Holy furnace

Chapter 771

The Realm Gate is not a real entity, but the Dao Gate jointly built by Duanmuyu and Zhang Wudao. The whole body is made of the Dao of Heaven and Earth. Unless you have a realm above the seventh level of Bigu, you will not be able to get the approval of this Realm Gate, and you will encounter the backlash of the Dao , which is equivalent to the pinnacle strike of the Seventh Layer of Bigu!

Now, Li Haoxuan made a strong move, opened the way with the Destruction Fist, and stepped into the gate of the realm in one step!Afterwards, the gate of the realm, which was originally radiant with divine light, suddenly became chaotic, and an extremely dangerous aura of avenue permeated wildly, and golden rays of light seemed to be projected from the gate of the realm.The next moment, the gate of the realm suddenly enlarged rapidly, instantly turning into a giant of hundreds of feet, and the general aura of destroying the universe spread from the gate of the realm, which even wiped out the power of the great way in it!

Roar!With a roar of mountains and rivers collapsing, a huge sonic boom came from the gate of the realm, and the crackling sound was endless, as if a peerless monster was rushing to kill in the gate of the realm, and then, with a click, the endless brilliance on the gate of the realm suddenly burst into flames. Introverted, and finally collapsed with a sound of collapse, turning into a rain of light and dissipating between heaven and earth!A figure shimmering with golden light stood in the void, with strong energy and blood rushing straight to the sky, making everyone on Xianyu Lake couldn't help but stare sideways at him, as if they saw the shadow of the Unrivaled God King on him!

"Clang!" At this moment, a snow-white long spear suddenly stabbed out from within the divine city in front of Li Haoxuan, and stabbed directly at the center of Li Haoxuan's eyebrows.

clang!Seeing this, Li Haoxuan's expression remained unchanged, as if he had expected the arrival of the spear, his left hand pointed like a knife, and struck the tip of the spear with a bang, making a sound of gold and iron intersecting!

Then, a figure suddenly appeared on the scene, held the white spear in his hand with a buzzing sound, and looked coldly at Li Haoxuan in front of him!When this figure appeared, the Dao of this world seemed to be suppressed by him, and an extremely powerful "momentum" emerged from the other person, making even Li Haoxuan afraid of it!The next moment, the other party's figure instantly became blurred, like a dream, as if he had entered a state where he could not have no thoughts, and he seemed to have merged into the void!

"Tie Fengyuan, you are so shameless! You actually attacked!" Looking at the blurred figure in the distance, Lei Tian finally came to his senses, couldn't help jumping his feet, and cursed loudly!That is a strong man who can fight heart-poundingly, and his combat power is definitely more than half-step heart-pounding. If the previous shot was aimed at him, he would have died by now!Although he knew that Li Haoxuan's combat power was also above half-step heartbeat, but Tie Fengyuan's reputation was too great, and he was really worried that something would happen to Li Haoxuan because of it.

"Woo..." However, Tie Fengyuan didn't seem to hear Lei Tian's words at all, and he shot out again. Suddenly, there was a sound of whining, like a ghost crying, and the spear in his hand was here. For a moment, it seemed to be transformed into a supreme dragon, roaming in the endless space, the speed was almost extremely fast, and in less than a moment, he had arrived at Li Haoxuan's side from the gate of the city of God, and there was a thunderous dragon chant between the flipping of the spear. Can surpass the world!

clang!Li Haoxuan was fearless, stepping on the sky mark and stepping on the sky, he used the golden fist to resist the spear, and at the same time he smashed it with one punch, another punch was thrown out, directly blasting towards the opponent's head!

boom!The spear in Tie Fengyuan's hand played around in an instant at this moment, bursting out with a powerful momentum and turning back, at the same time Tie Fengyuan also punched out, directly blocking Li Haoxuan's golden fist, the two fists collided with each other, and burst out in an instant Guanghua, the powerful divine power descended, causing huge waves to surge in the Xianyu Lake, and countless monks were sent flying far away. Even the aftermath of the two was hard to contend with. There is no way to participate in it, only retreat!

Looking at Tie Fengyuan who also only took two steps back in front of him, Li Haoxuan was surprised that the other party resisted him with a fist and did not suffer any damage. He is even one point faster than him. This kind of combat power can definitely match the powerhouse of Heartbeat, and he is one of the strongest he has seen so far!But after thinking about it, he was relieved. After all, he is the descendant of the Holy Land, and he is known as the strongest of the younger generation of the Tie family. Related, maybe the Tie Fengyuan in front of him is also a royal body!

Li Haoxuan was surprised, but Tie Fengyuan was full of shock!He originally wanted to kill Li Haoxuan with one blow when he broke through the gate of the realm, because he knew the limit that the gate of the realm could withstand, and the ninefold realm of Bigu was enough to break it, but he didn't expect the opponent His combat strength can take his shot so easily. If the opponent's strength has not been fully demonstrated, then even if he is not as good as him, the difference will not be too far!

Tie Fengyuan looked at Li Haoxuan with incomparable pride. Even if the other party could take his shot, it didn't mean that the other party could really get his approval. He shot again in an instant, and the speed was so fast that it almost became lightning, and the sky was full of gun shadows. The sound of chanting is endless, the sound of sonic boom is constant, and among the endless gun shadows, a golden figure keeps attacking, leaving afterimages in the void. Every attack will bring a huge sound of sonic boom, making the whole city The Xianyu Lake is almost boiling. More and more monks choose to stay away from the Xianyu Lake and watch the battle from a distance. The dull and violent sonic boom is simply unbearable. You can't even stay in Xianyu Lake, you will be so shocked that you cough up blood!

"Boom!" The last loud noise came, and the two separated. There was a loud bang from the bottom of Xianyu Lake. People couldn't help but gasp, this has really begun to show the power to move mountains and seas!

"Who is that! He was able to fight Tie Fengyuan to this extent! At least he is a strong man who is half-hearted, what is his origin!" Someone was asking loudly, eager to know Li Haoxuan's identity.

"Even Tie Fengyuan can't suppress him, it's too fierce! Another unknown master!"

"The Tie family is famous for its physical strength. There are even rumors that the blood of the Tie family is no less than the blood of the king. This person can even compete with Tie Fengyuan in the flesh. He is too strong! What is that golden blood? Could it be Cultivate some kind of symbol of the Emperor Zhun's ancient scriptures?" Many spectators felt chills all over their bodies, there were too many powerful people gathered in the Nanling Conference, and they were afraid that if these people attacked at the same time, it might affect Huang Xiaocheng!This is an era when evildoers are rampant, every inch of evildoer can be respected in a domain, and now they gather together, no one knows what kind of collision will happen!

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