Holy furnace

Chapter 779

"Roar!" When this golden light soared into the sky, a shocking dragon's chant resounded through the void, causing sonic booms everywhere in the void. Converging for a while, it turned into a giant sword of a hundred feet, soaring straight into the sky!

"Get back!" Seeing this, the old man in Tsing Yi yelled loudly, and the figure staying in place suddenly became illusory, and appeared in front of the golden giant sword in the next moment, with a huge hand stretched out, resisting the huge sword!

"Zheng!" The dragon chanted sword energy soaring into the sky, and a huge void crack appeared immediately, stretching for hundreds of miles, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered wherever it passed, one mountain after another was blasted into dust, and all were sucked into the pitch-black space passage Among them, it turned into nothingness!

"Fix!" The old Taoist in Tsing Yi said, and the big hand of Baizhang directly traversed the void, and the crack in the space that was fixed was smashed with a bang, and then the space was reshaped with physical force. Never happened before!

However, in just this instant, the golden sword leaped suddenly, reaching an infinite height in an instant, the powerful divine power was released, and with a bang, the entire Huangxiao City collapsed again, and the rich and pure power of Dao poured down from the endless sky , everything in the world is in it, the earth is collapsing, and the ancient array is disappearing!

At the same time, one after another peerless killing formations suddenly appeared above the ten thousand li sky, and each killing formation was filled with an extremely terrifying aura, the killing intent soared to the sky, terrifying like the sea!If it weren't for the fact that this place is too far away from the ground, I'm afraid that the entire Huangxiao City will be shattered under this kind of peerless murderous intent, and all the people in the entire city will die, no one will be spared!

Murderous intentions raged on these killing formations, turning the entire space into a killing formation!Then, with a loud bang, the golden sword settled in countless killing formations, and achieved killing formations with its own body!

Boom!When this killing array took shape, the whole world was shrouded in an extremely terrifying coercion!This kind of coercion is no longer limited to Huang Xiaocheng, but gradually spreads in all directions, covering a radius of [-] miles in an instant, and it is still expanding!

"Bold!" The old Taoist in Tsing Yi's face changed drastically when he saw this. If this peerless killing formation really falls, it will become a piece of scorched earth within a radius of [-] miles. It will be impossible for any living beings to survive, and it will become a place of death!

While shouting loudly, the old Taoist in Tsing Yi waved his right hand, and a handsome ancient mirror suddenly emerged, suspended in front of him, and moved towards the killing formation in the sky with a bang!

When this ancient mirror was shot, a divine light shot out from it, covering a radius of one hundred miles, covering the entire killing formation in the sky, a kind of power similar to a golden sword kept surging, trying to wipe out the killing formation!

groan! !

The sound of the dragon's chant reappeared, and a bright golden light suddenly shot out from the golden sword, and it hit the ancient mirror with a bang, causing the brilliance on the ancient mirror to tremble and almost dissipate!However, as the power of the ancient mirror circulates, the brilliance on it has not been extinguished, but has become more blazing in an instant!

Boom!The duel between the ancient mirror and the killing array caused the whole world to be in chaos, and the killing intent gods continued to appear, annihilating the void, and any random wisp falling down could crack the earth and shatter the mountains!

"What the hell happened!" With Huang Xiaocheng as the center, all the monks within a thousand miles felt the almost suffocating terrifying pressure at this moment!At this moment, all the monks under the bigu state were stunned to death, and those who can maintain their sanity at this time are all strong above the heart-beating state. Originally, they would also die in the next moment, but the old man in Tsing Yi just in time Take a shot and save a life for them!Looking at the endless murderous intent hanging down from the sky like the Milky Way in the Nine Heavens and the shining ancient mirror, everyone felt chills in their hearts. This kind of divine power was something they could not compete with. Wow, all of them will die without a place to bury them!

The ancient mirror and the killing array confronted each other, and both of them exerted the most powerful power, causing the void on the sky to twist like a rag, and one after another dark space cracks appeared from time to time, which was even more terrifying. At this moment, the whole The entire sky seems to be on fire, as if they are going to be extinct in the mutual attack of the two!

All the people who are still alive are panicking. Facing such power, no one can take it calmly!Although the ancient mirror and the killing array are at least tens of thousands of miles away from the ground, most of the monks including Huang Xiaocheng couldn't help but collapsed on the ground. Can withstand this kind of coercion, this kind of coercion is too strong, it belongs to the coercion of Taoist level, almost no one can bear it.

The so-called Dao weapon is a weapon transformed from Dharma to Dao, a weapon that has intertwined Dao and reason. Only the best magic weapon can be transformed into a Dao weapon after comprehending the principle of Dao. Every Dao weapon is a priceless treasure. It's no worse than the mighty one who lacks criminal conditions, even the mighty one will be crazy about it!Any sect can become a supreme teaching as long as it has a Taoist weapon. Qianchonglou is one of the twelve gates of the Eastern Desolation Immortal Dao, and it only has a Taoist tool. The infinitely small world that Li Haoxuan stayed in back then was the concept of Qingxu One of the Taoist artifacts!Each Taoist vessel contains countless spaces and contains endless divine power, which is inexhaustible and inexhaustible!Moreover, Dao Qi's comprehension of the Dao of Heaven and Earth has reached a point where he can do whatever he wants, and he can use the power of the Dao with a random blow, overwhelming the world!

"These are two Taoist weapons attacking! My God, what happened? Who is attacking Huang Xiaocheng with Taoist weapons?" The living monks were extremely panicked, and everyone was filled with fear, because they knew that such a statue When the Taoist-level fluctuations are killed, the entire Huangxiao City will be wiped out, and in an instant, everyone will be beaten to ashes! , "Don't shoot it, or the mountains and rivers will collapse, the earth will sink, and everyone will die!" Within a thousand miles, all the monks are praying, hoping that the two Taoist artifacts on the sky will not be bombarded, otherwise no one will be spared, The consequences are extremely dire!Some strong men in Yuanhua Realm began to move quickly at this time. Although they could not fly under the pressure of Dao artifacts, they all possessed secret techniques that allowed them to move quickly on the ground, which was not as good as light skills in the world. I don't know how many times faster, and I can shield several miles away in the blink of an eye. The power of the Taoist weapon is too terrifying, except for a few metamorphic peak powerhouses, no one can catch its edge!

"This is Nanling, the Heavenly Demon God Palace may have found the wrong place if you want to come here to play wild!" The old man in Tsing Yi looked at the black shadow in the distance and said sharply, "But since you are here, don't leave, leave it to the old man !” While speaking, the old Taoist in Tsing Yi waved his left hand, and another ancient mirror appeared in the world, its brilliance shone brightly, and it fixed the world in an instant, dispelling all the killing intent on the killing array invisibly!

"Hahahaha, do you think you have a sure chance of winning? This seat will let you know what despair is!" The black shadow in the distance held a golden sword and laughed at the old man in Tsing Yi. While speaking, a terrifying breath suddenly Overwhelming, coming from not far away!

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