Holy furnace

Chapter 777

"What happened?" After hearing this roar that resounded through the world, all the young people present changed their colors, stood up abruptly, and flew out of the city of God.You must know that this divine city was forged by the laws of space, and even he has collapsed at this time, so one can imagine how powerful this roaring sound is!

When they came outside the Golden God City, they immediately discovered that the entire Huangxiao City is in chaos, and no one can calm down. Looking around, the originally peaceful and beautiful Huangxiao City has almost become disintegrated at this time, except for a few people engraved with extremely strong formations. Most of the palaces and pavilions collapsed under the roar, with countless broken tiles and broken tiles. Many monks were injured by the loud noise, and some even fell on the spot. Already, the flesh body is shattered!

"What's going on!" The faces of all the young and strong men changed drastically. No one expected this to happen.There is not only one master sitting in Huang Xiaocheng, especially in this critical period, there are many powerful experts hiding in Huang Xiaocheng, but even so, Huang Xiaocheng still encountered such a strong bombardment. They are uneasy, because this method has long been beyond their scope!

"There's someone with a high level of energy making the move!" Duanmuyu exclaimed in shock.He felt a tyrannical coercion from a very far away. In the face of this coercion, many of the young generation's strongest are almost indistinguishable from ants!In front of Almighty, no matter how strong Duanmuyu is, it is no different from other monks.

"Is someone invading Huangxiao City?" Someone said in a deep voice looking at the chaotic Huangxiao City. Huangxiao City is a city of peace, and there are other courtyards and mansions of the major holy places in it, but most of them have been affected now. It is impossible to destroy the engraved dao pattern, but what the other party has done is tantamount to provoking the Nine Great Shrines!

Boom!At this moment, another trembling coercion rose from a distance, and then, everyone saw a big black hand stretching out from hundreds of miles away, and it reached the top of their heads in an instant, covering the sky and the sun , a giant with a radius of tens of miles, covered the entire Huangxiao City, and fell heavily from the sky!

boom!Before the huge palm fell, the tyrannical mana fluctuations had already rippled out. Under this kind of power, the space was shattered immediately, shredded like rags, and then, the gold behind everyone With a loud click, Shencheng was completely swallowed by the chaotic laws of space, and all the tables and chairs in it were twisted into nothingness by the pitch-black space storm!

"It's over!" Looking at the big hand falling from the sky, everyone couldn't help but feel a sense of despair!It's not that they are not strong enough, but that the gap between the two is too big, too big to be measured by reason, and so big that it can surpass all physiques and talents, such a hand is pressed, let alone them who are only in the bigu state, even if they are The gods of the Heartbeat Realm and even the Yuanhua Realm are bound to die!

This is a great power to strike again, and it is by no means an ordinary power, it is definitely a power above the Lihe Realm, otherwise it would be difficult to play such a divine power, and if it is shot hundreds of miles away, a single palm can collapse the entire city. Huang Xiaocheng!In front of such a powerful person, whether it is Duanmuyu, Zhang Wudao and other celestial beings, or those small servants, they are all useless. When the big hands come, they will all be beaten into dust!

puff!The coercion of the lack of criminals came to the world, and many young evildoers above the sky were the first to bear the brunt. Duanmuyu was the first to cough up blood. A large piece of brilliance was blooming on his body, and a supreme fairy clothes appeared on his body in an instant. For it to block the peerless aura of the lack of crime, however, the fairy clothes are useless, and the moment it appeared, it collapsed, and large swathes of blood gushed out from his seven orifices, which was extremely miserable!Afterwards, Zhang Wudao's body was cracked, and he was also wearing the supreme battle armor, which was refined by the current Patriarch himself, which can withstand a powerful blow!However, his battle armor, like Duanmuyu's fairy clothes, was shattered the moment it appeared, one after another tiny cracks appeared on his flawless body, and with a soft puff, his arms exploded, A piece of arm turned into a blood mist!They are all evildoers of a generation, one of the strongest in the Southern Territory, they can run rampant with Ziwei in the same level, and it is difficult to find an opponent, but they are really useless in front of the lack of criminals, they can't even resist for a moment, and the moment their mana is mobilized, they are defeated. It was scattered, and it was impossible to compete.

Duanmuyu and Zhang Wudao were the first to cough up blood. They were extremely horrific and unbearable. They completely lost their previous charm, and even the fairy clothes used to protect their lives were broken, which was unbearable.However, it's not that they can't do it, it's because they stand the highest and are closest to the big hand, even before they recovered their senses, they were crushed by the big hand, almost smashed to pieces!If it were another person, I am afraid that he is not seriously injured at this time, and maybe he is completely dead.

Even they who were wearing fairy clothes and battle armor were miserable to such an extent, and the others were even more miserable!Almost at the same time, a genius of the seventh level of bigu exploded on the spot, and was beaten into a blood mist without even a snort, and his soul flew away!This cultivator did not come from a famous sect, did not have rich resources, did not have powerful magic weapons, and relied on his own talent and hard work to cultivate step by step, but now, when he finally relies on his own efforts to walk in the ranks of the younger generation. In the forefront of Huang Xiaocheng today, all of this is really not his fault, no one is powerless against the sky!

Not far away, a blue light flashed, but spread out in an instant, revealing Feng Yifei who was coughing up blood constantly!The moment the thugs fell, Feng Yifei immediately used the Fengzu Yubu to escape quickly. However, no matter how fast Yubu was under this kind of pressure, it was still futile, and it couldn't work at all. Under this big hand, the entire void was crushed. Sealed, like a swamp, Yu Bu couldn't cross the void, he was immediately shocked out by the coercion of the criminal, his internal organs were severely injured, and he was almost shattered!He is the young master of the Wind Clan, Yu Bu has reached the state of perfection, but such a gap makes him desperate, he is coughing up blood, his eyes are full of unwillingness, but he can't do anything, he can only watch helplessly Use big hands to suppress the situation!

Not just them, everyone was hit hard!Whether it's Chen Zhan, Tie Fengyuan, Meng Xian'er, He Yuxin, although they all carry the secrets of the bottom of the box, or the fairy suit armor, or the supreme magic weapon, but under this lack of coercion Next, unless you have a Taoist artifact in your hand, everything is meaningless, even the top-grade magical artifacts are useless!Back then, the Heavenly Demon in the Immortal Martial Cave had broken the cold iron sword with a single palm of his hand, not to mention the power of separation and reunion that is now more powerful than the original Heavenly Demon?

Li Haoxuan was also coughing up blood, his treasured body was indistinguishable from an ordinary body under the coercion of the criminal, it was cracked inch by inch, and blood flowed freely!However, compared to other people, his condition is much better, because at this time he protects the cold iron sword, the brilliant chariot and the sky demon stone respectively in his heart, dantian and Zifu, as long as these three places If there is no fatal damage, then all the damage will be within the acceptable range!

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