Holy furnace

Chapter 764

"A mere cultivator in the Lingxu Realm dares to enter the city without permission?" Seeing the cultivator falling into the water, the two big men in front of the Golden God City suddenly sneered, and shouted loudly, "Unless it is the young master of a family of the great holy land or the cultivation base is in the Eighth Heaven of Bigu The young talents above, and the rest are not allowed to enter!" The loud voice spread throughout the Xianyu Lake, making the noise even louder, many people shook their heads and sighed, annoyed, while some people were smiling and scrambling to be the first Soar into the sky and fly towards the city of God.

Huang Xiaocheng is too big, and there are countless strong ones among them, not to mention that in this sensitive period, the eight-fold innocence of Bigu is really nothing, so grab a lot!

"Are we leaving?" Li Haoxuan asked.

"Wait a minute, they haven't left yet, why are we in a hurry?" Lei Tian looked at the many descendants of the Holy Land in the center of Xianyu Lake in the distance, and said lightly.The successors of holy places such as Jiushen Palace are extremely concerned about face, and it is rare for someone to take the lead in this situation, otherwise they will inevitably be criticized.

Plop!At this moment, another monk fell headlong from the void, splashing a large area of ​​lake water with a crash.

"Obviously I am the Eighth Layer of Bigu, why can't I enter?" The next moment, the cultivator rose into the sky with a bang, and asked angrily to the two big men in the void.

"Hmph! You are at least four or five hundred years old, and you have almost lost your blood, and you are still trying to enter the city?" One of the big men sneered, and angrily said, "Do you know what a young talent is? At the age of 60 You can be called a youth under the age of one, are you okay?"

"You..." The monk's face was flushed from being scolded, but he couldn't even speak. He could only turn his head and walk away amidst the boos, and was met with bursts of laughter.

"Everyone, it doesn't seem good to let the fairies wait for us in the city of God? How about we enter the city at the same time?" The young man in the silk armor stepped out of an ancient ship and walked directly towards the golden city in the sky.

"Duanmuyu, earlier you said that you would go into the city with everyone, why are you going first by yourself now?" Just as the young man had just finished speaking, another man in a five-color gown walked out of another ancient dragon-shaped boat. The young man said with a smile, and at the same time as he spoke, he was already at Duanmuyu's side in a blink of an eye.

"If they don't come, why should I wait for them?" Duanmuyu glanced at the people around him indifferently, and said, "I didn't expect you to come too.

"How can I be absent from Taishangdao's first banquet in nearly 3000 years?" The other party smiled slightly, looked at the many flower boats below, and sighed, "It seems that no one wants to be with us, let's go " After finishing speaking, he walked side by side with Duanmuyu and walked towards the Golden God City.

"Young Master Duanmu and Young Master Zhang are here. The little girl is far away to welcome you. Please forgive me!" When the two of them passed by, the two towering men hurriedly saluted and let them pass smoothly. With a crisp sound, Meng Xian'er's figure reappeared at the gate of the Divine City, and slightly bowed to invite the two of them into the Golden Divine City.

"Who are they? It's such a big show." Li Haoxuan asked in surprise, Lei Tian, ​​as one of the Nine Gods Palace, the young master of the Lei family had to rely on the name card to enter, but the two of them just left like this After entering, even Meng Xian'er stood up to greet her in person, which was surprising.

"They are the descendants of the Ice Palace and the Liuli Palace!" Lei Tian said seriously, "The person wearing the silver silk armor is named Duanmuyu, and the other person is named Zhang Wudao, both of them are extremely strong!"

"I see!" Li Haoxuan nodded and said.Although Nanling is known as the Nine Gods Palace, and the Nine Gods Palace is equal to each other, but in fact, the Ice Palace and the Liuli Palace are absolutely superior to the other seven palaces, and the extreme magic weapon represents everything!It is also because of this that it is impossible for the young masters of the other seven great shrines to walk side by side with Duanmuyu and Zhang Wudao, not to mention, not to mention the status of the two, just their strong aura can make everyone suffocate , wanting to walk by their side not only requires extremely strong combat power, but also requires great courage!

"How strong are they? Are they tempted?" Gongsun Bubai asked. He had heard too many geniuses this day alone, which almost made him numb. It's really not a genius or evildoer if you don't have the realm or you don't have the fighting power to fight.

"The strength of the two of them is definitely the best among the younger generation. Looking at the whole Ziwei, there may not be many people who can match them." Lei Tian sighed and said seriously, "I heard that they were still in the sixth level of bigu two years ago. In the early days, he was already able to confront the heart-beating strong head-on, and now he doesn't know how far he has grown, I am afraid that he can directly kill some strong hearts in the early or even mid-stage, right?"

"What!" Li Haoxuan was shocked when he heard the words. Even now, he is not sure that he can gain any advantage in the hands of the strong heartbeat, but those two were able to confront the strong heartbeat two years ago. His combat power astounded him!You know, that is a head-on confrontation, not relying on speed and secret techniques, but fighting to the end with real magical powers and strength.

"They have the strongest ancient scriptures of the Great Emperor in the world and the most abundant resources in the world. If they can't retrograde the immortals and fight their hearts, then the heirs of the two great gods will be too embarrassing." Lei Tian snorted , said, "Every ancient scripture of the great emperor is enough to make people retrograde and defeat immortals. It is nothing for them to fight across realms. What is really terrifying is their future potential! It is said that they have not yet reached the realm of half-step heart, and once When the time comes for them to break through to the heartbeat, I am afraid that they will be able to reach the pinnacle of the heartbeat directly, and this kind of potential is enough to make everyone fear!"

"Invincible for the time being!" Gongsun Bubai said calmly, shaking his head after a moment of silence.

"Well, that's true." Li Haoxuan looked at Gongsun Bubai in surprise, and then said slowly, "If people don't offend me, I won't offend them. As long as we don't provoke them, they will definitely not attack us." Lei Tian saw "But if they also participate in the Nanling Conference, we have to be careful!" Although everyone guessed that these two people would not be able to participate in the Nanling Conference, they still needed to make the necessary preparations in advance.

"Boom!" Just after Duanmuyu and Zhang Wudao entered the Golden God City, a huge sound suddenly came from an ancient boat on Xianyu Lake, like the roar of a drum, and then, a young man wearing a god iron battle suit The man stepped out of the ancient boat, his black hair flying.His heroic posture is flourishing, and his body is surrounded by dazzling brilliance, exuding extremely tyrannical and terrifying fluctuations, just like the emperor of heaven coming to the dust!

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