Holy furnace

Chapter 772

"I didn't expect that kid surnamed Li to have such fighting power!" Inside the Golden God City, Yan Teng, who was wearing a red Taoist robe, looked gloomy at the battle outside the God City and thought in his heart.All of this today was arranged by him. Ever since he met Lei Tian and the three of them during the day, he has always had a faint uneasiness in his heart. The sense of superiority in controlling the overall situation, so he must know where this anxiety comes from, he must know the origin of this person who can know the ancient leaves of enlightenment, and at least know his combat power, so he wants to force them to take action!Of course, he also considered the fact that Li Haoxuan didn't make a move, but that didn't matter, if Lei Tian made a move, then just treat it as a joke, and it also shows that these two people are very important to Lei Tian, In other words, this is Lei Tian's weakness, as long as he makes good use of it, he will also get huge gains. As for temptation, there will be opportunities in the future, so why rush!

Now in this battle with Tie Fengyuan, Yan Teng finally understands why he feels uneasy in his heart.Tie Fengyuan is a person Yan Teng knows very well. He was talented enough to stand out from others when he was young. He was trained as the heir of the Tie family since he was a child. His talent is so high that he is known as the number one in ten thousand years!It's just that Tie Fengyuan is stubborn by nature and thinks so highly of himself that even some elders don't trust him. In the end, he even stole an ancient fairy medicine that the elders in the sect tried desperately to get back and forth!

It was precisely because of that catastrophe that he was severely punished by the head of the Tie family and sealed for three years. However, also because of that fairy medicine, Tie Fengyuan broke through the shackles in just three years and became the youngest peak bigu !The strength of his combat power is beyond imagination. Although he has not really broken into the heart-throbbing state, his combat power is not below the heart-throbbing state. Looking at the entire Nanling, there are only four or five young people who can compete with him. Yan Teng himself thought he was no match for Tie Fengyuan, but Li Haoxuan was able to contend against him, this is enough to explain everything!

Tie Fengyuan's expression is very calm, without any expression, he stands in the distance with a gun in his hand, he is very clear about his combat power, and he is also very confident, he believes that there are only a limited number of people who can fight with him. Although the powerful person surprised him, but he really didn't see it in his eyes!The previous attack was just a test, and the combat power of the Heartbeat Realm has not yet been fully demonstrated.

Finally, Tie Fengyuan no longer held back. The previous battle with Chen Zhan had to end. Although he was very conceited, he was indeed not sure of winning against Shang Chen Zhan, but facing the person in front of him was different, this time he Let your fighting spirit be fully released, and declare your power to the world!

"Boom!" The void trembled, and the long spear in Tie Fengyuan's hand pierced through the sky and turned into a pillar of the sky, and he could shake the wind and clouds at will. At this time, he was really like a supreme god, stepping forward It spans the distance of space. It is obviously not Yu Bu, but it has the same effect as Yu Bu. None of the descendants of the Holy Land is a simple thing. Whether it is the ancient scriptures of practice or the magic channel technique, they are all unique and unrivaled in the world!

The opponent's spear was straight and upright, directly piercing Li Haoxuan's chest, but the speed was so fast that ordinary people couldn't react at all, almost before even thinking about it, the spear point had already touched Li Haoxuan's skin!This long spear also belongs to the Supreme Divine Weapon, and I don't know what material it is made of. Although there is no strong surge of divine power on it, it is invincible. Now Li Haoxuan can almost smash a high-grade spiritual weapon with all his strength. Under Li Haoxuan's continuous attacks, he was completely unscathed, which is astonishing, as if he is immortal!

At this time, a faint light radiated from the spear, which became more mysterious, full of spirituality, and seemed to have life!Li Haoxuan knew that this was because the opponent's gun skills were psychic, and he had already become one with the gun!This state moved Li Haoxuan, he had only experienced this state from Jian Shisan's body, the combination of human and sword is enough to increase his combat power by [-]%!

Facing such a spear, Li Haoxuan waved his fists, two peerless millstones descended, and came to suppress Tie Fengyuan with a bang, but in the end they all shattered and turned into nothingness when the spear was picked!The opponent's combat power is too strong, the realm is too high, and the ordinary magic channel technique can't work at all, and the opponent can crack it with a single thought!

"Boom!" The only thing that can compete with the opponent's spear is the Destruction Fist!He can't use supernatural powers such as Fire Emperor Chiyanqi, because he doesn't want to expose his identity as Qingxuguan, otherwise he is too sensitive, and people from Qianchonglou and Qunxingmen are present, once he knows that he is Qingxuguan The successor may not have any ideas, he doesn't want to take risks, and he doesn't want to be passive for the Qingxu concept.

Li Haoxuan yelled, with golden energy and blood surging to the sky, using this to cover up his true face and fist marks to fight with the opponent, the long spear and the divine fist continued to bombard and kill, both of them fought to the point of madness, in the end, Tie Fengyuan couldn't attack for a long time, finally Beginning to show the supreme demeanor of a generation of holy sons, the silver divine brilliance burst out suddenly, soaring straight into the sky, the intensity was almost the same as Li Haoxuan's golden divine brilliance. A slightly rusty yellow dragon gun!

"Pfft!" After unsealing, the power of the Dragon Spear rose sharply, and a single stab cut a wound in Li Haoxuan's fist. A large amount of blood spilled onto the Immortal Bath Lake, staining the waters red!

"Tie Fengyuan is angry, that kid is in danger!" All the saint sons and young masters in the city of God are staring at Tie Fengyuan's battle. This is a strong man who can compete with him, and he can fight him to this extent. People deserve their attention!When seeing Li Haoxuan injured, Feng Yifei from the Feng Family spoke, and said calmly, as if he had seen the end of the battle.

"Huh! Use a sharp gun to show off your might, victory is not martial!" A cold snort came, but it was Lin Rongrong who spoke, staring at Tie Fengyuan in the distance with an unfriendly expression and said, she was once called the unrivaled female devil by Lei Tian He is not afraid of anyone at all, and he is also a lawless master.Everyone seemed to know Lin Rongrong's character already, so they kept silent and continued to watch the battle, not bothering to argue with her.

"Boom!" After knocking Li Haoxuan back with a single shot, Tie Fengyuan let out a loud roar, and the long spear in his hand turned into a sky-shattering stick, instantly magnified hundreds of times and smashed heavily towards Li Haoxuan!The body of the spear was surrounded by divine light and densely covered with dao patterns. There is no doubt that he had revived the power of this long spear at this time. If he was really hit by it, even Li Haoxuan's body would be seriously injured!

Rumble!The Immortal Bath Lake was about to explode under this kind of divine power. If the countless lines at the bottom of the Immortal Yu Lake hadn't recovered and stabilized the space at this time, the entire Immortal Yu Lake might have been vaporized under this shot. clean!

puff!A monk who hadn't gone far coughed up blood, his viscera were displaced, and his magical powers of body protection were like waste paper, which could be broken with a single poke. It was impossible to resist Tie Fengyun's supreme power!The rumbling sound in the void resounded through the heaven and earth, like a scene of annihilation!

Under this spear, Li Haoxuan was under unimaginable pressure!When everyone thought that Li Haoxuan was bound to die, there was a loud bang, and a black sword edge appeared on Li Haoxuan's palm. Suddenly, the sound of the sword's cry was mighty for three thousand miles!

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