Holy furnace

Chapter 763 Meng Xian'er

On the major divine boats, one can vaguely see various Dao patterns recovering, flowing with five-color divine brilliance. Under the influence of these Dao patterns, the vitality of heaven and earth becomes incomparably coordinated, sometimes rushing and sometimes stable, which makes people on the shore tremble. Can clearly feel the shocking method!

"This is a ship from the great families of the Holy Land, presumably they are going to attend the meeting!" Lei Tian said after careful identification, "If the Fairy Bath Lake is not open in normal times, and no one is eligible to enter under the border, you Look at the boats they are riding on, all brought out from their own fairy gates, not to mention riding the wind and waves on the water, even when they are in the sky, they can still run wild."

"That's true." Li Haoxuan nodded, and Yuan Jiankong had a magic weapon back then, the crossing boat, which was extremely fast!

"It seems that I have really come to the fairyland. With this lake in Huangxiao City, it will be able to prosper forever." Li Haoxuan said, looking up at the same time as he spoke, and immediately saw the incomparably magnificent sky above the pure white Fairy Bathing Lake. Pieces of Qionglou Yuyu can be faintly seen above, and a large number of stars are dotted directly on the night sky, glittering and translucent.

"It seems that Meng Xian'er's appeal is not small, and she really invited so many people!" Lei Tian smiled, pointed to a few large ships not far away, and said, "The successors of Jiushen Palace are more than halfway there. , it is estimated that they will all be there in a while."

"Meng Xian'er is walking the world on behalf of the Supreme Daoist, who would not give face?" Gongsun Bubai heard the words and said, "Although this is the Southern Region, the prestige of the Supreme Daoist has long been resounding in the world, except for his strength in the West Desert. They are not too small! Moreover, the disciples of the Tai Shang Dao are all women. Even if the people attending the meeting cannot get the favor of Meng Xianer, they may not be able to set their sights on other people. Come?"

Lei Tian nodded and said with a smile: "That's true. Legend has it that Meng Xian'er is the most beautiful woman in Zhongzhou. It's understandable that the heirs of these holy land families want to come here to take a look. I just don't know when everyone sees Meng Xianer. Will something interesting happen after your face, hehe."

"Probably not. The heirs of many aristocratic families are strong-minded people, and based on their experience, what kind of woman has they never seen? It should be impossible to fight for a woman." Li Haoxuan shook his head and said.

"Hey, what's the matter? Who doesn't like romantic affairs? What's more, as the heir of a generation of heroes, even if you don't fight for steamed buns, you still have to fight for your breath, right? I've seen this kind of thing too much! Taoism has a very special ancient scripture, and it is said that in the past, many patriarchs of the Holy Land family were fascinated by their contemporary saintesses, and completely sank!"

"No way?" Gongsun Bubai was shocked and asked in disbelief.At the very least, those who are eligible to become the patriarch of aristocratic families are also powerful people at the power level. Could such an existence be tempted by beauty?

"Don't believe me, everything I said is true. Tens of thousands of years ago, there was a generation of saintesses who were so high that they almost caused wars in the Holy Land. It was suppressed by the ancient emperor, and the ancient emperor personally took action to seal the Supreme Dao contemporary saint for ten thousand years before allowing her to be born. Almost all the great religions know about this matter, and it is also recorded in ancient books, so it cannot be faked." Lei Tian said with a rare expression of solemnity.

"Hiss..." Li Haoxuan and Gongsun Bubai couldn't help but gasped when they heard the words, the holy maiden who was too noble actually alarmed the ancient emperor to attack!This discovery made the two of them completely put away their contempt. Moreover, it is rumored that the saintess of this generation, Meng Xianer, is even worse than the saintess of the past. It is actually modest to say that she is the most beautiful woman in Zhongzhou. , there are even rumors that she is the number one beauty of Ziwei, and I am afraid that only the legendary fairy fox family can compare with her!

"It shouldn't be possible to achieve this level just relying on beauty, presumably it has something to do with the ancient scriptures they have studied!" Li Haoxuan said firmly.

"That's true." Lei Tian explained, "The ancient scriptures compiled by Taishang Dao are the "Taishang Xianjing", which is said to have been created by a supreme quasi-divine named Taishang. Only then did Taishangdao be created! Moreover, strictly speaking, the "Taishangxianjing" that Taishangdao is currently practicing is only a fragmented copy, because it is said that "Taishangxianjing" is so mysterious that even the ancient emperors have read it This ancient scripture, even felt that this ancient scripture was too heaven-defying, so he personally erased some fragments of it, otherwise, he would be so powerful that he didn't know how to be so strong!

"It's really a heaven-defying sect!" Li Haoxuan said with deep conviction, even the ancient emperor had personally made a move, fearing that after he transformed into a Taoist, he would become a disaster for Ziwei, so he had to seal the ancient scriptures in advance. How profound is the background of Shangdao, even older than the concept of Qingxu!

Suddenly, there was a sound of nature, and a golden light suddenly appeared in the sky above Xianyu Lake, and a blurred golden kingdom of God loomed in the sky above Xianyu Lake. At this time, it seemed that even the space was distorted and became extremely uneven , as if it will collapse at any moment!It was not until a moment later that the ten thousand golden lights finally stabilized, and the distorted void also returned to calm. However, at this time, a supreme divine city appeared above the void, a divine city that blended with space appeared, and settled in In the void!

"It's such a big handwriting. It actually invited the powers of the lack of criminals to make a move and use the law of space to build the city of God!" Looking at this scene in the void, even Lei Tian couldn't help but change his face. Such a method is definitely space. There is no doubt about the law, and only the strong at the high energy level can do it.

At this moment, a young girl appeared, stepping out from the kingdom of God, with a graceful figure, like a fairy, wearing a long white dress, ethereal and dusty under the moonlight, like a nine-day fairy!

"Please enter the city to tell me." The clear and sweet voice came, like a lark, making everyone's hearts tremble. Then, the girl turned around and entered the golden city again, replaced by two Standing in front of the Golden God City with his hands behind his back, he said loudly to the crowd, "All heroes are invited to enter the city!"

"Is that Fairy Meng? It really is a peerless beauty! Today I must go to the city to see her beauty!" When Fairy Meng appeared, the entire lakeshore was boiling, and many monks rushed into the sky, Immediately, he will fly towards the golden city in the void!

Plop!However, before the man flew to the Golden God City, he suddenly screamed, fell heavily from the sky, and loaded into the Immortal Bath Lake with a plop, which caused many waves in the originally peaceful and peaceful Immortal Bath Lake. The original atmosphere was completely destroyed.

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