziwei Continent, why separate you and me, but to say that this is the ancient scriptures of the Great Emperor, the value is immeasurable. Since the Liuli Palace and the Ice Palace have set a precedent in history and plan to lend them out, what difference does it make to who they lend them to?Two extremely dao emperor soldiers are hanging in the sky, so what if the emperor's scriptures are seen by others?It is impossible to shake their status by relying on the emperor's scriptures in a few words. At any time, the Jidao Emperor's Armament will be the most powerful deterrent weapon. As for the others, they are just shrimps in their eyes!

"There are a lot of people here." Seeing that Lei Tian understood what he meant, Yan Teng continued, "Let's talk about our Nanling first, besides you and my family in Jiushen Palace, Tie Family, Lin Family, and Martial God Palace They have already arrived. The rest of the Feng family, Chen family, Liuli Palace, and Ice Palace should be able to arrive at Huang Xiaocheng tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. If there is no accident, Huang Xiaocheng will start to seal the city from tomorrow. Unless they are visitors from the Holy Land, they are not allowed to enter. Because there are too many people coming, it will soon exceed Huang Xiaocheng's tolerance."

"Which of these families will participate in the Nanling Conference?" Lei Tian asked immediately, this was the question he was most concerned about.

"I'm not very clear about the specifics." Yan Teng shook his head, and said, "Except for the strong heart, the Martial God Palace was originally represented by Xu Liang, but Xu Liang was cut off a few days ago. He was picked up again, but his combat strength must have been greatly reduced, and a new main force should come! I heard from the Tie family that it will be Tie Fengyuan, the grandson of the patriarch of their generation, who will fight."

"Tie Fengyuan? I remember that he just turned eighteen this year. I met him once five years ago, and his strength is not that outstanding!" Lei Tian said suspiciously.

"I remember it was your Lei family's family trial a few months ago?" Yan Teng was taken aback, then asked.

"Indeed." Lei Tian nodded.

"Then it's normal if you don't know," Yan Teng said, "It is said that Tie Fengyuan made some big mistake two years ago, and the Patriarch of the Tie family personally put him into a sealed forbidden place for a year of retreat, but in the end he didn't know. Thinking of Tie Fengyuan's retreat for two years, when he left the customs, he already had the cultivation base of the eighth level of Bigu, and even attracted a catastrophe, and there was news from the Tie family that although Tie Fengyuan only had the eighth level of Bigu cultivation base, but his combat power can be reversed to defeat immortals!"

"What!" Lei Tian was taken aback when he heard the words, and said, "Doesn't that mean that Tie Feng Yuancai is already ready to fight?"

"The legend is like this. As for whether it is true or not, no one knows, because he has never shown up since he left the customs, and it is difficult for the world to guess his strength." If there is an accident, it should still be Lin Rongrong, she broke into the bigu state three years ago, and she should have reached the bigu level by now."

"Great achievement in three years?" Li Haoxuan was dumbfounded when he heard that, after all, it is a family of the Holy Land with profound heritage, and the spirit stones are endless. In just three years, one person can go from entering Bigu to becoming bigu.

"It's really great." Lei Tian nodded, and said with a wry smile, "I met her half a year ago. At that time, she had already achieved bigu, and now she might be half-hearted. Hey, how can I beat this?" ? Any one who comes out is the peak of Bigu, half-step heartbeat, how can I be embarrassed by the fourth level of Bigu!"

In fact, Lei Tian's words are modest, he is only the fourth level of bigu, and he is one sub-level lower than Li Haoxuan, but he can join hands with Gongsun Bubai to escape for his life several times in the hands of half-step heart, such combat strength is already It is enough to explain everything, if it is another person, I am afraid that even Bigu Yachongtian will not be able to stop half-step heart-pounding casual blows!If the realm is one inch higher, there will be no borders, not to mention five barriers between them?

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