Holy furnace

Chapter 768 Song Yunxuan

"He is the successor of the natural way." Looking at the figure in the distance, Lei Tian frowned. He didn't have such a number one person in his impression, but fortunately, at this time, there were monks everywhere around him, and one of them The monk immediately told the other party's origin.

"The person from the Natural Dao Sect? The one who ordered the Martial God Palace to give in?" Someone immediately asked a question. The legend about the Natural Dao Sect has been widely circulated these days. Only after hundreds of years will a descendant be born and travel the world.

"It's him! Xu Liang who was at the Martial God Palace outside Huangxiao City that day saw him dressed plainly and scolded him loudly, asking him to make way for him. As a result, Xu Liang's face changed drastically after the other party just made a move, and he covered his face and walked away!"

"How is it possible! Xu Liang is the descendant of the Martial God Palace, who is about to break into the heart-throbbing state, who can deceive him like this? Could it be that he is the king of the heart-throbbing state?"

"How do I know this? But I saw this incident with my own eyes, and it's absolutely true! It's him!" The man said swearingly, insisting that what he said was the truth.

"Don't believe it all." Lei Tian shook his head slightly when he heard the words, and said, "I know Xu Liang well. He is arrogant and arrogant, but his realm is indeed not low. If you say that the girl from Xuanmiaozong killed him with a sword I still believe in his right arm, but it is really impossible for this person to hide his face and walk away with one move."

"Isn't it rare for three people to become tigers?" Li Haoxuan said with a smile, "But this person is indeed a master, and it is really difficult to have an opponent under the state of mind. Except for Chen Zhan, your descendants of Jiushen Palace may not be able to defeat him!"

"Natural Avenue and Haoran Mountains and Rivers are somewhat similar." Feeling the mysterious aura on the opponent, Li Haoxuan thought in his heart.Just when Li Haoxuan felt that there was a sense of greatness in the other party, the young man seemed to have sensed something suddenly, and turned his head to look at Li Haoxuan.

Li Haoxuan was also shocked when he saw this, but he was not afraid, what he did before was not a taboo, even if he was perceived by the other party, it was nothing, but the other party's keen insight surprised him!

What surprised Li Haoxuan was that after the other party glanced at him, he smiled and nodded with him, and then flew away towards the Golden God City.The people who entered the arena before were all strong men above the Bigu Seventh Layer, and the heavy golden light gate did not block them in any way, and they were sent into the city of God with a flash of golden light.

"You people from Donghuang have arrived!" At this moment, another huge ancient ship sailed from the other side. This is a large ship with a height of ten feet. There are thousands of buildings on the hull, majestic and majestic. Shocking.A young man wearing a three-color robe stood at the bow of the boat, his skin was as crystal clear as snow, and his face was cold, as if the whole world couldn't get into his eyes.

"It's Xu Chengjie from Qianzhonglou!" This time it was Gongsun Bubai's turn to speak. He knew a lot more about the situation in Donghuang than Li Haoxuan and Lei Tian. They are at the bottom of the list, but the real reason is that they are few and far between, not because of their ancient scriptures! In terms of the strength of the ancient scriptures, Qianchonglou can at least rank in the top six. Their ancient scriptures have a great relationship with the system. If the system matches the ancient scriptures, they will be able to make great strides, if the physique is not good, then no matter how talented they are, they will not be able to get started! So their top combat power is actually not under our pure and empty view."

"Xu Chengjie is the strongest of the younger generation of Qianchonglou. Three years ago, our Qingxu Temple had a battle with Qianchonglou. Xu Chengjie was invincible and had almost no opponents. In the end, it was the strongest in the Elite Pavilion who made the move. Xu Chengjie is defeated!"

Li Haoxuan knows a lot about the Elite Pavilion. It is the gathering place for the elites of Qingxu Temple other than the Invincible Hall. The strongest is by no means the weak, and Xu Chengjie's ability to attract the strongest in the Elite Pavilion to take action shows his strength!

"The Gate of Stars is here too!" Gongsun Bubai was speaking at the same time as another ancient ship sailed in. Mysterious stars were engraved everywhere on the ship, and each star had an inexplicable connection, releasing different The same brilliance, just an ancient ship, seems to outline the entire starry sky, making all the people who put their eyes on it tremble!

"This person's name is Ling Tian, ​​and he can definitely be ranked among the top three among the younger generation of strongmen in the Stars Gate!" Seeing the young man embroidered with stars all over his brocade suit, Gongsun Bubai continued, "Stars Gate The practice is "Star King's Blessing Jue". It is said that it can hold thousands of stars in the body when it is cultivated to the level of Dacheng. If you don't smelt a star, your own strength will skyrocket. In the end, you can even evolve the small world in your body into a star field, attacking and defending. All ready! Although Ling Tian is far from the point of smelting stars, but I heard that he has been valued by a Supreme Elder of Qunxingmen. In his dantian, his magic power instantly skyrocketed, and he is undoubtedly a strong man who can fight even now!"

"There are more and more!" Lei Tian nodded when he heard the words, more and more strong people gathered together, this is a feast for the strong, and only true geniuses are eligible to enter it. The genius or the outstanding person blown out by others is not qualified to enter at all, and even the gate of the realm outside the city of God cannot pass through.

While they were talking, Ling Tian also flew up. When he flew up, thousands of stars in the sky shone at the same time, descending countless fairy lights, making them instantly become the focus of the entire world.

"He Yuxin is here!"

"Song Yunxuan is here!" At this moment, there was an uproar, and everyone turned their eyes to another direction of the sky at this time. In that direction, two figures were coming hand in hand. These two are both cardamom girls, one is wearing a cyan suit with a clean and fresh face, the other is wearing a snow-white gown, the jade-like skin on his face is as cold as ice, with no expression on his face.

"He Yuxin from Guanghan Palace!" There was another exclamation from the crowd, and someone pointed to the glamorous woman and sighed, "It is said that He Yuxin has never smiled since she was a child, and no one has ever seen He Yuxin's smile until now. It's such a pity that such a beautiful woman can't smile! If she can smile, I'm afraid she might not be worse than Meng Xian'er. If I'm lucky enough to see her smile, I'd rather die now! "

"Nonsense! There is no one in the world who can't laugh? A newborn baby is carefree, how could she not laugh? She became so glamorous after practicing the "Guanghan Heart Sutra" of Guanghan Palace, and it has nothing to do with her personality. !"

"It makes sense! I heard that if you want to practice the "Guanghan Heart Sutra" successfully, you must cut off the emotions and desires, especially the desire for love. Only in this way can you achieve great success. It is natural for He Yuxin to cultivate the Guanghan Heart Sutra to this level in such a short period of time. It was a price to pay!"

"Hey, what kind of cultivation technique is this? It ruined a person just like that." Someone cried loudly with grief, and said.

"Why did she walk with Song Yunxuan?" Some people looked at the girl next to He Yuxin in surprise and said, "I have never heard of any connection between Guanghan Palace and Xuanmiaozong? Is it just a coincidence?"

"Song Yunxuan? Xuanmiaozong? Could it be that she is the one who killed Xu Liang with a single sword?" Someone around him asked in horror, "Then she is comparable to Zhang Weiyi from the Natural Dao Sect?"

"That's right. When Xu Liang saw her beauty, he teased her a few words, but he didn't expect to mention the iron plate. Song Yunxuan cut off Xu Liang's entire arm without saying anything. Everyone in Huang Xiaocheng knows about it, everyone knows about it! Even Xu Liang, an expert like this, dares to tease him, isn't that courting death?"

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