Holy furnace

Chapter 780

Boom!As soon as the black shadow's voice fell, there was a loud noise from the endless sky, followed by an unimaginable terrifying coercion!At this time, everyone was shocked, even the old Taoist in Tsing Yi also showed a look of horror at this time, and saw that Huang Xiaocheng was surrounded by hundreds of miles, one after another immeasurable divine light appeared, the breath was overwhelming, and the killing intent was shocking !

Each of these immeasurable divine lights is extremely thick, piercing through the sky and the earth, with majestic momentum and divine power like the sea. The coercion and coercion reached the sky, so powerful that everyone trembled!When these coercion rose, even those strong in Yuanhua Realm could not be spared. They all coughed up blood and fell to their knees directly. This was not just one Taoist artifact, but several Taoist artifacts came out together If they are really suppressed at the same time, they will be robbed in a radius of [-] li, and the southern region will be hit hard!

There are still many faint divine radiances in Huangxiao City, which are the remaining formations in the city. This part of the formations was created by the saints back then. Amulet!However, this is only a remnant formation after all, and it has been too long to last forever. If these Taoist artifacts fall at the same time, the holy formation will also be shattered, and it will be powerless against the sky!

Rippling in these thick auras is a vast ocean of Qi and blood, and the breath of Tao and reason is permeating, which puts the old Taoist in Tsing Yi under great pressure!Undoubtedly, these people are all powerful people, and even have the power of Lihe Realm. At this time, they are all gathered together and can be called invincible. The momentum is so strong that the world almost collapses before they make a move. The ground, the space is shattered, if they come down, the whole earth will be split, and even thousands of miles around will be directly sunk!

These people attacked at the same time, causing the face of the old Taoist in Tsing Yi to change drastically. He never thought that so many powerful people would appear overnight, which was completely beyond his expectations!

"Hand over the saints, young master, and spare you!" the black shadow in the distance opened his mouth, pointed at the old Taoist in Tsing Yi with the supreme killing array, and said sharply.

"This is the purpose of your coming here? Could it be that the Heavenly Demon Palace thought that killing many holy sons and young masters would break the inheritance of the Southern Region?" The old man in Tsing Yi sneered.

"I'll give you a breath to think about, or kill!" The other party spoke again, and the divine light surged above the killing array, ready to strike a peerless blow at any time!At the same time, the same crazily surged avenue divine power from the rest of the divine lights, which completely imprisoned this void, even invalidating the law of space.

"I don't know what your purpose is for doing this, but if you dare to come to the Southern Territory to act wildly, I guarantee that none of you will be able to leave the Southern Territory!" The old man in Tsing Yi said with a gloomy face. Everyone moved to fight outside the territory, only to find that the law of space has been imprisoned, the space here is like a monolith, and even teleportation has become extremely difficult, and large-scale teleportation in space is even more impossible.

Boom!As soon as the old Taoist in Tsing Yi finished speaking, the black shadow immediately made a move. There was a loud bang from the Supreme Killing Formation, and the radiance shot straight towards Xiaohan. Break through the blockade of the ancient mirror and kill the old Taoist in Tsing Yi!

At this moment, the Golden Sword Slaying Formation went up to the nine heavens, and down to the nine secluded places, almost becoming the only one in the world. The supreme power of the gods overwhelmed everything, and the power of the Taoist weapon was brought into full play in the turbulent and mighty!

hum!The ancient mirror trembled slightly, with a generous brilliance, and the two ancient mirrors merged into one in an instant, and the aura of the Dao stronger than before surged out, and the brilliance flowed on the mirror surface, as if it could reflect all attacks. The coercion hit back abruptly, and rushed straight into the outer starry sky!

However, at this moment, another Taoist artifact around Huang Xiaocheng revived, dazzling divine light scattered all over the sky, and the powerful power was like billions of stars falling together. Billowing Galaxy, broke through the sky directly, and charged towards the Tsing Yi Old Daoist, killing him with one blow!

At this time, the three Taoist artifacts were completely revived, causing chaos in the void!In the extremely chaotic space in the depths of the Tsing Yi old Taoist, his face was dignified. He urged the two ancient mirrors to resist the golden sword killing formation with supreme divine power, while the real body was facing another Taoist weapon at this time!

Although the old man in Tsing Yi is powerful, his opponent is really not weak. He is also a powerful man who lacks the realm, and he is fighting with a Taoist weapon. If they all fight against Sushenwei Shenwei, even if he only has ten lives, he will be directly bombarded and turned into scum!

The Tsing Yi Battle Armor on the Tsing Yi Old Daoist's body glowed at this time, rippling with powerful divine power, which instantly resolved part of the space blockade, and then, the old Daoist squeezed his hands, and immediately evolved a huge portal with a height of thousands of feet, directly towards the Print the endless galaxy in front of you!

Boom!The huge portal and the galaxy finally collided, and the endless stars were directly sealed into the portal, and then gushed out from another place, and were directly sent out of the territory by the old Taoist in Tsing Yi!However, this was a blow from a Taoist weapon after all, the huge portal of the Tsing Yi old Taoist collapsed in an instant, unable to do his best, and in the blink of an eye, thousands of stars came to him!

Cruel!At this moment, a fiery red light suddenly gushed out from the body of the old Taoist in Tsing Yi. A huge divine wing spread out in an instant, and with a violent flick, the endless galaxy flowed backwards, the space collapsed, and the divine light in the distance burst instantly, and a man in purple fell out of the divine light, coughing up blood !

"Holy Soldier!" The purple-clothed man exclaimed in horror, holding half of a long silver whip in his hand.The so-called holy soldiers are the soldiers of the saints. Their power is far from comparable to that of Dao weapons. They can destroy Dao weapons in one blow, and they can be slaughtered like a dog!

When this fairy phoenix appeared, everyone was almost suffocated, and even the black shadow and the rest of the gods disappeared in an instant. Even if they couldn't compete with the holy soldiers with the Taoist weapon, they would definitely face a tragic collision if they really collided. end!

Click!However, just when everyone was afraid, there was a cracking sound from the fairy phoenix, and then the fairy phoenix shattered and turned into light rain and sprinkled the world.

"It turned out to be a forbidden weapon!" The black figure in the distance was relieved when he saw this, and sneered.The so-called forbidden weapon is a magical weapon that can only be used once, it is difficult to survive forever in the world, and it has a certain timeliness!Then, several people revived the Dao weapon in their hands at the same time, and brought the supreme power to force them up again!

Rumble!The void trembled violently, and every strong man around them was supremely powerful. The blood in their bodies was like a tsunami, and the roar of mana was like volcanoes erupting. The world would tremble under their footsteps!

"Hmph! Five big demons, what a great handicraft of the Heavenly Demon Palace! Anyway, I have taken your lives from Nanyu!" At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, and then a middle-aged man in black armor People appear, standing beside the Tsing Yi old way!

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