Holy furnace

Chapter 778

Although the Brilliant Chariot and the Sky Demon Stone can only be regarded as half pieces of Magical Artifacts, apart from the powerful Dao pattern formations engraved on them, they themselves are made of Magical Artifact-level materials, which are extremely hard and cold. The iron sword is even a top-grade magic weapon, made of ten thousand years of cold iron and foreign black iron, and its material is directly comparable to that of a Taoist weapon!Li Haoxuan's cold iron sword protects his purple mansion, the brilliant chariot and white crane's wings protect his heart, and the sky demon stone floats on the surface of his dantian!Although the Sky Demon Stone is the weakest among the three divine weapons, there is Li Vulcan Stove in his dantian!After Xianwu Dongtian absorbed most of the life essence of Qin Yu and Tianmo, Li Huoshenlu's condition was much better than before, enough to help Tianyaoshi guard his dantian.

While falling, Li Haoxuan struggled to protect Gongsun Bubai and Lei Tian behind him, using his body to block the peerless power for them!At this time, both Lei Tian and Gongsun Bubai were in extremely miserable conditions. Although Lei Tian also had a armor to protect him, his armor was weaker than Duanmuyu's, and it also collapsed in an instant. His skin was torn apart and blood was flowing, Gongsun Bubai was even more unbearable, his body almost exploded, if not for a long spear that suddenly appeared beside him to block part of the divine power for him, he might have collapsed by now.

The power of the Deficiency Realm is beyond everyone's imagination. In less than an instant, everyone's defenses were disintegrated, and everyone suffered a catastrophe!The whole Huangxiao City was trembling. This time, even the Tianque Pavilion and other buildings were not spared. Large areas of dao patterns were obliterated, and they were directly blasted into dust. The entire Huangxiao City was dark, and there were cries and screams everywhere. No one can resist this method except for the great power who is also a lacking criminal. One after another, the monks screamed and were beaten into a blood mist. Huang Xiaocheng became a blood-stained city!

"Roar!" The stone horse on which the young master of the undead sat screamed, the stone body was cracked inch by inch, and the milky white blood flowed out of his body, but it was shaken into mist in an instant, dissipating in the sky and the earth!After all, he is not a pure holy spirit, and he can't block such divine power at all!

At this moment, all the magical channeling techniques are useless, whether it is Li Haoxuan's Skyline Sacred Technique or other ancient secret techniques, they are all useless and cannot be used at all. Everyone's dantian seems to be sealed. He couldn't even use his divine power, so he could only watch that big hand come down!

Click!In the next moment, countless bones in Li Haoxuan's body were broken, and even crushed into bone chips!This is a heart-piercing pain that makes life worse than death!Then, Li Haoxuan felt his chest heat up, but the Brilliant Chariot started to disintegrate under such pressure!

"Melting soldiers into the body!" Li Haoxuan gritted his teeth, urging his natal supernatural powers!The natal supernatural power has a great particularity, and it can still be used under such circumstances. Facing the display of the natal supernatural power, the decomposed brilliant chariot began to slowly integrate into Li Haoxuan's extraordinary meridians and internal organs. At the same time, The five drops of blood essence in his dantian began to spin again, and slowly poured into his body, providing him with the energy of endless life!

puff!However, even so, the speed of his recovery was still far behind the speed of his body's damage. Another moment passed, and his vitality became weaker. Provide effective protection. If this continues, his heart will be shattered in another moment. At that time, even if the ancient emperor is resurrected, it will be useless, and it will be difficult to defy the sky.

Li Haoxuan turned his head and looked, and found that everyone's state was almost the same as his own. Among the people who were in the Golden God City, the monks below the Bigu Nine Heavens were almost dead, even if they had fairy clothes, it was useless. The two are worthy of being the powerhouses of the Heartbeat Realm. Although they are covered in blood, they can still stay awake at this time. I saw a lot of elixir in the hands of the two of them, and they kept pouring towards their mouths. In the middle of the world, they have no time to refine the medicinal effects of these panacea, let alone mana to provide them with refining the panacea. They can only rely on the most instinctive nature to absorb the life energy in the panacea!

Up to now, living is the most important thing. For their two great gods, what is a panacea?Nothing!Except for these two people, most people's minds and minds are already in a coma. Chen Zhan's cold face still shows determination. Li Haoxuan suddenly feels admiration for a fearless person who is not even afraid of death, has great perseverance, boldness, and great ability!

"Crackling!" A series of crisp sounds continued, it was the sound of everyone's bones breaking!At the same time, divine light appears from time to time, which are the body-protecting magic soldiers of everyone, Bihe Yuxin's Tianluo Umbrella, Song Yunxuan's Yu Linglong, Ling Tian's Myriad Star Robe, etc., but these lights are all just a flash in the pan , can't survive forever, although they all bloomed their own brilliance before falling, but they can no longer recover!

"Pfft!" A severe pain came again, Li Haoxuan knew that his internal organs were damaged, and even breathing became difficult, his eyes became blurred, and everything in front of him became extremely blurred. It's like a dream!

"Bold!" At this moment, a loud voice sounded, and at the same time a big jade-colored hand rose from the center of Huang Xiaocheng, grabbing Duanmuyu and others in his hand!Then, a blue light flashed, and with a loud bang, Tianji's big hand that almost shattered the entire Huang Xiaocheng suddenly collapsed, turned into a series of fragments, and dissipated between heaven and earth!

"Dare to fight here, does the Heavenly Demon God Palace want to start a war!" When the big hand collapsed, an old man in green clothes appeared in the void and whispered to a very far away.

"You still want to go?" Afterwards, the old man in Tsing Yi snorted coldly, and stretched out his right hand forward. Suddenly, the whole world was shrouded in darkness, and the distance of thousands of miles became an inch away. In an instant, the palm of the old man came Thousands of miles away, he took a heavy shot of a black shadow in front of him!

Boom!With just one palm, everything within a radius of a hundred miles was smashed into powder, and countless ancient trees and forests fell apart!Fortunately, there are many mountains and forests in Nanling, otherwise this palm fall would be enough to seriously injure the vitality of a dynasty!

"Huh? Not good!" After he slapped the palm, the old Taoist in Tsing Yi's expression changed drastically!

The next moment, there was a loud bang, and a golden divine light shot up into the sky not far away, heading straight towards Xiaohan!

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