Holy furnace

Chapter 767

This stone horse is extremely proud, walking with its head held high, and snorting from time to time can shake the void, and even the Immortal Bath Lake set off a huge wave!Divine flames lingered above the four hooves, and even sitting cross-legged on this stone horse was a young man in white, with a handsome face, very extraordinary!

"God! This is a stone horse. Could it be the legendary Holy Spirit?" Not far away, some monks exclaimed loudly after seeing the stone horse clearly. You must know that the lineage of the Holy Spirit is against the sky. Race, after the great achievement, it can challenge the ancient emperor, but now it has become someone else's mount. It is conceivable how high this person's status is, and it can almost scare people to death!

"No! It's not the real Holy Spirit!" Finally, a monk who lived longer before everyone was stunned fainted. After careful identification, he came to a conclusion and said, "I have read about the Holy Spirit in an ancient book. , the whole body of the real holy spirit is a real divine material, there is no trace of blood in the body, and all holy spirits born in the world at least have a high level of cultivation, it is impossible to be like the stone horse in front of you, and this stone horse Although the surface is stone, there is still blood in it, which shows that he is not a pure holy spirit, but should be a descendant of an ancient holy spirit and other races, sealed into the present world!"

"So that's it!" Everyone suddenly took a deep breath and looked up carefully.Although it is not the real Holy Spirit, it must have inherited part of the essence of the Holy Spirit. Moreover, how can a divine beast that can be valued by the Holy Spirit be ordinary?This stone horse combines all the advantages of the Holy Spirit and the beast. If it grows up in the future, it will definitely be an unrivaled king. No one can underestimate his edge!

The Holy Spirit Stone Horse stepped on the moon, and its four hooves surrounded by divine brilliance stepped on the void, as if four groups of divine fire were shining, and the young man in white clothes was better than the snow.Sitting cross-legged on a stone horse, it is as motionless as a mountain.A few strands of black hair are flying in the night sky, although there is no strong aura, but just such a person and a horse are particularly eye-catching. Suddenly, everyone seems to see the exiled immortal Linchen, which makes people yearn for it!

"This person is a character." Looking at the white figure stepping down on the moon, Lei Tian couldn't help admiring, "He is the holy son of Samsara Mountain, one of the Seven Jedi in the Northern Territory. I don't know much about Samsara Mountain , but Samsara Mountain is recognized as a real holy place by the whole world. It has been passed down for at least 50 years. It is said that many emperors, including Emperor Wuliang Foguang, have entered Samsara Mountain after becoming emperor. Some people say that there are The incomplete immortality method can make people live forever. Some people say that there is a reincarnation technique handed down from the age of mythology, which can reverse life and live a second life. In short, there are many legends about Samsara Mountain, although there is no ultimate way in Samsara Mountain Divine soldiers, but for hundreds of thousands of years, no Holy Land family has ever dared to challenge Samsara Mountain."

"No one knows the real name of the Holy Son of Samsara. Since his debut, he has been fighting the world in the name of the Holy Son of Samsara! If it is said that the reputation of the young master of the dead is based on killing, then the reputation of the Holy Son of Samsara is based on it." !Different from the Young Lord of the Undead, the Holy Son of Reincarnation fights but does not kill. I heard that he has fought countless battles since his debut, but he has not killed a single person. It can be said that he and the Young Master of the Undead are two extremes!"

"What? How is this possible!" Li Haoxuan couldn't help but gasp when he heard this!Fighting countless battles without killing a single person not only represents the benevolent heart of Shengzi Zhai, but also shows that he has an absolute advantage in combat power, so that he can retract freely. Disaster!This is a situation that can only happen if there is a huge gap in strength between the two. If the two are evenly matched, the Holy Son of Reincarnation will not be able to control his own combat power no matter how much he wants to kill. It's life and death!Just like the battle he had with the Sun God Body, it is impossible to be merciful at the end of the battle, and he will enter a state of life and death regardless of success or failure!

"This is indeed the case, so until now almost no strong man of the same level will challenge him! Even the young master of the undead who has personally slaughtered a strong man will not easily do it when he meets him. This is a statue that is truly worthy of everyone's vigilance The strong, even Duanmuyu and Zhang Wudao are very afraid of him. Although it is not known whether he is a god, but his physique is definitely above the king's physique. Some people of the older generation have even asserted that he has the posture of a saint. If there are no accidents, becoming a saint in the future is inevitable!" Lei Tian said.

"Wang body..." Li Haoxuan said to himself.He felt a bit of doubt. He once fought against the divine body of Qingxuguan. At that time, he felt that the divine body really lived up to the name of the divine body. When the evildoer was born, he began to doubt, is it really a divine body?Not to mention anything else, let's just say that the Holy Son of Reincarnation in front of him is just a king body, and he already possesses such a powerful talent and combat power. If he fights with Li Haoxuan at the same level, even he himself doesn't know whether he can defeat it. , how could it be possible that the legendary divine body is only as different from the king's body?If this is the case, why does the divine body surpass many kingly bodies?

He has only seen one of the legendary king bodies, that is Meng Jun, but the realm of these two people is not on the same level, and there is no comparison at all.Strictly speaking, if 60 years old is used as the boundary, Meng Jun can still be regarded as the younger generation, but if 30 years old is used as the boundary, Meng Jun can already be included in the ranks of the previous generation .

Although I don't know the specific state of Meng Jun, but Xu Ziyue once told him that Meng Jun is the strongest under Yuanhua!And since Xu Ziyue dared to say that, it meant that Meng Jun was really strong. Even if the reincarnation son in front of him grew up, he might not be able to challenge him. Which is stronger and which is weaker!

"Let's go up and have a look too!" Seeing many monks eagerly walking towards the center of the lake, the three of Lei Tian followed the crowd into the Immortal Bathing Lake, strolled on the lake, and walked towards the center of the lake.There are still a few ancient ships staying in place peacefully, and no one has appeared. Although the strong men who appeared before are shocking enough, many people are still waiting to see, wanting to see how this conference is going to be. How many geniuses and monsters will come!

"Another powerful person has come." Before reaching the center of Xianyu Lake, Lei Tian stopped, looked in another direction and said in a deep voice.Following his gaze, he immediately saw a large ship that looked like a peak approaching rapidly from the opposite bank. Standing on top of this large ship was a man in plain clothes, exuding a mysterious aura of avenues, giving people a sense of aura. Very natural taste.

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