Holy furnace

Chapter 762 Immortal Bath Lake

When the girl in the goose-yellow gown stepped down from the void, Li Haoxuan's body shook slightly at the same time, with an unbelievable expression on his face, he turned out to be another strong man who was half-hearted!

"Young Master Lei." After the girl landed on the ground, she walked straight to Lei Tian, ​​handed over a golden name card, and said with a smile, "My lady will have a banquet at Xianyu Lake tonight. All the outstanding people in Xiaocheng sat down and discussed, and if Young Master Lei has time, please go over and talk about it."

"Well, may I ask your Excellency?" Lei Tian took the name card and nodded before asking.

"Meng Siying, my lady is Meng Xian'er." The girl bowed and said.

"So it's Mengxian'er from Zhongzhou. Okay, go back and tell your lady that I will attend the meeting today." Lei Tian understood what he said, and immediately nodded with surprise on his face.

"In this way, we are waiting for Young Master Lei to visit at Xianyu Lake." After receiving Lei Tian's reply, the girl saluted again and left in a hurry.

"Zhongzhou Mengxianer, what's his background?" After the girl left, Li Haoxuan asked Lei Tian.He didn't spend much time in Qingxu Guan, and most of the time was spent on cultivation. He paid little attention to the outside world. He didn't know who the geniuses of his generation were. A name, let alone Zhongzhou.

"Meng Xian'er is an unfathomable person. She is a descendant of the Zhongzhou Taishang Taoist sect. According to legend, her realm is unfathomable. Half a year ago, she was attacked and killed by a demon in the heart-beating state of the Heavenly Demon Palace. Withdrew completely, did not let the other party take any advantage, but even cut off one of the other's arms, which caused an uproar in the world. If there is no accident, when Meng Xian'er really grows up, she will become the new head teacher of Taishang Dao !" Gongsun Bubai explained, he has been wandering in various places in Donghuang and Nanling for the whole year, and has dealt with many monks, so he can naturally know a lot of news that Li Haoxuan does not know.

"Gongsun is right, Meng Xian'er's strength is unfathomable, even Lei Tingguang is not willing to provoke easily, and Taishang Dao is very powerful in Zhongzhou, I am afraid no one can suppress Taishang Dao except Zizai Xiangong "Lei Tian nodded, and said seriously, "Unexpectedly, even Taishang Dao made a move. It seems that this Nanling Conference is really going to be big!"

"Even a little maid is a half-step heartbeat. Her realm is naturally higher. At least her combat power is definitely a level higher than the average half-step heartbeat. Maybe she has really touched that limit!" Gongsun said. Defeated continued.

"Where is Xianyu Lake?" Li Haoxuan turned his head and asked.

"In the middle of Huangxiao City, it got its name because it is said that there was a fairy bathing in this lake." Lei Tian laughed, "Although everyone knows that this is impossible, but everyone is too lazy to correct it, but the city lord of Huangxiao City Mai spent a lot of effort to carve a lot of peerless dao patterns in Xianyu Lake, injecting a large amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy into the lake, making Xianyu Lake gradually become worthy of its name. Hey, you come with me tonight, we will see Meet the young talents in Huangxiao City!"

Afterwards, Lei Tian took Li Haoxuan and the two of them wandering around various places of interest in Huangxiao City at will. For a whole afternoon, Li Haoxuan and Gongsun Bubai understood what palaces in the sky are and what castles in the air are. In Huangxiao City, as long as there are There is almost nothing that cannot be bought with enough spirit stones. Lei Tian also invited the two of them to eat the legendary Dragon Participation God's Wing. No matter the taste or the Tao rhyme contained in it, it is not inferior to the earth dragon meat. .

When night fell, Lei Tian led the two of them towards Xianyu Lake. Although the agreed time hadn't arrived yet, presumably Tai Shang Dao would not refuse everyone to enter the venue early.Moreover, even if you don't go to the banquet, just the scenery of Xianyu Lake is excellent!Along the ancient street, the three of them walked all the way. The ancient road was bustling with people, even a little more than during the daytime. On the two sides of the ancient road, there were palaces and palaces, and many monks came by the wind. , Stepping away on the clouds, all kinds of radiant lights filled the entire void, as if coming to the legendary fairyland, like a dream.

After walking along an ancient road for about half an hour, the front of the three of them suddenly became more crowded. Looking far away, you can see a bright spot, and the fairy bath lake looks warm and moist under the moonlight in the night sky. Jade, the white light is reflected from the entire fairy bath lake, as if it contains another brand new world.When you get closer, you can see that the entire fairy bath lake is emitting a clear light. The water quality is bright and clear, just like a huge gem!

Xianyu Lake is one of the highlights of Huangxiao City, but anyone who comes to Huangxiao City will come to this lake for a walk at night!Although the sky has not completely turned dark at this time, the shore of the lake is already full of people, whether it is a low-level mortal cultivator or a Dharma monk who has already crossed the Bigu Pass, all surround the shore of Xianyu Lake Feel free to wander around and enjoy this rare sight.

"The scenery here reminds me of Taixuan Mountain!" Li Haoxuan couldn't help sighing as he looked at the jade-like fairy bath lake in front of him.There is also a large lake on the mountainside of Taixuan Mountain. Whenever the moon is high, it is as bright as jade, and it looks extremely quiet and serene. Although it is different from the bustle of Xianyu Lake, the charm in it is quite similar. Fascinating.Back then, when Li Haoxuan hadn't really set foot on the path of cultivation, he often meditated and practiced Qi by the side of the big lake on the mountainside.

"Indeed there are some similarities!" Gongsun Bubai nodded and said when he heard the words, he also came from the Taixuan Mountain lineage, but he practiced earlier than Li Haoxuan, when Li Haoxuan discovered the big lake, he had already entered the infinitely small world up.

It was still early, and the three of them were not in a hurry to go to the meeting. They walked slowly along the shore, feeling the Taoism in the fairy bath lake. A long-term battle combined with proper cultivation of the heart can help people break through the shackles faster, although Li Haoxuan We haven't reached the bottleneck yet, but Gongsun Bubai and Lei Tian have established themselves in this field for a long time, and they can try to break through.

Maybe it's because of the transformation of Xianyu Lake, all kinds of flowers and plants by the lake are shimmering, exuding a faint brilliance, like fairy grass, Li Haoxuan can even really feel the faint power of the Great Dao from them, if If you can live forever, you may not be able to cultivate into a spirit. This is a good fortune, and no one can tell what kind of state it will develop in the future!Surrounded by countless crystal-clear flowers and trees, the huge white lake seems to be a paradise.

"En? What's that? Ship?" During the journey, Li Haoxuan vaguely saw more than a dozen large mahogany boats through the thick fog, and couldn't help asking Lei Tian.

Lei Tian and the two heard the words and looked, and immediately found that in the center of Xianyu Lake, there were indeed more than a dozen large ships sailing through the waves, and there was a person standing on the prow of each ship, or a person in a fluttering dress. A beauty, or a suave hero, and sometimes there is a melodious jade flute, and sometimes there is a zither, like a divine comedy falling from the sky, which can cleanse people's hearts and make everyone feel relaxed and happy.

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