Holy furnace

Chapter 766

"That's Lin Rongrong, the evildoer of the Lin family. Don't look at her as gentle and elegant, but she is inhuman when she goes crazy. No one wants to confront her unless it is absolutely necessary!" Lei Tian pointed at the flying girl and said. .But I didn't expect that girl to turn her head suddenly, and in an instant, a divine light appeared, directly piercing the sky and shooting towards Lei Tian!

"Damn! This crazy woman!" Before Lei Tian finished speaking, he saw the divine light shooting towards him, his expression changed drastically, and he quickly retreated. scolded!It's a pity that Lin Rongrong had already entered the Golden God City when he cursed, otherwise, no one would know what kind of attack that woman would make!

"This Lin Rongrong looks like..." Li Haoxuan came to Lei Tian's side after seeing Lin Rongrong entered the city of God, and said thoughtfully.

"She's a lunatic!" Lei Tian's face changed immediately when he heard the words, and he said immediately, then frowned slightly, looked at another ancient ship in the distance and said doubtfully, "The ship of the Martial God Palace? Xu Liang was beheaded a few days ago, no I know who the Martial God Palace will send this time."

While Lei Tian was speaking, a young man stepped out of the ancient ship representing the Martial God Palace, wearing a Martial God battle armor with a cold face, soaring into the sky and entering the Golden God City.

"Who is he? Xu Liang?" Gongsun Bubai asked, the other party gave people a very strange feeling, which made him have an indescribable feeling, as if the other party was born with the ability to suppress others!

"It's not Xu Liang." Lei Tian frowned, and said, "I've never seen this person before, but judging from his previous aura, he is not inferior to Xu Liang at all, maybe he has reached the state of three flowers gathered together!"

"What is Three Flowers Gathering?"

"The Martial God Palace is cultivating the "War God Heart Sutra", which is a pure martial artist's route. The gathering of three flowers on the top is equivalent to the heart-beating state, and above the gathering of the three flowers is the five qi dynasty, which is the Yuanhua state. As for The specifics are beyond what we outsiders can know.”

"It seems that this generation of Martial God Palace has indeed produced many strong men. I heard that Xu Liang was a member of the Xuanmiao Sect and his arm was cut off. I wonder if this person will fight with the descendants of the Xuanmiao Sect." Lei Tian was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, so he said with a smile.

"Could it be that you and Lei Tingguang are the only two out of your Lei family? Isn't that a bit embarrassing? Besides, as both direct descendants, I find that you seem to be the weakest one in Jiushen Palace." Gongsun Bubai said lightly, That short sentence almost made Lei Tian lose his temper.

"Of course I'm not the only master of the Lei family. I'm just from the lineage of the patriarch. If you count all the major branches, geniuses and monsters are naturally not a minority." Lei Tian wiped off his sweat and said awkwardly, "And, the reason why I There is a special reason for being so weak, laying a good foundation is the kingly way."

"Really?" Gongsun Bubai asked suspiciously.

"Naturally, my Lei family's skills are special, so I need to stay in the Bigu Realm for a long enough time, otherwise I would have already been tempted." Lei Tian grinned and said boldly.

"Then why did the thunder light break my heart so quickly?" Li Haoxuan also asked.

"That's why I'm the direct descendant!" Lei Tian grinned and said, "I'm not lying to you, but I really can't tell you about this. In fact, everyone knows about it. Otherwise, how can I be the direct descendant? Have a face to appear in front of them?"

Prince Daxia.Black hair flying.The heroic appearance, the god iron battle suit is gorgeous and dazzling, and the nine dragons are dazzling "Hey." Li Haoxuan chuckled lightly, and smiled without saying a word.

"Feng Yifei is coming!" At this moment, Lei Tian raised his head and pointed to the Xianyu Lake not far away.Li Haoxuan looked up, and immediately saw a young man wearing a dark Taoist robe walking on the waves, walking slowly on the surface of Xianyu Lake towards the city of environment. Beside him, the rich world The vitality is visible to the naked eye, setting him off like a visitor from the fairyland.

"En?" Looking carefully at the figure in the distance, Li Haoxuan's eyes suddenly narrowed slightly, he felt that this Feng Yifei was not stepping on the lake, but on the nodes of every inch of space, His body is between illusion and reality at this time, even if someone shoots at him at this time, he can't cause any harm to him. This is the superior state of Fengzu Yubu, and even with Li Haoxuan's current attainments, he can't do so lightly Free on the edge of the law of space.

"As expected of the orthodoxy of the Wind Clan!" Li Haoxuan secretly sighed, the other party's accomplishments in Yu Bu of the Wind Clan are obviously far superior to him, if the two of them fight against each other, it will be difficult for Li Haoxuan to take advantage of the speed.

"Roar!" At this moment, a deafening sound came, resounding through the world, and everyone raised their eyes to look, and suddenly saw a divine light lingering in the depths of the mist of Xianyu Lake, and at the same time, the entire Xianyu Lake began to vibrate violently. Then, a huge divine lion came out from the center of Xianyu Lake. Its huge body was tens of feet high and was covered with jet-black divine flames. With a roar, the mountains and rivers changed color and the lake boiled!

A huge god lion stepped on the water, and two huge pupils like hills looked down from the sky, making everyone who looked at it feel cold all over their bodies!On the back of this divine lion, a young man in black armor sat cross-legged, holding a black spear in his hand, exuding a sense of coldness, which made everyone present feel inexplicably There was a piercing chill, and he couldn't help taking two steps back at the same time.The spear tip in his hand was stained with streaks of bright red blood, which looked extremely strange in the moonlight.

"The young master of the Undead Valley..." Lei Tian was startled when he saw this, and said in a low voice, "This is the young master of the Undead Valley, one of the Seven Jedi in the Northern Territory. Blood! However, his realm is extremely high, as long as it is not a person of the older generation, there is almost no one who can do anything to him, and his fame is not inferior to Chen Zhan!"

"No wonder there is such a strong vicious aura!" Gongsun Bubai said with a frown. He felt an extremely strong smell of blood and a vicious aura from the other party. This aura can only be possessed by people who have been killing for many years.

"Killing hurts peace, he might not have a better time when he goes on like this?" Li Haoxuan said.

"Natural selection, the law of the jungle is the essence of the Dao." Lei Tian shook his head, and said, "And the Undead Valley has its own inheritance to deal with the catastrophe. Power to turn the infinite dead energy in the body into vitality, so that life and death come from the same source, Yin and Yang are balanced, and after great success, you can live forever!"

"Someone is coming again!" At this moment, many monks around began to whisper again, and cast their eyes on the distant sky!Lei Tian and the others raised their heads, and immediately saw a gray stone horse approaching the moon, slowly descending from the sky!

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