Holy furnace

Chapter 765 Chen Zhan

"Chen Zhan! Unexpectedly, even he is here!" Looking at the proud figure on the ancient ship in the distance, Lei Tian couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Very strong! Is it from the Chen family?" Li Haoxuan couldn't help nodding his head as he felt the powerful aura on the opponent's body. This was a big threat, enough to threaten their lives.

"That's right, it's from the Chen family. The Chen family is one of the Nanling Jiushen Palaces. It is famous for its unrivaled combat power. It has the ancient quasi-emperor scriptures! Chen Zhan is the strongest in their Chen family's youth. He is only in his twenties, but his level of cultivation is unfathomable, I heard that he once fought with Duanmuyu and only lost half a stroke." Lei Tian said.

"Another person who can be fought!" Gongsun Bubai said in a deep voice. With the appearance of one genius after another, he also felt more and more pressure. Ziwei is too big. May be reproduced.

"Boom!" At this moment, another roar sounded, and a magnificent ancient ship made of gold was seen coming rapidly from the depths of the mist. On the ancient ship were Qionglou Yuyu, which was extremely luxurious. And above the pavilion stood a man with his hands behind his back, wearing a golden battle suit, majestic and majestic, his bronze-colored skin shone brightly under the moonlight, shining with immortal light!

"He is Tie Fengyuan! Now the leader of the younger generation of the Tie family!" Seeing this man appear, Lei Tian immediately explained.

"Sure enough, he is very young, worthy of the name of a monster!" Gongsun Bubai sighed, according to Yan Teng, Tie Fengyuan is not even 20 years old now, but his combat power is strong enough to make him far behind!

"Boom!" Just as Tie Fengyuan's giant golden ship was about to approach Chen Zhan's ancient ship, a sudden murderous intent erupted, and the ancient golden ship also accelerated suddenly, and there was a huge rumbling sonic boom. , ramming directly towards Chen Zhan's ancient ship!

"Hey, it's a good show!" Lei Tian laughed immediately when he saw this, and when he saw that Li Haoxuan and the two were at a loss, he explained, "Tie Fengyuan was a young man, and now he has reached the peak of Bigu at the age of less than twenty. He is arrogant, how could he ever see someone pressing on his head, and he didn't dare to challenge Duanmuyu and Zhang Wudao, so he could only attack Chen Zhan! What's more, in terms of age, only Chen Zhan is almost as different as him, so of course he has to fight for who is the number one genius in Nanling at this time."

"Which one is more powerful, the Tie family or the Chen family?" Li Haoxuan asked. It was not the first time he had heard the name of the Nanling Jiushen Palace, but apart from the Liuli Palace and the Ice Palace, the rankings of the other Seven God Palaces He has no idea who comes first.

"They are all big powers at the holy land level, so they should be regarded as half a catty. No one has really shown their own background. Even they themselves don't know about this problem." After hearing the words, Lei Tian thought carefully before saying: "But really To put it bluntly, although both the Tie family and the Chen family are famous for their offensive power, the Tie family relies on the power of blood, while the Chen family relies on the power of martial arts. Really speaking, it is possible that the Chen family's power It will be a little stronger!"

Gongsun and Sun nodded when they heard the words. The truth is true. Relying on the power of blood is indeed a big constraint. Not every generation can guarantee the purity of blood and the awakening of blood, but the ancient scriptures are different. As long as you have a certain talent, then It can achieve certain achievements, and it does occupy a certain advantage for the development of the family!

"Which of them will win?" Gongsun Bubai asked.Both of them are top powerhouses, it is difficult to see any clues from their fighting spirit.

"If there is a real fight, Chen Zhan will not be defeated." Lei Tian said.

While they were talking, the big golden ship was less than a hundred meters away from the Chen family's ancient ship, and it was about to collide head-on in a blink of an eye!

Finally, Chen Zhan turned around fiercely like the emperor of heaven, a huge black hand of a hundred feet suddenly stretched out from the ancient ship, and slammed down towards the ancient golden ship in the distance with a bang. For a moment, with a click, the entire ancient gold ship collapsed in an instant, and was shattered into pieces by Chen Zhan's palm. Countless Taoist symbols flew wantonly on the Xianyu Lake, and quickly disappeared!

boom!At this moment, a snow-white long spear suddenly appeared from high in the sky, with a buzzing sound, it vibrated the void, and it came directly in front of Chen Zhan, stabbing towards his head, the sharp tip of the spear reflected the bright moonlight, rippling Terrible killing intent!

Chen Zhan stared blankly at the white spear that was born out of the sky, his eyes were filled with the majesty of a heavenly emperor, just as the spear was about to stab his eyebrows, Chen Zhan flicked it with his fingers, and there was a crisp sound of ding , the white spear trembled suddenly, and was instantly imprisoned in the void!

Snapped!At this moment, Tie Fengyuan, wearing a golden battle armor, took a step from the air, grabbed the long spear in his hand, and shook it casually. Suddenly, the void trembled, and the extremely powerful gun light swept out, booming With a bang, the ancient ship under Chen Zhan was smashed into pieces!

"The number one powerhouse of the Chen family is nothing more than that!" After smashing the ancient boat under Chen Zhan, Tie Fengyuan stood with his guns and looked at Chen Zhan in front of him.

"." Chen Zhan frowned slightly when he heard this, and took a silent step forward.

"Brother Chen, today is Meng Xian'er's big banquet, how about giving me a thin noodle, please?" At this moment, a peaceful voice came from the Golden God City, spreading mightily throughout the entire Xianyu Lake , so that everyone is discolored.

After hearing this voice, Chen Zhan's expression also changed slightly, and then he took a deep look at Tie Fengyuan, turned around and stepped into the Golden God City!

"It seems that the legend that Chen Zhan fought Duanmuyu is true, otherwise Duanmuyu would never be so polite to Chen Zhan." Seeing Chen Zhan turned and entered the Golden God City, Lei Tian said in shock.

"Tie Fengyuan should thank Duanmuyu." Li Haoxuan said with a smile, looking at Tie Fengyuan with an extremely gloomy expression in the void.They are all smart people, so they naturally knew the main reason for Duanmuyu's opening of the mouth. It was false to be afraid of disturbing Meng Xianer's Yaxing, and it was true to be afraid that Chen Zhan would really kill Tie Fengyuan.Normally, they wouldn't meddle in other people's business, but now is an extraordinary period, and Nanling can't make a fuss by himself and let outsiders see the joke instead.

"Thank you, Brother Tie, for stopping. The little girl wants to invite Brother Tie to come in and talk about it. I don't know what Brother Tie wants?" Just when Tie Fengyuan's anger was still there, the clear voice like a lark sounded again, but it was Mengxian. He opened his mouth and personally invited Tie Fengyuan into the city of God!

"Fairy please, I will obey my orders." Until this time, Tie Fengyuan's face returned to normal, and he replied loudly to the Golden God City, and then stepped into the void and directly entered the God City.

"I'm afraid the rest of the holy places will lose their temper." Li Haoxuan looked at the dozens of ancient ships in the center of Xianyu Lake and said to himself.

Sure enough, a heroic girl walked out of an ancient cyan boat in the distance, wearing a turquoise ancient shirt, her hair like a cloud cascading down like a waterfall, and her flawless skin was crystal clear like jade. He flew up and headed towards the Golden God City.

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